She is my time – 2

This Story is part of She Is Me Series

“God she’s tight!” Mila said, looking down, backing out just a little, and then pressing inwards again, gaining a bit more depth as she did. “Even for as wet as she is,” she now added to that.

“And thank god for that!” I thought to myself, just as Thomas reached beneath me, her fingers seeking, and then finding my clit, which had all but disappeared from fright. The moment she captured it however, caressing and teasing me that way, it was as though she had found the key to the door, unlocking it, opening. I felt Mila push, and then all at once, sliding in…sliding through, hilting herself fully into the very depths of my welcoming pussy. I saw stars. Even in this, I felt sensations that were again and at once unknown to me.

The fullness of this, yet the indescribable completeness that I felt in the overall joining. A thousand tiny pinpricks of pure unadulterated delight as nerve endings seemed to all come alive at once. Each one sparking in a unique way that sent pleasure signals streaming into the nub of control…the same clit that Thomas held, still caressed, and thus triggered returning signals back into the surrounding tissue of my lust inflamed cunt. With a voice that sounded neither like Maria’s nor my own…I heard myself saying:

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Oh god…fuck me!” I actually cried out, hearing words I had never spoken, never thought I would, and meaning every one of them as I cried them out over, and over, and over again.


The orgasm I had again experienced was yet again unlike any of the others that I had had. It felt oddly deeper, not quite as intense perhaps as when having my clit sucked or licked, and yet it was almost more pleasurable even then. I had bucked, fucking back wildly as Mila thrust in and out of me. I was almost grateful when Thomas finally had to let go of my clit, no longer able to hold onto it.

That had been almost too much when she had been. I could feel, and then hear the juices from my pussy as they gathered and accumulated there inside me, feeling them as well of course. They became frothy sounding, as though Mila was churning or making butter in me, which in a sense she was…and did as I came once more, even deeper this time, the sound of my own voice ricocheting off the walls.

She was crying out too at this point, somehow, someway triggering the release of her own climax, and then oddly…feeling this surge of fluid, this spurting, this splash, squirt, splash of fluid that began filling and bathing the insides of my spastic, clenching, squeezing cunt.

She collapsed on top of me shortly after that, breathing hard just as I was, trying to collect myself, and yet re-running an old movie inside my head of a similar experience. Only in this one, it had been I who had collapsed, pressing against the sweat-covered body of the lover I had once known and been with in much a similar fashion with.

“Enjoy that?” Mila asked, finally raising up a little, though not yet retrieving the hard prick still fully lodged inside the depths of my womb. “Like the little squirts I gave you? Sort of interesting huh?” She asked. “Obviously you can adjust them to do it several different ways, but I like the quick hard spurts the best, you can actually feel them better when they’re going off inside you like that.

I don’t know how realistic they actually are, as I’ve never been fucked by a man before, though Thomas certainly has. She’s always admittedly been a bit more bi-sexual, than totally gay, unlike myself. But…she says that it feels pretty realistic to her as well. So, what did you think? Did you like it? Did it feel good?”

I had barely even found a voice, finally disengaging, sitting up, “It was wonderful,” I said simply, not knowing what else to say, though confessing to them even as I said that, surprising them both when I then added. “That was…my very first time.”

“Jesus, you’re seriously not telling me…you were a virgin? I mean obviously, you’ve had something in there before, but you’re saying that you’ve never…”

I know it sounded stupid, unbelievable, but it was the truth, in a way at least. So I decided not to elaborate too much on it. “No one has actually ever fucked me before no. Yeah, sure…I’ve had things inside me, vibrators and such,” I lied, not knowing for sure, but guessing of course that she must have. “But that honestly was the first time that I wasn’t doing it myself.”

“Holy shit!” Mila said sitting back surprised and likewise delighted at this admission. “My first ever real virgin!” She paused then looking at me, asking. “So Maria, are you telling us that you are gay then? Is that why you’ve never been with a man before?”

I had painted myself into a bit of a corner here. Not quite sure how to accurately, or reasonably answer that. “Not saying I’m a lesbian no. I’ve certainly fondled and played with a cock before,” I grinned. “Plenty of times in fact,” I smiled a bit more. “Just never felt comfortable having one in me is all.”

Mila nodded her head in understanding, though I’m not sure I even understood what I’d just said. She and Thomas both looked more than a bit pleased with themselves though, upon hearing my revelation, and then asking me. “So…how do you feel about fucking one of us?” Thomas now asked. I smiled, eyeing them both.

“I can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing…than fucking the two of you.” And that was the god’s honest truth too. I just wouldn’t be doing it as Howard. “So…tell me, how do you make the balls on this thing do that anyway?”


Before actually putting on the girls strap-on, and fucking them myself, there was one other thing I had enjoyed seeing, though so far…only in movies, never for real. The temptation and opportunity now are too real, too close not to ask for it.

“There is one thing I would like to see first. And then maybe do it myself, if I can ask it.”

“Name it,” Thomas giggled, already positioned there on the bed, looking sultry, still horny and in desperate need of a good hard climax herself now.

“I’ve never actually seen it done. Only in movies,” I began explaining. “But it looks hot as hell to see it, so I was wondering if it feels as good as it actually looks. Though like I said, I’d like to see the two of you doing it first, before actually trying it myself if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Just spill it baby, whatever you want…I think we’ll be more than happy to accommodate you,” Mila laughed. “So don’t be shy…what is it?”

