My Cleaning Lady Ch. 01

This Story is part of My cleaning lady Series

The last thing I expected to see as I entered my still cluttered bedroom, was Nora sitting on the toilet, just then wiping herself, and standing.

“Oh god! I’m sorry…the door!” I stammered quickly averting my eyes, embarrassed as hell.

“Don’t be,” she said, flushing, only then reaching down to pull up her shorts. “Only peeing,” she said as though it was perfectly normal for me to have seen her doing that. Though her answer was in itself curious, as though maybe I might have expected to see her doing something else. In the few seconds of time all this took place however, my mind had already registered the fact her pussy was entirely bare. When she stood, not even bothering to cover herself, I had seen that before averting my eyes. But I had also noticed almost simultaneously as she then reached down pulling her sweat-shorts back up, that she hadn’t been wearing any panties either.

“That was…or rather is, my next fix it project,” I explained looking at the door, which I’d set aside against the wall. Val washed her hands in the sink, turned looking not at all embarrassed at my having caught her taking a pee, and offered her help. “Need me to hold it for you while you screw?” She asked. Once again I was at a loss for words here. Was that a double meaning in some way? Though her face certainly didn’t show it to be, looking completely serious here as I walked over finally setting my tools down which I’d been holding there like an idiot.

“Eventually, maybe,” I said instead, taking the piece of wood I’d already pre measured and cut. “I need to frame this piece in first, and then glue it. So probably won’t be ready for the door until tomorrow at the earliest. In the meantime, there is another bathroom downstairs where the door does close.” She laughed at that.

“Don’t worry about me,” she stated easily. “If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m not exactly shy or modest. So unless it bothers you, it doesn’t bother me. In fact, I was just about to ask you if it would bother you if I were to take my top off. There’s very little ventilation in here, and the bathroom is really causing me to sweat.”

“No, of course not. As long as you’re comfortable,” I replied sheepishly, trying not to grin like a fool here. After all, she was wearing a bra, and from what I’d seen, it was more encompassing than a lot of bikini tops I’d seen. Why the thought of that came with any significance at it actually being a “bra” seemed rather silly under the circumstances, even as she smiled that damn smile again, reaching down, and in one swift motion pulling it over her head.

The problem was. She wasn’t wearing a bra now.


Once again I found myself staring at her. “Ah…weren’t you wearing…”

“A bra?” She finished for me. “Earlier, yes. But as sticky hot as it is up here, I took it off. I hate having sticky tits. Drives me nuts,” she added to that. Only then did I see her white bra hanging over the empty shower rod over the bathtub. “Hope this doesn’t bother you,” she then said with that all too familiar smile on her face once again. “But like I said, I’m not very modest, and prefer being comfortable while I work.”

“Oh…it bothers me,” I thought to myself, and then said…”Not at all. Whatever makes you the most comfortable is fine with me.”

We both returned to working, though I found myself stealing periodic glances her way more often than not. I simply couldn’t help myself. I can’t explain it, don’t even know why…but there’s just something about watching a woman work, especially naked, or even partially so that seems to do it for me. As I secured the new frame to the door, I’d glance over and down at Val as she knelt over the tub, scrubbing it.

The way her full breasts dangled over the edge of the tub. The way they’d wobble and bounce a bit with each and every arm stroke, not to mention the fact that I likewise got periodic glimpses of her well rounded ass cheeks as they made an appearance through the openings of her rather baggy shorts.

The knowledge there too now, that she wasn’t wearing any panties either, made it hard for me to not imagine what it would be like, and feel like, to be slipping my cock in and out of that sweet, hot tight pussy of hers. Something I knew that would never happen of course. But it was sure as hell fun thinking about it as I stood there framing in the door. Val finished the bathroom, which now looked spotlessly clean. Impressed with her work, I told her so.

“Listen, why don’t we both take a break?” I suggested. “I know I could use it. How about something cold to drink?”

“Beer?” She asked. I know she’d spotted the case of that which I had put in the trunk earlier.

“Sure,” I said. She might have only been eighteen, but I figured one beer wouldn’t hurt.

“Cool, I’ll just finish mopping the floor here while you go for them.” I nodded my head in agreement with that, and headed back down to the kitchen to grab us some beers. By the time I returned, she had finished. But once again, Val had caught me in a bit of a compromising circumstance. Taking a seat on the floor, she had done so by a particular stack of boxes, one of which contained a few magazines I’d decided to bring along with me. When I walked in with the beers, she sat thumbing through one of them. The title on the magazine she held in her hand said it all. BIG NATURAL TITS.

I had never been a real fan of those typical men’s magazines showing beautiful women with gorgeous near perfect bodies. Most of those were doctored up and airbrushed anyway. Not to mention the fact that most women appearing in those had fake looking tits these days too. I’d never been a fan of that, especially when my own wife had gone out and had hers done. I’d relented only because she really did have small boobs, and had stressed that she’d feel better about herself if she could increase her bust size just a little.

I was thinking about cup size perhaps. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy to discover she’d gone from a small B, to a triple DDD when I went in to see her as she recovered from surgery. It was just one more wedge driven between us. And don’t get me wrong here either. I don’t mind looking at, or enjoying a big set of tits, just as long as they don’t look like balloons that have been attached to a woman’s body. My soon to be ex-wife’s did.

Val looked up accepting the beer I handed to her, though she continued to thumb through the magazine.

“Interesting,” she commented while sipping her beer.

I didn’t dare say anything, though I managed to park myself across from her sipping my own beer. Thankfully at least, my dick had gone flaccid again, but it wouldn’t remain that way for very long as I sat there looking at her, so it was a necessary evil to likewise sit down before I embarrassed myself…again.

