The band of love – 3

“I see,” I said looking at her.

“Now what?” She asked worriedly.

“You remember the three R’s?” I asked.

“How could I not? I’ve been dealing with that very thing now for a very long time.”

“Then you know what one of those is…repercussions,” I reminded her. Her eyes grew wide with worry, showing more than just a little fear.

“What are you going to do?” She now asked.

When the door to the basement opened I was a little surprised, though glad to see that Mia had at least put something on, though it wasn’t much. She’d managed to find a pair of panties at least, and not one of her thongs from the clean clothes still in the drier, along with a wife-beater tee shirt, though she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were clearly in evidence beneath it, but as alarmed as her mom was when she entered, I’m not sure she even knew.

“I think the only fair thing here mother…is for daddy to now fuck me,” she said staring at her, seeing the look of total disbelief in her mother’s face when she said that.

“You can’t be serious!” She said looking first at Mia, then back at me as though expecting to see me side with her. Obviously, Mia was giving me…giving us an excuse. At the moment, it seemed like a good idea, at least until later when maybe I’d actually come clean myself after things had settled down again. If they ever did. But before I could comment, Mia continued.

“Well the way I see it mother…you’ve been fucking my twin brother, which is bad enough. But then you admittedly state you’ve been fooling around with your own sister, and that it’s not the first time either. Which I think is pretty fucking hypocritical of you, since you made such a big scene out of walking in and seeing June and I watching one another masturbate.

And that’s all we’d ever done! We’ve never even once touched one another, and yet…you go off on the two of us as though we’re both a couple of perverted misfits or something. And here you are…sucking cunt with your sister!”

Once again, this was news to me. Tomine had never told me she’d walked in on the two of them. Though now to some extent anyway, I could better understand why Mia was so upset with her mother for all of this, especially now. And I actually felt a bit sorry for my wife too. She looked totally confused, bewildered, though so was I at this point.

“Tom? Give me a moment alone with Mia if you would please,” I asked her. “I’ll come upstairs to our bedroom after that, and see where we take things from there.”

Without another word my wife left and quickly headed upstairs to our room. I waited until she was well out of earshot before turning back towards Mia.

“Number one…what’s all this about you and your brother? Number two…I know why you said what you said…and I appreciate that. But…we can’t let this become the excuse or the reason for that now can we?”

“And why not?” She grinned a bit more wickedly than I would have liked. “It’s the perfect opportunity. But even more importantly daddy, it’s also a chance to put this family back together again. Maybe on a little different ground than we’ve all been traveling, but…think about it, it will level the playing field for everyone after this. And to answer your other question. Weren’t you ever curious about your sister when you were growing up?”

I had been yes…and like most siblings we’d had a few run-ins with one another, but unlike what I was now learning, Kathy and I had never actually done anything.

“What’s your point?”

“My point is this. Do you still love mom?”

That was easy, I still did yes, and said so.

“Well then, like I said…maybe things will be a bit different around here after this, but…it’s obvious mom enjoys fucking June. And I enjoy fucking you daddy,” she said batting her eyes at me. “And I don’t have any intentions of stopping now either. So…the way I see it,

if we’re to keep this family together, and get through this together, it only makes sense and stands to reason that we just accept what we all do. And the truth is, now that June and I are both adults, and able to decide what’s right or wrong for ourselves, I think it’s only a matter of time before he and I sleep together.”

“Jesus Mia,” I said, shaking my head. “I need to think about all this,” I told her.

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