“Do you guys ever…you know, sort of hump one another in what looks to be almost like a scissors lock? You know…where you press up against one another, and put your…”

Thomas burst out laughing. “Oh baby! Hell yes! We do that all the time, it’s one of the favorite ways that we actually do enjoy fucking one another. In fact, sometimes this clit of mine gets so hard and so big, Mila swears that I could actually fuck her with it. So…you want to see us do that huh?” She once again asked winking at Mila, holding her hand out towards her. “Come here baby…come fuck me, let’s show Maria here how two lesbians actually enjoy doing that.”

I actually preferred to stand next to the bed as opposed to being on it with the two of them. I wanted to see this, watch this from every angle, hear every sound they made as they ground and rubbed their respective cunts against one another. Within minutes, I stood there watching the two of them doing just that. Well practiced obviously, and so in tune with one another, they were soon hooked up, legs overlapping one another, pussy lips kissing, pressing, mashing and grinding against one another.

And the slick, slippery sounds they were making were music to my ears, so hot…so erotic, that I soon found myself finger-fucking my own cunt, emulating the two of them in thought and sound. I could hear the flood of my own juices pouring forth, pummeling my cunt…Maria’s cunt, sliding them in and out of myself in harmony with what I stood witnessing there on the bed.

“Look at this fucker!” Mila called out to me, motioning me over towards them. “Look how hard her fucking clit actually does get!” She exclaimed. They slowed long enough for Thomas to reach down, spreading herself. Her hard clit, enormously hard, and far bigger than my own, or Mila’s for damn sure, indeed appeared and looked like a third or even a half of my pinky finger. It was pink, glistening, fully erect, and almost obscene in appearance. And I could very well imagine it…imagine her, actually fucking me with it.

“Come here,” Thomas half begged me. “Suck it…suck it and lick it for me,” she asked. “Give me…a blow job.”

That wasn’t exactly what I had on my mind when I leaned forward, but I did indeed begin sucking and licking it, her thick hard little clitoris standing up proudly as Mila once again pressed herself against her lover, grinding her own slick glistening pussy against Thomas’s. And me…being in such close proximity with the two of them now, once more enjoying the intoxicating aroma of their aroused sex, the sweet taste of Thomas’s’ cunt, the strength and surprising firmness of this pinky-sized clit that I now mouthed and devoured.

“And get ready for yet another surprise,” Mila now warned me. “You’re really gonna love this!”

It wasn’t long before Thomas was moaning and groaning so loudly that it was obvious she was hovering on the edge.

“You might wanna step back just a little,” Mila laughed. Reluctantly I did so…though curious. Thomas immediately fingering and palming herself now, almost fiercely the moment I took my mouth off that amazing clit of hers. She almost appeared to be spanking it in a way, harder than I would have to myself most certainly. Though I didn’t have a whole lot of experience in that particular area as it was.

Just then, Thomas sort of seized up, arching her back as though in suspended animation for a moment.

“Thar she blows!” Mila said, partially sitting up now as well, just as this fountain, this geyser, this stream of what looked almost like pee, came flying out of Thomas’s cunt. It wasn’t though…it was clear, not quite watery, slicker…thicker, and spurted, stopped, spurted again in pulsating little squirts as she ejaculated. Amazingly, it arched far enough, easily so…splashing against Mila, almost drenching her.

She sat, mouth open, actually trying to capture some of it, waving at me, telling me as she did that, to come over and join her. I hurriedly did so, just in time to catch and share the next streamer of Thomas’s pussy juice that squirted out of her cunt, and cascaded down, bathing the two of us.


“That’s the only real drawback,” Mila stated a short time later as we quickly stripped off the sheets on the bed. “Which is why we also have quite a supply of clean sheets on hand,” she giggled though Thomas was actually blushing a little with embarrassment.

“Sorry…can’t help it, especially whenever I get THAT horny and aroused,” she defended.

“No reason to be sorry,” I assured her. “That was…simply, amazing!”

“Yeah, it IS amazing isn’t it?” Mila said, kissing her lover affectionately. “And she tastes fucking good too doesn’t she?”

Admittedly, she did. Though I had almost been expecting a pee-like taste, which it didn’t at all.

“How do you do that anyway?” I had to ask.

“I don’t really know, it’s kind of hard to explain it. And I don’t do that every time I come either. Just depends on what I’m doing, and how I’m doing it for one. But the quick hand-slapping thing I do against my clit really seems to trigger that for some reason, so I always know I’m going to squirt like that, when I do it that way.”

“Well, that was fucking fun to see…even if we did mess up the bed,” I giggled back, now joining in.

As much as I had enjoyed the evening, however, it was getting late. And I had a lot that I needed to do in the morning. Retrieving my luggage…”Maria’s luggage,” I corrected myself, realizing as I thought that, I was in a way losing myself in her identity. A slightly troubling thought. And…I also wanted to drop by the hospital to check on myself too. Another still troubling and confusing thought. I still hadn’t figured out yet what might happen, what inevitably would happen when I eventually did come out of my coma.

I’d be spending a good portion of the day tomorrow…researching things on the Internet. There had to be something…some hint, some clue, some sort of similar experience, no matter how far-fetched, or unlikely it seemed, that someone else had also experienced. I couldn’t be the ONLY person this had ever happened to now…could I?

To be continued…

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