She looked up at me at that moment, actually holding the magazine up as she did, pointing at a particular photo of a slightly older looking woman, once again large breasted, and just slightly saggy, though I actually found the woman to be very attractive…more importantly, totally and completely real and natural.

“You think she’s sexy?” Val asked.

“In fact I do.” I responded honestly. “Which is why I prefer buying those kinds of magazines over any others. I like natural, normal looking women.”

“With big tits,” Val giggled.

“They don’t have to be big,” I chortled back. “Just real…natural, or at least reasonably,” I added. Even if they aren’t, if they look real, and feel real, I’m good with that. It’s the balloon’s I take issue with.”

Val put the book down, looking down at herself now, which of course drew my attention. “Never have liked the way my own boobs look,” she said. “I think they’re too big…and too saggy, especially for someone my age. All the girls I hung around with had much nicer looking breasts, I’ve always been self conscious about the way mine look.”

“You could have fooled me,” I thought, but said instead, “I like the way yours look. I think they’re very, very attractive in fact.”

Val’s breasts were at least a natural double D, and well rounded in a teardrop shape perhaps as they rested against her chest. And she had fairly large areolas as well, not overly so…but about the size of a small coffee cup in circumference perhaps, and a dark tan color. Her nipples in fact stood stiff off her breasts now, though whether that was from excitement, or being simply exposed, I didn’t dare hazard a guess. But they were obviously thick, thimble sized perhaps, and stood a good inch off her areola.

“Yeah?” She asked once more looking down at herself, and then shocked me a little as she cupped them, hefting each one of them in her hands. “Not too droopy? Too saggy?”

“I prefer it when they don’t pass the pencil test,” I actually laughed.

“Pencil test?”

“Yeah, you know…when you can’t place a pencil beneath them and hold it there.”

She laughed upon hearing that. “Never heard that before. But yeah, you’re right, I’m guessing mine wouldn’t,” she mused, and then reached over suddenly, startling me a bit as I had no idea what, or why she was doing this. Until she had grabbed the pencil I actually had resting over my ear, which I’d been using earlier to measure with. “Like this?” She now asked, lifting one breast, placing the pencil beneath it, letting go. Sure enough, the pencil stayed in place.

“Yeah…just like that,” I said, admiring her breasts openly, finding it oddly erotic that she was doing this for one thing, and that we were just sitting here like we were, sharing a beer and discussing tits with one another.

“What about my nipples? Not too big?” She now placed the pencil over the top of one of them. I was surprised when she let go, and saw it balanced perfectly as it rested there.

“I’d say…pretty damn near perfect Val. Trust me…you’ve got nice looking boobs. And I don’t mind telling you, I am enjoying sitting here being able to look at them.”

“Yeah, I sort of noticed that earlier,” she said, winking at me. And then asked. “So…is there like a pencil test for guys too?”

“Pencil test?”

“Yeah…you know, like being able to balance one on your dick when it’s hard? Like it was…earlier?”

I felt my face turning crimson again, though I laughed trying to ease the sudden discomfort I was feeling. Not to mention shifting as I sat, likewise trying not to draw attention to my now very hard, very stiff member.

“I take it you noticed. Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be. I actually found it quite flattering that you got aroused looking at me. Even before doing this,” she said once more cupping her breasts, and even pulling on each one of her nipples, making them thicker and longer than they had been. “I will say this…though I don’t exactly care for the way my tits looked, they always have been sensitive, and I’ve even managed to have a few orgasms just playing with them and nothing else.”

“You can?” I asked incredulously, not even realizing I’d said that out loud, nor the way it must have obviously sounded to her when I did.

“Yeah. Would you like to see me do it?”

Now I really was speechless. But I heard myself saying, “Ah huh…”

Val giggled excitedly, and began caressing and playing with her own breasts, all the while looking at me. The way she rolled and pinched her nipples, pulling on them, tugging…letting go, and then grabbing them again was one of the hottest things I had ever seen. If I hadn’t been hard before, I certainly was now.

But I didn’t dare breathe, say a word…in fear that she would suddenly wake up and realize what she was doing. When her eyes took on a sort of glassy, faraway look, I knew she was getting close. And to be honest, so was I. Without doing anything to myself. It was as though I was masturbating through osmosis, watching her sensing her pleasure, feeling it in a way as she drew closer and closer towards climax.

“Ahh, ohh…yesss!” She hissed, her eyes growing wider now, her “cummy-face” as I secretly called it whenever I saw a woman having an orgasm. She had one too. A good one. Her face all screwed up now in ecstasy and pleasure. Her face suddenly flushing, as was her breasts as the rush of blood spread across her skin like a wildfire out of control.

I could feel the seepage of my own lust leaking from my prick-tip, no doubt soiling my shorts, wishing now that I could come this way, needing to, wanting to. She finally sighed, sitting back up and straight again, though gingerly, lightly still fingering her nipples. “That was nice. Did you like seeing that?” She asked.

I nodded my head, my throat dry. “That…was fucking hot,” I finally answered. She giggled again. “And you really came? Just from touching your breasts?”

“Yeah I did. Not as big of an orgasm as I do have when I actually masturbate, but it still was.”

“Damn,” I said again smiling, leaning back against the stack of boxes, though partially trying to adjust my hard straining erection now in doing that. Unfortunately, I think she was well aware of why I was now shifting about as her eyes lowered in that direction.

“So…since you obviously enjoyed seeing that, how about doing something for me?”

“Like what?” I asked hesitant, almost fearful of where this might be going.

“Show me your cock.”


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