One penny for your ideas

But I was only then starting to learn a lot more about myself anyway. A few months later, experiencing my first ever “nocturnal emission” as they were called. My first ever dirty, “wet-dream.” And with that, all kinds of things started to happen. Some of which at first, actually scared the hell out of me!


The first thing I did of course was run off to see Leo and ask him about what had happened. A year older than I was, I figured he had to know. And quite naturally he did, explaining it to me, but then taking it up to the next level even, which is when I learned what masturbation was. And it was later, while practicing that, that I found myself aroused, excited. And low and behold, the spark came back.

Just like that. I felt the little tingle just between my fingers, though at the time, it was between my fingers and something else when it happened again. But there it was, which is when I started calling it, flicking my Bic, which was a term the guys were using for doing something else entirely. But I knew now it was arousal and excitement that brought it about. I wondered then about Penny. So I found one, tried it…and sure enough, it worked on it too. So it wasn’t just THAT penny, the one I had lost so long ago now, but any penny.

And if it was any penny, then…and sure enough, I figured out through trial and error, it was actually copper. Whatever it was, and why…copper was the conduit through which I learned to use my deep dark secret. Though pennies remained the easiest way to make it work. Now I had a whole jar of them. Magic Pennies.

Through trial and error, I quickly learned several things. You didn’t actually need to be holding the penny, it only needed to be close to you, though if it did touch you in some way, it did seem to work better and last longer. And that was the other thing I learned as well. I found out that if I flicked my Bic too often, it didn’t seem to work as well, or last nearly as long. Usually less than a minute even, if that.

So then I tried refraining, seeing how long I could make it work for, and how strong. Again trial and error in doing that, but the strongest it would ever last was for no more than fifteen minutes perhaps.

I had gone two, three days, and then a week…even two without making the spark. But it didn’t seem to matter, or make any difference. Two days without sparking seemed to charge it up to the maximum I could make it work, make it go. So now I had the parameters at least, and a better understanding of it. Or so I thought anyway.

So far, I have used it to eavesdrop, basically picking up on people’s thoughts. Which for the most part was actually pretty boring, not nearly as exciting as I first thought or believed it would be. Only on occasion would I actually pick up on something juicy, something titillating and interesting.

It was like playing golf in a way. Getting frustrated, asking yourself why you played in the first place, and then getting that perfect swing, or putt. It’s what kept you coming back. Same thing with my newfound ability. Most of the time it was boring, but every once in a while…


By now I was eighteen. I’d been honing my skills so to speak, flicking my Bic, practicing the placement of pennies here and there on unsuspecting people, or when the opportunity presented itself, just brushing against, or touching something I knew was made of copper that someone was wearing. That eventually proved to work the best. Maybe because in those instances, they were closer to the people I used this on.

That…and having gone at least two days to ensure I had a “full charge” not knowing what else to really call it. Only then would I release the spark, mostly just a little at a time unless I caught a piece or sense of something I found particularly interesting. Then I may very well use it all.

I had gone into a reasonably nice little coffee shop one evening after getting off from my part-time job. I tried to do so at least once or twice a week, mainly because of a really attractive girl around my age who worked there. I hadn’t really approached her as far as going out or anything, mainly because she’d never shown much of an interest towards me beyond my being a semi-regular customer.

I wasn’t exactly a geek or anything, certainly not bad looking…but I’d already figured out, either she had a boyfriend, or I just wasn’t her type. It didn’t stop me from going in to gawk at her though, or entertain the prospect of “slipping her a penny.” I’d even gotten to the point of boldly doing that in some cases, mostly with people I knew of course, handing them a penny and then simply saying, “A penny for your thoughts?” That’s usually all it took, and then they were giving them to me, good and bad at times, without ever knowing they had.

So there I was, having my usual piece of pie and coffee, ogling Debbie, enjoying the view, especially her rather large breasts, that she had on one or two occasions, leaned over just enough while explaining something to me off the specials of the day to give me an added treat to my visit.

I was waiting for the perfect opportunity, the precise moment to use my line, slide a copper penny across to her, or place it in her hand and then ask her that very question. I was planning on doing so when I saw this guy come in taking a seat across the aisle from me. There was something about him, the way he looked maybe, though it was more the look he took when watching Debbie moving about. It gave me the creeps, almost leering at her as he sat there watching her. Maybe it was a sixth sense or something that made me do it. But

I charged my penny, and then slid out of my booth on the pretense of going to the restroom, stumbling, pretending to fall, catching myself as I all but collided into his booth. I tossed my magic penny into his lap as I did so, apologizing.

His look of annoyance and disgust with me was readily apparent, not even answering or acknowledging I’d done that after I straightened myself up. I soon headed into the restroom, spent only a moment or so, and immediately came back out again. I figured I had maybe two or three minutes to more or less listen in on the man in the booth sitting next to me.

“Nice little piece of ass,” he thought. “I wouldn’t mind fucking that cunt, in fact…I’m going to! That’s it! I’m going to! I’m going to wait until she gets off, walks out, then I’m going to grab her…haul off over to those bushes behind the parking lot, and that’s where…”

That’s all I heard, but it was enough. Debbie was in danger, and it was up to me to do something about it. I slid out of my booth, grabbing my check and waving it at her so that she would walk over and meet me at the cash register.

“Debbie, I need to tell you something,” I told her, causing her to look oddly at me for a moment, which in itself worried me. “You do know me, well sort of anyway…I’ve been coming here for a while now, so hopefully you will listen to what I have to say to you,” she seemed somewhat alarmed now, but with the manager standing not too far away, she had obviously decided to hear me out.

“Don’t look…but that guy over there who was sitting across from me, I overheard him, talking to himself. I don’t think he realized that he was, or did. But I heard him say something…something about you, something he was planning on doing to you after you got off work tonight.

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