One penny for your ideas

” Now she was looking freaked out, but I continued. “Right now, right this very second, go tell your boss what I just told you. After that, call the cops…tell them what I said, what I heard this guy saying. Please Debbie, trust me…now do it!”

She immediately turned, walked over, whispered something to her boss, and then the two of them walked around into the back. I left more than enough money for my bill sitting there, and then calmly walked outside towards my car. I climbed in, and then sat, hoping and praying that she had done what I’d asked her to do. Less than five minutes later, two patrol cars pulled up in front. Two officers got out, walked in as though stopping for something to eat, perhaps as two more patrol cars pulled up behind the building, officers getting out of their cars with guns drawn.

Ten minutes later, the two who had gone in came back out. The guy with them, hands behind his back, handcuffed, looking bewildered as hell.

Unfortunately, the last thing I needed was for anyone to be asking me any questions. So I left, returning the very next day however. Debbie wasn’t working, hadn’t come in…taking the day off according to another waitress that worked there. I asked her what had happened the previous day. She told me they’d run the guy’s ID, his description etc. And found out in the process, there was a warrant out for him in another state. A warrant for suspected rape, after a positive test had come back on his DNA.

Unfortunately by then, he had fled the state. I managed a big sigh of relief. And knew then, what I could do could be beneficial. Not exactly a super-power if you will, nothing quite like that. I wasn’t quite ready to run around in some sort of a skintight suit with a cape or anything. But I was feeling pretty good about myself, and my ability to “flick my Bic” for the good of mankind perhaps. But then I also realized, I could use it for somewhat wicked, or possibly evil purposes too.

Decisions, decisions.


One thing I wasn’t was a cowboy wearing a white hat. Besides, I didn’t think that would go very well with a cape either by my way of thinking. Nor was I wearing a black one either. More gray really, somewhere in between perhaps. But enough so that I did at times certainly entertain specific thoughts. Don’t we all? And never anything that would ever hurt anyone, or ever force them into doing anything they didn’t want, or wouldn’t do under any circumstances. Still…it was fun to wonder at times.

It’s fun to occasionally listen in on someone’s thoughts, especially if I was lucky enough to catch someone, particularly someone attractive who was entertaining similar thoughts, even if it wasn’t about me. It was sort of like peeking through the proverbial keyhole, watching someone else having sex. Maybe it wasn’t me, but it was still exciting nevertheless.

I wasn’t a perv. Not in the real sense anyway. But I had again, quite by accident discovered that one of the best places to go, if there was the hope of picking up on someone’s naughty thoughts, was to sit there close to the fashionable, somewhat risqué lingerie stores. I waited until I saw someone that looked attractive to me, someone I’d enjoy sleeping with of course, or at the very least enjoy seeing naked.

Naturally, I couldn’t very well walk in and actually do that, nor would I. But I had learned to go in, browse as though I was looking for something for a girlfriend, or even a wife perhaps, even wearing what appeared to be a wedding ring, for just such an occasion as this. With luck, I’d see the woman picking out a few things to try on.

I’d wait until she’d selected a room, or if I was really lucky, I’d get close enough to drop one of my magic pennies in a bag or something, ensuring she’d then be taking it with her when she went inside one of the rooms to dress. Once, I’d had to resort to actually rolling a penny beneath the door, though that had worked well enough too. Once I felt that connection however, I more or less sat back. I’d even discovered that once a connection was made, I could hold onto it for a considerable distance.

Walking out of the store again, taking my seat once more, and listening in on every thought or emotion the person I had chosen was thinking. There were times it made for a very enjoyable afternoon.

I knew this particular woman was special for some reason, so I’d dumped every bit of my charge into the Penny I had dropped in another shopping bag as she went by. Now I sat listening in on her thoughts, juicy ones. Really naughty juicy, dirty ones as she stood there admiring herself, thinking about all the hot naughty sex she was planning on having later on that same evening.

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