Cucked on Vacation – 02

This Story is part of Cucked on Vacation Series

Cucked on vacation part -02 Continues…..

I was confused, lost in a maze of perverted arousal, “I don’t understand. You know I don’t fit into Magnums.” I recalled one of the first times Hazel and I made love, me naively thinking I could use one of my roommates Magnum condoms. I assumed it would fit fine despite its larger size. However my dick went swimming in it, and it wouldn’t work for sex.

She replied, huskily. “I know you don’t.”

I continued to be at a loss, asking again. “I don’t understand. If you’re not going to fuck him, and I don’t fit into them… Why do we need them?”

She pulled her leg down from the sink, turning to me. She leaned in, kissing me sexily, breasts mashing against my chest. She reached for my trunks, massaging my hardening dick beneath the fabric.

“I just want to have some large condoms on hand, in case.” She kissed me again, this time tantalizingly on my neck.

“In case what?” I managed.

She was toying with me. I hated it, and I loved it. She spoke again, looking at me with sex in her eyes, “Are you going to get them?” was all she said.

In a trance, I nodded.

A couple hours later my wife and I were headed down to the hotel lobby. Hazel looked absolutely divine in a tightly fitted green dress, her brown hair cascading down to her shoulders. She was glowing with sexual energy. As for myself, I was filled with a more nervous energy. I was enamored with my wife’s condom teasing earlier in the afternoon. There were a thousand butterflies in my stomach as I wondered where the night might lead us. We had a light meal and headed over to our typical spot at the hotel bar, for whatever reason it was quieter than usual on this particular evening.

We ordered a couple glasses of wine and sat, simply regarding one another. Few words were spoken. I would graze her ear and fix an earring, and she would rest her hand on my knee, smiling sexily. We would lean in and steal the occasional kiss, and my eyes would linger on her cleavage, lightly glittered from moisturizer. It wasn’t long before he arrived.

James was wearing beige slacks and a snug dress shirt, he immediately pulled up a chair next to me.

“Evening.” He greeted us with a smile.

“Good evening.” Hazel spoke sweetly.

He quickly ordered a drink, and made sure to tell the bartender that we were on his tab tonight. I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t have it. “It’s the least I can do after the embarrassment I caused on the beach.”

“Nonsense.” I replied, “Serves us right for exploring in places we shouldn’t have.”

The conversation flowed naturally, despite the nude encounter earlier in the day. It wasn’t long before we were all a bit tipsy, and I couldn’t help but notice the lingering stares between James and my wife. An hour passed and the three of us were laughing and having a good time. Sexual energy was present in the room, and my mind continued to wonder about the possibilities for the end of the evening.

James received a phone call, and it was apparently his wife. “Yeah babe.” He replied, and stood from his chair, pacing near the bar in a conversation with her. I leaned in for a kiss with Hazel, who smiled back at me with lively eyes.

“Are you having a good time?” I asked, implying more, somehow.

She nodded.

“She wants to talk to you.” James suddenly reappeared, phone in hand – directed towards Hazel.

“Huh?… Me?” My wife awkwardly replied.

“She probably wants to embarrass me. Here, talk to her.” He handed the phone to my wife, and took a seat, this time next to her.

My wife’s face began to turn red, “Hi! This is Hazel.”

Her answers were all rather short, as if she was answering a session of rapid fire questions from James’s wife.

“Yeah.” A laugh. “Yeah.” Another laugh. The appearance of a deep blush, and a quiet gasp.

Her voice became rather hushed on occasion. “No.” “Yeah.” “I can’t believe you’re asking me that!” More laughing.

She glanced up at me, “He does, actually.”

I was dying to know what they were talking about. I glanced down to notice my wife adjusting her legs in her chair, her eyes now appeared somehow aroused, and my confusion was at an all time high.

“I don’t know.” A nod. “Yeah I know.” “Alright, well – It was really nice to talk to you!”

“I will. Thank you.”

Her face was beet red as she handed the phone back to James.

“Well, did she embarrass me?” James inquired quietly, joking.

Hazel was stammering to find the words, “Um… Not exactly. She was actually very complimentary of you.” She took a sip of her drink as she said it.

James laughed, pulling the phone up to his ear and began pacing again, finishing up his conversation with her.

“What did she say?” I asked my wife in a hushed voice.

“You don’t wanna know.” She replied.

“I do, actually.”

She looked right at me, “She was bragging about him, his endowment. She was trying to encourage us to go back to his room tonight. She was trying to encourage me to cuckold you.”

I nearly dropped my glass, time freezing, fantasy further creeping into the reality of this vacation – and right when I was about to reply James sat back down next to Hazel.

Cucked on Vacation – 02 will continue on the next page.

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