The band of love – 2

Both Thursday and Friday came and went without further incidents, though that was partially due to work, school schedules and the like. Both June as well as Stacy had part-time jobs, so that left the evenings alone for both Tom and I. As usual, we sat silently through dinner, and then watching TV. After the news, as was typical of late, Thomas excused herself and wandered upstairs to bed. As was also usual for me, I remained behind watching the Tonight Show, though my thoughts were elsewhere.

I had indeed fucked my daughter again. Twice later on that night downstairs in my den. I had already determined that the mistake had been made, “So might as well enjoy it since I have,” I had thought. Reality would sink in soon enough the following day, after which, I’d put my foot down and not allow things to get out of hand again the way that they had.

But I couldn’t help sitting there remembering either. Stacy had the silkiest, slickest, creamy-good pussy I’d ever fucked before. She had indeed spread herself out down on the couch, one leg propped up on the back rest, the other wrapped around my torso as I drove into her repeatedly. I had literally fucked her three-ways to Sunday, and then back again. We had ended the evening with me going down on my daughter, licking that sweet tasting pussy of hers, sucking the juice out of her cunt until she exploded with an ear-shattering clinTon that for a moment I thought might burst out the windows.

Like a rag doll, I had carried her upstairs afterwards to her bedroom and slipped her into bed, tucking her in just like I used to do when she was little. She had the same beautiful smile on her face that I remembered seeing back then. As I started to stand up again, Stacy threw her arm around my neck, drawing me back down, giving me an affectionate kiss. Though this too was a bit more intimate than I had ever shared with her.

“Good night daddy. Sweet dreams. I know I will!”

And with that, I turned around, still naked…and walked from her room.

I had of course been a bit nervous, and agitated the following day. I was worried about what Stacy might do or say, though I had pleaded with her to do nothing and let me eventually handle it. Reluctantly she had promised…not to “say” anything as she put it. But that was as far as she was willing to go.

I knew my daughter, however. So it was like waiting for the other shoe to drop. I knew that eventually in time…it would. But until then, all I could do was hope, and think about what I was soon going to have to do about all this.

The first thing however was to put out the small fire I had started at work. I had a much bigger fire at home to deal with now, and I didn’t need to spread myself thin trying to deal with all the additional stress. Needless to say, Brenda wasn’t too happy when I told her that I was sorry…but that I had had a moment of weakness, and that it just wasn’t a good idea for the two of us to continue on the way we had been.

I found myself missing our emails that afternoon as well as the following day. But, it was for the best under the circumstances.

Friday night I had climbed the stairs up to our bedroom. As was usually the case by now, Tom was laying on her side facing away from my side of the bed. And as she’d begun doing a while back, I also noticed she was again wearing a pair of pajamas, something she didn’t used to do, sleeping naked even during the winter months.

I stood there looking down at her, watching her breathe, wondering if she was in fact really asleep. A few months back I had found myself standing here just like I was now. Only then Thomas still slept naked, even though we hadn’t done much of anything for several weeks now. I was horny, though I’d approached her earlier in the evening, receiving a “Not tonight Brad, I’m too tired,” response from her.

So…there I stood, looking down at my sexy wife, horny…cock in hand. I had carefully pulled back the covers in an effort not to wake her. Standing there staring down at her body. Unlike now however, she had slept on the opposite side of the bed from where she slept now. I stood there admiring her body, her smaller, but still wonderfully beautiful tits. I stood stroking my cock, jerking off, enjoying at least the pleasure of seeing my wife.

I guess the coolness of the night air, even though it was summer time, had gradually woken her. With a start, she opened her eyes, saw me standing next to the bed jacking off.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She had asked me.

It was shortly after that, Thomas had started wearing pajamas to bed. I hadn’t seen her totally naked again since.

And…I was horny again. Images of my daughter still haunted my thoughts. As much as I had chastised myself for what had happened, the vows I’d already made to myself so that they wouldn’t happen again, still didn’t take away the delicious, sensual memories I now had. Mixed in with those, the past passionate times I had also enjoyed with my wife.

But I wasn’t about to stand there and make the same mistake I’d previously made either.

“Fuck this!” I said to myself silently, and then just as quietly, slipped into the bathroom to undress, throwing on my bathrobe, and then from there heading back down the stairs towards the den.


As an afterthought, I had grabbed the bottle of baby-oil from beneath the bathroom sink, taking it with me downstairs. Rather than shuffle through the few porn movies I had been looking for one to immerse myself in, I turned on the TV, selected a cable channel that I knew would be showing hot erotic movies. I needed something I could lose myself in, something I could sit there and look at, enjoy a much needed jerk off, and then hopefully after that, be relaxed enough to go to sleep.

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