The band of love – 2

I now sat, continuing to slow-stroke my prick. Admittedly, it seemed damn fucking hard. Sitting there watching my daughter as she now turned her undressing into a bit of a strip-tease made it even more so. Stacy took her time removing her short, black, skirt. I didn’t mind though, it was sexy as hell.

And I had to admit, I was now getting into it, watching my daughter strip, the TV behind her now no more than a distant memory. Adding a bit of erotic naughty sound perhaps to her strip-tease, as well as just enough lighting to see by. And then, she stood in nothing more than a black thong, similar to the white one I had seen her wearing while bent over looking into the refrigerator.

She pulled it tight, clasping her hands around the waistband synching it up. As she did that, she effectively forced the material to split her pussy-lips apart. In the next instant, they seemed to ooze around from the sides, once again red, swollen and almost angry looking. She moaned, now letting go of the material though it remained tightly tucked between her split, and then pulling on it again. I knew then she was using the material of her own thong to tease herself with.

“Oh fuck, fuck!” She moaned hotly looking over towards me as I continued fisting my cock, still slowly working it up and down, though now I had added the added stimulus of smearing some precum fuck juice around my hard shiny helmet.

“God!” I moaned back at her in return, watching as she now began teasing one of her thick long hard nipples with one hand. The other, more directly now caressing her still hidden clit as she pressed her fingers against the outside of the material of her thong pleasuring herself.

“I want to see you spunk it daddy. I want to watch you spunk it for me, jerk it off…squirt your juice, shoot your wad. Whatever you want to call it. I want to see you cum!”

My hand was now flying up and down my shaft like a jackhammer. Even as I did that however, she walked over, still rubbing herself, playing with her tits. She got close enough to put her hand on the back of my head, forcing me to lean over.

“Lick it! Lick my clitty through my panties,” she told me hotly. I did so. I could smell her heat, and even through the material of her black thong, I could taste her juices as they smeared her tiny wisp of black material, just barely separating my tongue from the hard little knot I was now trying to suck. “That’s it! Suck it daddy! Suck it! Eat my pussy…taste my creamy wet fucking cunt!”

I was delirious with desire, like a madman I buried my face between her legs, trying desperately to somehow chew a hole through her thong just so I could finally wrap my mouth around her clit. But I was also hovering on the edge now too. I had purposely slowed my stroking, but already I could feel the sensation as my balls tightened, threatening to release the semen that had now built up like a seething volcano about to erupt.

“You ready? You ready to squirt daddy? Ready to show me all that hot sweet delicious cum cream? Where would you like to squirt it daddy? On my tits? My pussy, my face? How about here daddy? How about right here…right on my tight hot little ass!”

Stacy turned then, forcing my face away from her crotch, though just in the nick of time too. As she did that, I felt the first powerful discharge of my spunk racing up the length of my shaft. As Stacy bent over, now wiggling her ass almost in my face, I stood. I looked down, the tip of my prick now nudged against the crack of my daughter’s ass. She reached behind, spreading herself. I now saw the thin strip of black material as it parted the seas of her ass. Her pussy glistening, her own juices now adhering and clinging to the thin strip of material.

Her cute little starfish beckoned to me. I placed the tip of my prick against it, and then watched as her ass was suddenly enveloped in a white sticky discharge that completely obliterated her opening, not to mention filling her split as though I was using calk to do it with, other than sperm.

And even as I did that, Stacy too came. She had slipped her fingers inside the opening of her pussy, grasping her hard little clit between two fingers, working it, pulling it…jerking herself off. She cried out as did I. Still spunking her holes, both of them. Massive spurts of my cock continued, even surprising me as I bathed her in a shower of white hot sticky cum that now began running down both sides of her legs. Finally, weak in the knees, I stumbled back to my chair collapsing within it.

Stacy now stood, once again facing me, her hands still continuing to fondle her cunt even though she’d barely only moments ago clinTon ed. She turned then, looking over her shoulder towards me. She literally slithered onto the couch like a snake, now lying on her back, her legs again spread bent at the knee. She began fingering her clit once more, eyeing me…looking at me.

“Take your time daddy. Enjoy the show. Though whenever you’re ready, I have a nice hot…juicy sweet cunt just waiting for you to come over here and begin licking!”

