Revenge is sweeter when done slowly – 03

“That’s it. Now hump me baby, grind away. Smear that sticky sweet cunt of yours against mine. Make my clitty cum, and don’t you dare fucking cum until I do either, or I won’t eat that pussy of yours later if you do.”

Kathy knew it was near torture for her, trying not to cum herself, all the while doing her level best to ensure that Kathy did. And eventually she did too. Her orgasm is intense, sweet, and electrifying, seeing the screwed up expression and struggle on Izabel’s face.

And then it was time for some tenderness. And she knew as she did that, that Izabel’ was now putty in her hands.


Kathy knew how much Izabel enjoyed having her nipples played with while she was being eaten. And as such, she gently pulled, twisted, or even tapped them, occasionally molding them with her hands as her lips teased, sucked, and her tongue flicked and licked in conjunction with that. Izabel was soon delirious with rapture and desire, begging for release.

Kathy let her come twice, and then forced her against her own will into a third, though she succumbed to that even more intensely than the previous two.

“Oh my god Samantha! You’re going to be the death of me, and I’m not kidding either. Being with you, well…it’s beyond anything I’ve ever known before.”

“Man or woman?” Kathy tossed.

“Man or woman,” Izabel’ acknowledged, finally collapsing fully onto the bed again, though Kathy had stood to dress.

“You really have to go so soon? We have the room all night you know.”

“Sorry yes, I need to go,” Kathy stated without further explanation. “But…”


“I’d enjoy doing this again next week. Shall we say Friday again? Same place, same time?” Kathy saw the worried hesitation and knew there was some sort of conflict perhaps. “Unless you’d rather not,” Kathy probed.

“Oh no, it’s not that…it’s just that,”

“Other plans? Someone else perhaps?” Kathy teased still slowly dressing, only then cupping her still bare breasts briefly before covering them up with her dress again.

“Friday. We’ll meet again on Friday.”

“Ok, but this time it’s my turn to treat. I’ll get the room and let you know which one to meet me in. No sense wasting time on dinner next time. I think there will be plenty to eat in the room, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Izabel quipped, rolling over onto her side, one hand actually down between her legs again. “I’m already looking forward to it.”

“I can see that,” Kathy smiled, looking down between the woman’s legs. “I’ll call you on Thursday then, and see you Friday, yes?”

“Yes!” Izabel moaned, her fingers already busy between her legs.


“You’re sure you know what you’re doing,” Susan wondered.

“I’m sure,” Kathy told her over the phone. “And besides, I really am having fun. She can lick pussy almost as good as you do,” Kathy teased.

“Flattery will get you everywhere, but unfortunately, unless Joyce says it’s ok…we’ll have to wait on that for a bit.”

“Yeah right,” Kathy laughed. “Joyce would never let you eat my pussy, or let me eat yours again either. She’d be too afraid that the two of us would like it too much, and want to do it again.”

“Well we wouldn’t we?” Susan continued teasing, though soon getting serious again. “Please babe…like I said, Just be careful about all this, it really could get ugly if you’re not careful.”

“Ugly is what I’m hoping for. Talk to you on Saturday, let me know how things went then.”


Kathy was actually looking forward to seeing Bruce on Monday. Normally she’d have sent over the attorney that handled things for her, and then signed off on the paperwork afterwards. But not this time. This had been one of the original property investments they’d initially gone in on together, while married. Completed now, after several years of reconstruction and improvements, they’d found a buyer who was more than willing to pay the asking price. Kathy felt this was actually worthwhile in meeting Bruce there to finalize the deal.

It hadn’t taken long, a quick walk through to go over any last minute problems or concerns, though there were none. Signed paperwork, with keys now in hand, the new owner went off to make preparations for moving himself in.

Kathy walked over to the bluff, a nice little spot that had a perfect unobstructed view of a magnificent meadow below. She and Bruce had once made love here on this very spot. She wondered if he was remembering that as she heard his footfalls in the soft grass as he approached her.

“Finally, didn’t we?” He asked, still approaching. And to her surprise as she turned, he held up a bottle of champagne, and two glasses. “Thought we could at least celebrate over a glass now that this one’s done,” he offered.

“At the very least over a glass of wine,” Kathy said, accepting hers. “Though once upon a time, we’d celebrate deals like this in other ways,” she said, leaving off the obvious, once more staring out over the trees towards the valley below, sipping her drink.

She felt Bruce stepping up beside her, likewise looking out, sipping on his own drink. “Yeah, I remember, and to be honest Kathy. I’m sorry, I really am sorry that things turned out the way that they did. There’s a lot of things I miss. Especially things like this, like today, and the way we used to celebrate a sale like this, and not just with champagne either.”

“You remember the first time we came up here to look over the old place? And how did we knew, even back then, that one day we’d be up here again, only selling it, not buying it this time?”

“I remember,” Bruce said softly. “It was right here in fact, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, there were a lot of firsts for us that day as I recall. It was the first time I’d ever sucked you off and let you cum in my mouth wasn’t it?”

Bruce laughed, remember. “Good god, you still remember that?”

“Well of course I do, I remember seeing the look in your eyes when you tried warning me off, and then realizing I had every intention of drinking down your cum when you came. As I recall, you said it was the best fucking blow-job of your entire life!”

“Still is…was,” Bruce amended, looking a bit sheepish.

“Oh come on now honey, don’t tell me that, that new sweet sexy wife of yours doesn’t enjoy sucking your cock.”

“Well no, of course she does. It’s just that, well…she doesn’t like, well…you know,”

“Drinking your spunk you mean? Swallowing the semen? What do you mean?”

“Jesus Kathy, you know damn well that’s exactly what I mean, but shit…I mean, hearing you…”

“Talking nasty you mean? Dirty? Filthy? I like doing that now Bruce. A lot has changed in me since we were together, I’ve learned a lot, experienced a lot…done a lot.

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