Memories made with my sweet Andrea – 1

I was surprised at what she said, certainly not expecting the words that suddenly came tumbling out of her mouth after that.

“You have any idea how long it’s been since my husband’s fucked me?” She asked.

My dear sweet, prim and proper Andrea. You could have knocked me over with a feather at that moment.


It was almost comical. The moment she had spoken the words she was apologizing to me for that, looking embarrassed, ashamed, and surprised with herself that she’d actually done that. She even reached for the door, preparing to get out when I just managed to grab her hand, holding her there.

“Andrea, you’re with friends here,” I said. “And nothing you can say will offend, shock or surprise me.” Though coming from her anyway, it had. “I want you to feel like you can say anything to me, anything at all…and it won’t go anywhere else but right here.”

At least she let go of the door handle sitting back in her seat again, though she wouldn’t look at me, her face flushed, still embarrassed perhaps. “So tell me…what’s going on?”

“I don’t know if I can. I shouldn’t have said what I said to you in the first place. It’s my problem anyway, not yours.”

“Andrea? Come on…spill it.” I decided to use the semi-shocking language she’d used right back at her, at least that would put us on equal ground here. I felt like that maybe I needed to do that, so I said: “Why doesn’t your husband want to fuck you?” I asked.

I actually got a smile out of her having said that. And she relaxed just a little. “That’s so weird,” she said , finally looking at me.

“Weird?” I asked a bit confused and bewildered myself now.

“Yeah weird, because I don’t think I’ve heard or said the word…fuck three times in my entire life now, seriously. And now I’ve said it, and heard it twice tonight. Well..twice now,” she laughed, so that is three times. But the weird part is this Brian, I like hearing the word, saying it all of a sudden. Reading it mostly though I suppose. Which I’ve been doing a lot of lately, reading you know…dirty stories at home on the Internet. And they’ve, well…you know worked me up some, even at my age.”

“Your age? Who says you can’t be worked up…horny at your age?”

“Apparently…my husband. For almost two years now, we’ve hardly done anything, anything at all. At least he doesn’t do anything to meet my needs anymore. Even going so far as to tell me a few months ago, “aren’t you past all that now? Didn’t you go through menopause already?”

Now I was shocked. “He…he actually said that?”

“Oh yeah, he did. He honestly thinks that women my age don’t even want, or desire…or “need” as he put it…to orgasm any more. And yet…he still expects me to at least give him a handjob, or blowjob, whenever he wants one.” She chuckled again, still blushing. “But it’s obvious he doesn’t care about fucking,” she giggled again. “At least…not with me.”

“You don’t think he’s having an affair do you?”

Once again she laughed. “Oh god no! Especially with him being in the position he’s in and all right now. Goodness no! I’m positive about that. It’s just that, well…” she stammered obviously a bit flushed at this line of thought. “He’s just not interested in me, especially seeing me naked. All he wants, or occasionally asks…is for some ‘stress relief’, according to the way he sees it. It’s not even really sex anymore. Just an expected chore for the wife to do. And an old , used up unattractive wife,” she added, starting to tear up again.

Now I had heard Sweet Andrea say fuck, hand-job, blowjob all in one evening. Would wonders never cease? Though the biggest wonder was in fact…I was starting to get a little aroused by all of this.

“To begin with Andrea, you’re not old for one. And for another, it’s my own personal belief that you’re only as old as you let yourself feel. But frankly, if he’s not willing to do anything for you, why on earth would you want to do anything for him?”

It was like calling the kettle black on my end, but I didn’t go there with her, not yet anyway.

She sighed. “Maybe it’s just me. He’s going to be a powerful influential man here before too long, and all he has is an old hag for a wife.”

Now I sighed. “Andrea, I’m telling you, you’re not old, and you’re not an old hag either. I think you’re a very attractive looking woman, and maybe I shouldn’t be saying this, but I think you look pretty damn good in those jeans you’ve been wearing!”

And that’s when she kissed me.


It wasn’t a jump your bones I want to fuck your brains out kind of a kiss. It was almost chaste in fact, but it was still a kiss.

“Thank you,” she said sweetly.

“For what?”

“For making me feel sort of sexy in a way, though I guess…it would be more like being a horny old lady.”

“Nothing wrong with being a horny lady,” I responded back, leaving out the word old. “No more than my being and feeling like a naughty boy, sitting here with you, allowing thoughts I shouldn’t be having running around inside my head,” I laughed.


“Yeah, let’s just say that I’d probably embarrass myself if I were to get out of the car right now,” I freely admitted. Andrea looked down at my crotch then, her eyes wide with surprise perhaps, drawing my own there as well. It was rather obvious. I was honestly aroused.

“You’re…you’re hard? Really?”

“I am,” I laughed feeling a bit embarrassed, but enjoying the admission, her eyes looking, the throb I felt, and the press of my prick against my jeans. Yeah…I was horny, but I also knew we were now treading on dangerous ground here. I glanced at my watch. “Well…I really should get going before I’m missed,” I said lamely.

“Yeah, me too,” Andrea agreed, reaching for the door handle again. But before she opened it, she leaned over giving me another chaste kiss on the cheek. “Thank you Brian for listening to me. You might be my boss at work, but I would also like to consider you as a friend.”

“Ditto that,” I told her. “And Andrea? Anytime you want to chat about anything…as a friend, I hope you will feel comfortable doing that.”

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