Strange pleasure in summer – 02

This Story is part of Strange pleasure in summer Series

Read Strange pleasure in summer part 1 in this link.

“I’m going to fuck ‘Tanya’s’ tits raw, then come all over her uppity face. See if I can’t squirt some of my juice into her hot mouth,” I grunted, fucking those titties hard enough to rock the bed.

“Fuck,” was Jim’s brief answer.

I didn’t need his encouragement. Her tits felt amazing. I kind of wished I had a set of dual ended close pins I could attach one end to each swollen nipple, holding those big fat boobs together. I played with holding one nipple between my thumb and forefinger, and the other between my pinky and ring fever, but no matter how hard I tried to squeeze, one boob or the other would eventually pop free.

No, I found the best way was just to grab them both by the side and smoosh them together, trying to get the nipples to touch. A couple of minutes more of that action, along with an added squirt of lube, and I could feel my need peaking.

I held out as long as I could, and at the last possible moment I pulled free, kneeled upright and painted that gorgeous face like Picasso. I was coming like a fire hose. Ok, it felt like a fire hose, the output might have been more in line with that pump lube. Half a dozen streaks of cum across her face, and I was gasping for air.

Damn! Janet Mallory was wearing my cum like a champ. I couldn’t let this opportunity go. I went for my pants and found my cell-phone. Thank you Steve Jobs. A little while later I had a dozen or more pictures to last me a lifetime.

“Shit, Alan. Don’t do that,” Jim whined.

“Don’t worry about it. Nobody but me will ever see these. It would be a crime not to record some of this.”

“If those ever get out…”

“I’d be an idiot. Ruin the best thing that ever happened to me. Happened to us? I’m not going to fuck this up. Think I want to jeopardize being around for the next time “Tanya” needs some love? Or the next time. Or the next?”

“Next time?”

“Don’t worry about that. Just enjoy the moment dude. Enjoy the moment. There’s a sexy naked woman in front of you, and you’ve got to carpe diem.”

Putting the camera phone aside, I sat down near Janet’s head, and reached out to her face. My cum was dripping down her cheeks; no need for that.

I scooped up a stream of cum, pulled her chin down to open her mouth, and slid my finger between her lips.

Apparently, Jim didn’t like that idea. “Don’t. Not like that.”

“Relax. She likes it, watch her suck my finger.”

It took a minute or so, but I had her face almost completely clean. And Jim gave up on his whining for the moment. I closed her mouth for her, imagining her savoring my taste.

A quick step into the bathroom and I had a clean moist facecloth I used to clean her up a bit. I guess some guys like a messy woman, but she was just too beautiful to sully. Long dark hair, perfect little nose, big green eyes, which unfortunately I couldn’t see at the moment.

Plus, I was doing Jim a favor, cleaning up her breasts. I figured he’d be back on those any minute, and he didn’t need to be playing in my juices. Not cool.

After cleaning her face, I had to study it. So fucking pretty. And that hot mouth. Perfect mouth. God, I wanted that mouth.

I tilted her head to the side, and once again pulled her chin down. A perfect match. My cock slid between her lips, brushing against those perfectly aligned teeth which could smile so prettily. I could push in a couple of inches before I hit the back. Good enough for me.

I stroked her soft hair, while I let her suck me. Alright, suck may not be the right word, but my cock was in her mouth, and I was loving it. It only took a few moments for me to be as hard as ever, sliding in and out between those sexy lips.

Jim had laid down next to her, opposite me, and was just caressing her, touching her, kissing her skin. When he saw what I was up to, he had to intercede again.

“Please Alan. Leave her face and mouth alone, Ok? You have her whole body to play with right?”

“Right. You want her to yourself. You want to fuck Tanya’s face yourself.”

His voice was soft. “It’s not Tanya, it’s my Mom. You don’t have to do that to her.”

He was wrong. I did have to do that. I couldn’t stop myself.

A few times it felt like she was getting into it. Maybe it was my imagination, but for a while I know I felt suction. Even unconscious, she was a sex goddess. Looking to my side, Jim’s head was laying on his mother’s chest, eyes tightly closed, a nipple between his lips, while he sucked away. If he kept it up, she was going to have hickeys.

