The band of love – 3

After several delicious moments of her sucking my cock, Mia stood bending over with her hands on the bed, feet spread. “June once told me that his favorite way to fuck a woman is standing behind her like this. Is this how he fucks you mom? Is this one of your favorite ways too?” She asked. “How about you daddy? Did mom like it when you fucked her like this, from behind? Or does she like it some other way better?”

“Well she used to,” I said admittedly, remembering. But it had been a couple of years now since we’d done anything even so called out of the ordinary. I now stepped behind my daughter, cock in hand, running the tip lovingly up and down the wet juicy split of her pussy as I stood there looking down at her.

“Too bad June’s not here right now,” I told my wife. “If he were, might be interesting to watch him fucking you like this. Side-by-side, him inside your pussy, and me of course inside Mia’s.”

“Yeah, and maybe after a while, we could even switch!” Mia suggested. “I could finally find out what it would be like to fuck my own brother, and do that while my sweet naughty parents watched us, while we in turn got to watch them! Don’t you think that would be a super, hot, naughty mom? I certainly do!”

Admittedly Tomine’s eyes were wild. It was hard to tell if she was fit to be tied at seeing this, or what. I couldn’t help but wonder if we hadn’t indeed taken this too far, agreeing to Mia’s idea no longer seemed like a smart thing to do, though there was no use backing out now. I was committed, regardless of the consequences, or what happened afterwards. And so I decided to enjoy myself. At this point what did it really matter anyway?

“You see mom,” Mia began again. This is my version of the three R’s. Revenge, for doing what you yourself have been doing, for getting angry at me for fooling around with June, when you yourself have been doing the very same thing with your sister.

And then Randiness.. because boy am I! I am so fucking horny! Daddy’s cock feels so damn good inside me, though admittedly…I’d enjoy watching him fucking you too. But then I guess that’s up to you now isn’t it?” she asked, looking over towards her mother.

“And what was the other one again? Oh yes…and these,” she said standing up slightly, holding onto her own breasts, thumbing her nipples. “Having really…really, nice tits to play with. You know mom…I wouldn’t mind playing with yours too. Never really thought about doing that really,

but now suddenly…the thought of doing so is sort of turning me on. Wonder what your pussy would taste like?” she added. “Maybe if you and daddy patch everything up together, the two of us can eventually find out. Would you like that? Maybe Aunt Susan and I could both do you together, now wouldn’t that be fun!”

My daughter’s cunt was so slick and so juicy, you could hear the sounds of it as I slid in and out of her all the way across the room. Tomine no longer hung there trying to free herself as she had in the beginning. But she was fidgeting as she stood there, looking at us, her eyes still wide, but the shock of what she’d initially begun witnessing had taken on an entirely different look.

I had seen that look before. On our honeymoon.

Eventually Mia turned around. “You know, once…years and years ago now, I never told either one of you about this, but I woke up one night needing to pee really badly. And so I came out intending to use the bathroom, but then I heard voices coming from your bedroom.

Curious…I crept down the hall, I tried the doorknob, it wasn’t locked so I quietly opened it. And you know what I saw? I saw you mom…holding your tits around daddy’s cock, jerking him off with them. And I thought that looked so cool! So hot and fun! When was the last time you did that to him? For him?” she now asked her as she wrapped her own beautiful breasts around my cock.

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