One penny for your ideas – 6

“Couldn’t hurt,” I laughed again. “Now…while we still have time, what can I do for you?”

She stood up, lowering her short sexy black skirt, though leaving her white still undone blouse on as she took a seat on the couch. Her tits still glistened a little as she sat there grinning at me. She didn’t have any panties either.

“Eat me!” She said hotly. “Eat my fucking cunt!”


Not too surprisingly, Grace and Susan were the first to arrive. Besides Jack, I don’t think I even had to look at her as “in tune” as we’d become with one another. I’d even begun to wonder if once I’d established that link in the first place, if I even had to look at them again.

Food for thought.

I likewise greeted Susan too of course, saw the tiny flicker of flame behind her eyes and allowed the almost automatic response I had carefully planned for everyone to find root in her subconscious.

“Keep an open mind to everything you see, hear or do tonight,” I implanted in a millisecond of time, seeing her accepted smile as we then hugged and kissed almost affectionately.

“Tomand Rose should be here shortly,” she informed me as she then sauntered past, greeting Jack as well as Jack then led our first two guests into the main meeting room we had set up just for this. I had in fact already done my own homework on Tomafter having spoken to Susan about him briefly. More than anyone else attending this evening, Tomcould, if he even desired to, almost finance the whole thing himself.

He had a master’s degree in economics for one thing, had taught at a prestigious university for years, and then had branched out into low risk investments, turning that into such a profitable venture that he’d eventually started his own company. The man was reported to be worth over a Billion in earnings.

“He’ll be a hard sell,” Susan informed me honestly. “So be prepared to be scrutinized thoroughly. Tomdoesn’t invest in anything until he’s turned things upside down, and inside out. And even then, he may only give you token support, so don’t expect him to be the lone investor, even if he does invest. But as I promised…at least he’s coming.”

I thanked her, feeling fairly confident that I’d at least get him thinking about it. And had even pondered the idea of giving the less likely investors a small little demonstration, something to think about perhaps once I’d done so.

With the banks help, the little I had already secured from other sources including Grace, Susan and even Jack, along with every dime I’d managed to put away, we still needed another million and a half dollars if I was going to have enough just to come up with the down payment on the property I was looking at.

I’d already convinced the owners of the resort to sell to me, provided I could raise the first year’s payment and have that in escrow…with provisos. I basically had a year to show a profit, have enough to roll another year into escrow, or the entire resort could end up right back in their hands again. So yeah, I was a little nervous, but I also knew more than anyone else…I was onto something here.

It wasn’t long before Tomand his wife, along with most everyone else had arrived. And as I’d intended, I met each and every one of them personally, taking that small brief moment to plant my suggestion, ensure that the flame was there, and continued mingling about for the first little bit before we sat down and really got things started.

Jack had gone out and had some professional looking posters made up, several of which we had eloquently framed and purposely positioned close to where I’d be speaking. In bold lettering were the simple words, “Feel the flame.” And then just below that, a simple almost too small little flicker of fire, unlike what one might expect when seeing the caption. Instead of this enormous blaze, we had what appeared to be nothing more than a simple burning matchstick, without the match.

Already the posters, which was also the emblem on each one of the professional looking prospect guides we’d handed out, was the topic of conversation as many curiously spoke of it to one another.

“Well…ready to get started here?” I asked Jack as she leaned over kissing my cheek, though not before secretly dropping her hand down between my legs giving my cock another friendly little cuddle.

“Too bad we didn’t make, or find a bigger podium,” she giggled. “I’d have enjoyed sucking you off while you stood here talking to everyone.”

I just shook my head. I was beginning to think that maybe I’d created a monster.

“If things get going…and take off the way I hope they do…I just might let you do that,” I snickered back at her as she almost casually popped a button on her blouse, showing off a bit more cleavage than she had been, before directing everyone to begin taking their seats.

I stood waiting patiently until everyone had done so, and the gradual murmur throughout the room gradually faded away into complete and total silence.

“Thank you everyone for coming tonight. It is my hope, and my intention, that when each and everyone of you tonight leaves, that you will do so with the same enthusiasm and desire that I have. And as such, that you will also then become partners in something that I honestly feel will revolutionize the way people behave towards one another, both in the business world, as well as in their own private intimate relationships.

For now, we’re here to discuss that. Intimacy, and how intimacy in our lives can, and very often does have an impact on everything else we do…including how we conduct ourselves in the day-to-day business world. All I ask of you here tonight…is to keep an open mind about everything you see, hear and do tonight.”

I had once again cemented the trigger, knowing full well that in the beginning at least, everyone would listen. Would it sway them one way or the other? No…I didn’t really want to do that either. What I wanted was their undivided attention in hearing and most likely seeing for themselves, what I had to say.

Most everyone was attentive, and even smiling. All except for Tomand Rose of course, the two obviously on guard, steeled against being swayed by fancy speeches or an almost bible-thumping like atmosphere designed to make the crippled somehow walk again. I couldn’t, and wouldn’t do that….but maybe, just maybe, I could in a sense…raise the dead.


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