My cock hadn’t even gone down. Not one iota. I stood up and followed it across the room towards her. She scooted backwards on the couch making room, settling her head a bit more comfortably against the armrest of the couch. I spread her legs even wider with my hands. My eyes are feasting on the delicacy before me. Her own white frothy cream had saturated her thong, hints of which even now coated her lips.

I yanked her thong down and away from her, revealing my daughter’s pussy in all its glory. I grinned, I drank from her essence, and then buried my tongue as deeply inside her as I possibly could.

Stacy cried out, her pleasure too intense, too delightful not to. And for the first time, I found myself actually agreeing with her. At that moment, Thomas, Susan, hell…her entire family could have come down the stairs and seen me eating my daughter’s cunt. And I would have cared less if they had! It wasn’t long after that that I was once again plowing into my daughter’s cunt. This time…while I stood up above her on the couch, and as she literally slid off of it in order to stand on her head.


Neither one of us heard the door to the upstairs room leading into the kitchen quietly close again.


I rolled over in bed, opening my eyes. Sure enough, Thomas was already up, the sounds of the shower inside the bathroom. I slid out of bed and in bare feet walked over to the closed door trying it. Sure enough, it was locked, and I desperately needed to pee. I thought about knocking, and then realized how futile an effort that would be. With no other choice before me, I tossed on my cum-stained robe, and headed back down the stairs towards the guest bathroom. I nearly ran into June when doing so. He looked at me sort of sheepishly at first.

“Morning dad.”

“Morning son,” I told him. “Sleep well?”

“Yeah…you?” He asked with a somewhat curious look. It was then that I realized I’d been whistling. “How long had it been since I’d actually done that?” I asked myself. No wonder he’d looked at me that way.

“Fine, thanks!” I responded and quit whistling. “Mom’s using the upstairs bathroom,” I then offered, though why I thought it was necessary to do so I didn’t know. I think partially due to my sudden nervousness for one thing, realizing I was acting a bit more happy than usual. Though it was too late to suddenly revert back to the way I had been acting too without rousing even more suspicion.

I quickly stepped around him and stepped inside, closing the door, leaning against it. “Get a grip on yourself!” I started in a hushed whisper. But even then I was remembering the night before. The softness of Stacy’s pussy as I finally slipped inside her, she…standing on her head, me…standing on the couch, angling my rock hard cock down into my daughter’s cunt where I fucked her into oblivion. “God…good thing nobody saw me doing that!” I told myself.

I was whistling again as I stood over the toilet trying to pee. Problem was…I once again had an erection. I closed my eyes, my hand beginning to work its magic on my dick as I stood there. I figured, “why not?” I wasn’t in any big hurry to go anywhere, that’s for sure! And secondly, not that Thomas would care anyway. She was already getting dressed in preparation for going off to the “gym”, I thought. “Or was that Jim?” I actually chuckled, not really caring any more.

I stood watching my cum curdle in the water of the toilet bowl minutes later. I then chased it around inside as I peed, laughing to myself. When I re-emerged from the bathroom, I headed off towards the kitchen rather than heading back upstairs to the bedroom. To my surprise, Thomas was already there, just having poured herself a cup of coffee, her hair still wet, though she wore it short now, and knew it would dry quickly.

“Heading off soon?” I asked, actually smiling at her, which surprised her a little I think.

“Yeah, thought I might go in a little early, get in a bit more of a workout than normally,” she responded.

“I bet,” I said to myself, merely nodding my head. Commotion behind now drawing both my, as well as my wife’s attention. Stacy entered the kitchen area carrying a load of clothing to be washed. She was headed downstairs. Normally a fairly common and somewhat expected occurrence, until she passed us both by. She didn’t have a stitch of clothing on, though thank god the basket of laundry covered everything else up except for her bare ass.

“Judas Priest Stacy!” Thomas spat. “What the hell are you doing anyway?”

She stopped mid stride looking over her shoulder back towards us.

“I’m doing the laundry? Why?” she asked.

Maybe I was wrong after all. Maybe the other shoe hadn’t fallen when I thought it did. Or at least not as hard or as loud as it did now.

“You know better than to parade around the house looking like that…especially in front of your own father!”

“Oh really? Then why is it mom, that just last week I saw you doing the very same thing in front of June? Didn’t seem to bother you too much. Though I will say…it certainly seemed to bother June a little. Or should I say excited him instead?” she now asked.

She then turned and headed down the stairs with her laundry, leaving her mother and I to stand there staring at one another.


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