One penny for your ideas – 6

I knew of course going in, this crowd was going to be a hard sale. Especially Tomand Rose. And I also knew that once I began throwing some facts and figures, most…if not all would be highly suspicious and dubious of that. Especially Tomand Rose. But it was a necessary evil in doing so, I had to get them to salivate a little, even if they soon after found my proposal almost preposterous.

I had to at least get them thinking, which by the looks on everyone’s faces…they most certainly were. Many had already raised their hands with questions, but as I had stated in the beginning, I’d attempt to answer each and everyone of them that they might have…once I had completely finished. A simple reminder of that brought their hands down, though looks on their faces told me that for some of those, they were less than satisfied at not being given time right now.

But as I had done with Jack…and even Grace to some extent, it was now time for a little simple demonstration. Something to amuse them perhaps, entertain, but hopefully…and more importantly perhaps, truly open their eyes to what I’d been telling them.

“Alright. Early this evening, I asked you to do one specific thing for me, can anyone tell me what that was?”

A few hands came up, but the one I was really hoping for that did, brought a smile to my face as Rose raised her hand, though Tomgave her an almost disapproving look when she did so.

“Mrs. Edwards?” I said addressing her formally, “Tell us…what was it that I asked each and everyone of you to do here tonight?”

Thankfully she ignored her husband’s look, speaking. “To keep an open-mind regarding everything we see, hear and do tonight,” she said almost smugly once again looking towards her husband, giving him a look. It was obvious just by that simple gesture, she was already feeling a bit more enthusiastic, and interested than he was.

“That’s right,” I said. “And as such, I now want to perform a little demonstration for you all if I may. Let you…all of you, feel the flame here tonight.”

There was again an almost hushed murmur as it made its way around the room. I let it, letting the flame build so to speak, the curiosity and interest as to what kind of parlor trick I might be making here shortly as they shuffled about in their seats anxiously.

Barnum, of Barnum & Bailey circus might have been correct in his assumption that there was a sucker born every minute. But it was my intent to show everyone here, they certainly weren’t suckers, or that I was some sort of charlatan either. What I wanted to do was leave them with something to think about, something they couldn’t ignore, something that would truly open their eyes. And sometimes…it took something shocking in order to do that.

A risk here, yes. A big one perhaps. But one that I was fairly confident, once everyone had had a chance to think about it later…would come to the inevitable, and unavoidable conclusion, there really was something to this…to what I’d been telling them about all evening. And if they eventually came to understand all that, they’d have to accept the unavoidable conclusion…there was BIG money to be made here!

The details about a fancy resort, where clients and guests would check in for a week’s long experience, at reasonable, but classy prices had put the initial reluctance to hear me out into most of their faces. Potential profits, had equaled that out to some extent, but simple facts and figures wasn’t what this meeting was about. I needed investors to get this thing rolling. And that meant, the first order of business was in proving to them I wasn’t just dreaming all this.

“Ok, so how many of you consider yourself to be fairly open-minded?” I began. Most everyone save a select few raised their hands, including Rose, though Tomas I expected hadn’t, nor had one or two others. A good start. “Ok, and of you who are holding your hands up, how many of you would say that you’re also fairly uninhibited?”

A few more dropped hands, though one or two now had questions, which I answered as I was also expecting that.

“What do you mean specifically, by being uninhibited?” Another older female asked, blushing after asking the question as a few snickers now followed that.

“Sexually speaking,” I said charging ahead, boldly now…hearing a few giggles, a few gasps, and one or two people shifting in their seats looking truly uncomfortable now. Which is what I’d been after in the first place.

There were only a few now still holding their hands up, Grace and Susan not too surprisingly of course, along with Jack, one other younger looking man, and a woman I remembered being introduced to as his wife. Beyond that, everyone had now put their hands down.

“What if I were to prove to you that you could be even more open-minded, more uninhibited than you ever dreamed of, or would ever openly acknowledge or ever consider showing anyone else?” I asked. “Would that help to prove to you that what I’ve been telling you tonight, is possible?”

Someone laughed, speaking though I didn’t pick up on who’d actually said it, beyond it being a woman’s voice.

“My husband would gladly pay you if you could make me do anything outside the norm,” she’d said again to a smattering of giggles and laughs.

“That’s what I hope all of you will consider doing after you leave here tonight,” I then stated. “So…all I ask now, is that all of you who are now sitting there with your hands down…will you please stand up?”

Everyone did, including Tom, though again the expression on his face was almost stoic, even bored just a little, but he had at least stood.

“Good…now, I’d like all of you to form a circle with Jack and I in holding hands, alternating men…women as we do that.” We quickly scooted back the chairs until there was more than enough room, and now stood together, everyone including those who had had their hands raised. It would help in drawing more tantric energy as I’d explained, though many stood… still disbelieving. “Ok, now…here’s what I’m going to do…like I said, keep an open mind at least, we’ll start there. Close your eyes, and don’t worry about me, or anyone else saying anything.

I’m simply going to use, and focus my energy, and that of the energy of everyone standing here and use it within the group. Yes…it will be sexual in nature, but to what extent, you will have to learn and see for yourself. Even for those of you who perhaps no longer see sex as being important, or no longer a part of your own lives perhaps, I’m going to attempt to prove to you differently. Now…again, close your eyes, open your mind, and simply relax and be quiet.”

To be honest…it was an amazing sensation for me too. Connected as we were, I had access to everyone, simultaneously. I followed the flamed path into each and every one of their libraries of thought, and from there, into each and every one of their secret little hidden away rooms. Some had more than others, one or two hardly worth mentioning, much like Edwards had been in a sense. And yet…everyone had something.

Tomwas no major surprise. I had to stifle a laugh upon discovery of his secrets, his thoughts, his secret place was more elaborate, and perhaps even more decadent in nature than anyone else’s. But so was his frustration perhaps because of it. And thus, his temperament, and his hard attitude towards anything good or exciting in life. Tomhadn’t had, or been able to sustain an erection for several years now, and it was eating away at him like a cancer.

I now entered, and opened every private room, every secret door, and simultaneously, though even I would be hard-pressed in explaining it, I interacted with everyone there in the circle one on one…at the exact same time. I brought out those hidden thoughts and desires, dusted off some of them,

some of which hadn’t been even thought about, or entertained for years now. Some few, more recently, making it easier to make the images I now did seem real, fresh, almost as though they were actually happening. There were already a few whispers, murmurs of surprise, delight and even pleasures being felt as we all stood there together. And now knowing what I knew about Tom, he would indeed be difficult, but not impossible.

Taking a bit more time perhaps, and a more focused energy on my part. I thus had to thin the herd just a little in order to do that and keep from spreading myself too thin. For those like Grace and Susan, the secretively “swinging couple,” I now knew about, and one or two others…I caused them all to enjoy a small, yet still pleasurable little orgasm, and still allow everyone else within the group to get a small sense of it,

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