I stroked my cock with my hand, while I fed it to her. “Like that, baby? Like my big cock in your saucy, hot mouth. Yeah, I know you do. Suck me. Suck me just like that. You know you’ve always wanted to.”

No doubt about it. She wanted me.

I guess I fucked her face a little too hard. She gagged and coughed, and when I quickly pulled out she turned away, back in abonyville, after one last little cough. I froze. Had I gone too far? I watched her intently, but that little moment of semi-consciousness was over.

That was Ok. Her mouth was great, but something even better awaited.

I moved down between her legs, and opened them wide. She’d been pretty juicy when I’d had my face down there earlier. Shouldn’t be a problem.

I thought better of my actions and got the lube, just to be safe. A couple of pumps later and I was slippery as sin. I opened her up with my fingers, and guided the head between her dark lips, into that great pink unknown.

I wanted to savor every moment of this. Nudging my cock back and forth, spreading her legs as wide as I could, watching the slow progress, feeling her tightness around my cockhead, both fighting and welcoming me. A couple of inches into her, the pressure on the head eased and I gave a slow push, forcing half my length into her tight pussy.

Old Jim just couldn’t let it be. “Be gentle with her, Ok?”

I wanted to slap him. Tell him to man up and grow a set. But then I remembered it WAS his Mom. Who the hell knows what it’d be like if it was my Mom. Eeeew. “I’ll take good care of her. She’s precious.”

I pulled back and shoved harder, until I was buried to the root. Damn! The woman had pushed a kid out of that slot, and I felt like she could snap my cock off with one good squeeze. She was at least as tight as any girl I’d ever done, except maybe Traci, who I couldn’t even really get it into. It was like somebody had glued that teaser’s twat shut. I did fit the head all the way in with her, and she let me rub my cock against it until I came, so I still counted her among the five.

Six, now.

Janet was so much better. She had experience. She was beautiful. She didn’t complain or judge me, and I was betting she wouldn’t be bitching if I didn’t call her the next day. Such a sweet little pussy on such a perfect woman.

I tried a few different leg positions, and found that putting her ankles over my shoulders, and leaning forward offered the best solution. It kept her tight and accessible. And I could really pound into her.

I don’t know if it was the pill or the situation, or even who I was with, but I felt harder and bigger than I ever had in my life. It’s like my cock was a titanium rod. I’m pretty good sized to start with. I’ve measured myself at a little over 7 glorious inches, but I swear, looking down at that fat shaft disappearing into my dream woman, it looked like it was a fucking full 9 inches, and so thick it drew her lips after it on each outstroke. I was an animal, a fucking porn God, at least for the night.

I tore my eyes off of where I was putting it to her long enough to check out what silent Jim was up to. He was still lying sideways on the bed, and I could see he’d covered up his mother’s face again. He was facing me, and alternating licks and sucks on his Mom’s poor abused titties. I bet they’d be sore in the morning. Or afternoon, whenever she woke up.

He was definitely watching me, and if I do say so, I was putting on a hell of a show.

I pulled her legs off my shoulders, grabbed behind her knees and pushed her legs back almost to her tits. Nice and flexible for an older woman. All that Pilates shit. I leaned over Janet, sweet loving Janet, and gave her what she needed. I pounded that pussy. As out of it as she was, it sounded like she whimpered. Sweet.

“I’m fucking her, Jim. I’m fucking the shit out of Tanya. She’s amazing, absolutely fucking amazing.”

“Don’t hurt her,” he said cautiously.

“Hurt her? I’d never hurt her. I love her, Jim. I love her so damned much. I should fucking die right now. I’ll never be this happy or feel this good again.”

I eased off and stroked her. “She loves it too. Look at that pussy, clinging to my cock. Look how wet it is. She’s getting off on this. She needs this. She needs a big fat cock like mine.”

The need to come swept over me like a tidal wave, unexpected and huge. I let go of her legs, leaned over and sank my cock as far into her as I could, unloading a steamy torrent of juice. I looked up to see how she was taking it, peering over Jim’s voyeuristic head. Janet’s face was tilted to the side. She looked like she was biting her lower lip. Was she enjoying this, somewhere deep down in her subconscious, which was alive to everything I did to her? I sensed I was getting to her.

Strange pleasure in summer – 02 will continue in the next page.

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