One penny for your ideas – 6

without really understanding what it was. There were more gasps, some obvious surprise, as most who now had, literally opened their minds, even dropping their hands with the sheer unexpected intensity of release. And all the while just standing there.

“We’re not done yet,” I said as the circle suddenly seemed to dissolve. “We’ll reform again here in a moment. But let’s be honest here…some of you, and even most of you felt something.” Most everyone had, including Tom, his expression saying so, though he again refused to come right out and admit to it. Others…it was obvious. Especially those who had in fact actually experienced an orgasm.

“How about you Grace? And you Susan?” I asked, pointing them out on purpose. “What was it you felt?”

“You know damn good and well what I felt,” Susan said blushing profusely, a bit embarrassed that she actually had in fact, in front of so many strangers, not to mention her stuffy friends. But Grace was even more good natured about it, giggling excitedly and saying.

“Can we do that again?” Now I did laugh.

“For those of you who wish to…yes. Or, you can now sit down and watch everyone else as we form the circle once more, that includes the rest of you who won’t as yet admit to feeling or sensing anything. This time…I can assure you…you will.”

There were a few more blushing faces. I’m not sure they were quite willing or prepared to allow themselves to do what Susan and Grace, and the younger couple had just admitted to. But I held them, using suggestion now as control, though only in the sense of keeping them there long enough to remain within the circle which we quickly formed again.

“All right, like everyone did before…open your minds, relax, and no talking. Just feel…feel and enjoy energy, the flame. Go ahead…feel the flame,” I said, and then once again walked back inside everyone’s secret private little rooms. Only this time, I drew a bit more energy, using it with Tom. I’d picked up on something, scanned briefly through one of his private little books, and smiled inwardly at what I saw there. A recent entry, one that he’d entertained almost from the moment he’d arrived and had looked at Jack. I now knew his secret, and also knew the way I’d convince him to partner up in this enterprise.

“Go ahead Tom, it’ ok. Imagine what it would feel like…indulge yourself Tom. Imagine wearing a pair of Jack’s panties. The feel of them pressing against your hard stiff cock.” I felt resistance, worry…but pressed forward. “It’s ok Tom, you’re here. Here you have no problem, in fact, you now have a very, very hard stiff erection. Can you see it Tom? Can you feel it? Yes…yes you can. Look at yourself Tom, there you are.

A nice hard cock, and its being caressed by Jack’s wet, soiled, earlier worn panties. And now Tom…and now, she’s straddling you. You see yourself fondling her nice tits, that’s it…that’s it Tomplay with them, go ahead, don’t be afraid. Enjoy it. Enjoy the feel of her pussy now resting against your cock. No..she understands Tom, she understands totally and completely.

It’s not about penetration, it’s all about the naughty, dirty, wicked feel of her hot juicy cunt resting against your cock isn’t it Tom? So slippery, her panties even wetter now as she soaks them through from the other side, cunt-kissing your prick Tom…you’re hard, strong stiff glorious prick. Oh yes Tom, yes…feel it Tom, feel it. You want to cum don’t you Tom? You want to feel yourself spraying, squirting, filling her nasty, dirty, filthy panties don’t you….Tom!” I just managed as Tom…the real Tomthe Tomholding hands with his wife there in the circle suddenly opened his eyes, looking down at himself. He was both shocked, surprised, perhaps even a little disgusted, but mostly…amazed.

He’d just come in his pants. Along with many, many others. Each one of them enjoying their own hidden, secret naughty fantasies. Including Rose, though hers I had smiled at as well. She’d literally gone around the circle of women, entertaining herself with each and every one of them in her own special way. A secret she had long held, and never told anyone. Especially Tom.

Rose was a bonafide closet lesbian.


Tomimmediately turned, his face scarlet, grabbing his sports jacket from off the back of his chair where he’d placed it earlier. “We’re done here!” He announced, “Come Rose!” He then added already beginning to walk out, though now looking back. Rose hadn’t budged an inch. “Well? Are you coming? Or not?”

“No Tom…I’m staying. I want to learn and know more about all this. You go if you must…but I’m staying! I’ll catch a cab, or a ride home with someone,” she now informed him further, seeing his surprised look as we all did upon hearing that.

“Fine! Suit yourself!” He exclaimed, and then hurried out towards the door. Rose turned back around looking at Jack and I after he had left.

“Now…where were we?” She asked, smiling pleasantly.

One other older woman had also appeared to be ready to leave, but upon seeing Rose make a stand, and herself sat down, though her face too was flushed with obvious arousal, and what appeared to be just a hint of fear. Again, an emotion to be expected. People feared what they truly didn’t understand, especially if it had taken them by surprise, which it obviously had.

But even this little demonstration hadn’t been enough to necessarily change anyone’s minds, or convince them that this wasn’t just some hypnotic, hallucinogenic experience of some kind that could easily be explained away.

It was now time to convince them, though I truly wished that Tomhad stayed. He’d have been in for a nice surprise.

“Jack?” I asked, addressing her as she now came up standing by my side.

I then turned to address the room again, the looks on everyone’s faces except for an expected few, nervous…apprehensive, and yet…obviously aroused, curious too.

“OK, I think I’ve given you a small example of what can be achieved. The energy we all share, which is all around us, can be tapped, can be shared and used to experience the true joys in life. As long as we’re open to it. After this past example, how many of you still maintain that you have an open-mind here tonight?” As I’d hoped, most everyone raised their hands once again.

“Good…because now, I’m going to ask you to hold that thought. Jack? If you would please?” I now asked. Almost immediately, Jack reached up and began undoing the buttons on her blouse. In moments, her bare breasts sprang forth as she likewise shimmied out of the short skirt she’d been wearing, allowing that to drop down around her ankles. As expected, there were some additional gasps of surprise as she did that. The older woman who’d nearly left now raised her hand. “Yes Ms. Peeter?” I asked, knowing now she was a widower, lived alone, though she also had had, and paid for sex with much younger men on occasion. One of her secret, private indulgences.

“What is the purpose of this anyway?” She now asked. “Why is she naked?”

“Glad you asked. Another simple demonstration. Now that Jack is naked, and that all of you can see that, by another show of hands…how many of you can accept her standing here in the nude? How many of you are open-minded enough to accept her being here like this?”

Though everyone quickly looked about the room at one another, I was pleased to see most everyone’s hand being raised, including Ms. Peeter, Stellas…along with Rose whose hand had been amongst the first ones to raise. I smiled again.

“And now…who here would be likewise brave, and uninhibited enough to stand here next to Jack…likewise just as vulnerable and naked as she is?” Not too surprisingly, only Grace this time sat there with her hand still being raised. I motioned her up to stand next to us, and without even asking, she immediately undressed, soon standing naked on my other side.

“Matching bookends,” someone spoke garnering a laugh, though Stellas now spoke letting it be known who it was.

“Ok, so we know those two are brave and uninhibited. But what about you?” She asked. I’d been expecting that of course, and immediately nodded my head smiling at her.

“You’re absolutely right of course, but I’m going to ask you to do something for me Stellas,” I now spoke, addressing her more intimately. “If you wouldn’t mind please…coming up here and helping me do that?”

Her eyes went wide as she considered my suggestion, but then steeled her resolve, and the challenge perhaps, coming up and joining us. Without further hesitation on her part, she immediately reached down, undoing my belt, and then unzipping my pants. She then yanked them down around my ankles leaving me standing there in a pair of tight red briefs, the obvious bulge showing as I had long ago become quite aroused myself. Even then, she seemed surprised to actually see that.

“Go ahead Stellas…pull them down too.”

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