Madam’s crazy notebook -7

I couldn’t help but smile when I heard her say a short time later, “We’ve got to fucking get us one of these!”


I indeed started school again in the fall, and though a year behind Mia in my studies and workload, having her as a roommate now made that a lot easier. We’d found a cute inexpensive apartment, which we now share together. We still make our monthly pilgrimages back to the ranch where mom and Aunt Sue now live, something we always look forward to doing together.

Mom still goes into the city once or perhaps twice a month for a few days. She now specializes in the more expensive homes exclusively, and does well enough that she usually sells one of them once or twice every couple of months. She’s done well enough that we had a contractor come in and build an exact duplicate of that amazing shower, which we now all enjoy quite frequently together.

We also enjoy the fact that she does, as from time to time we go along with her whenever we get permission to do so. It’s fun, enjoying the brief change of scenery, and an interesting place to stay in for a few days, enjoying all the expensive amenities, not to mention the still really amazing sex we enjoy with one another whenever we do that.

As a side note, I had noticed early on that mom had stopped writing in her diary. At first I just thought she still did, and that I just hadn’t seen her doing it. I no longer had the need or even the desire to poke my nose in them either, already chastising myself in the first place for having done so.

Though what I had learned I felt had helped in bringing about the closeness the four of us shared together now. So I wasn’t feeling too guilty over having done that then.

I did indeed, and had refrained from doing so up until now. The exception to that came however on one particular day when Mia and I had come down for the weekend. I had walked by mom and Aunt Sue’s bedroom while she was laying on the bed, her diary sitting next to her as she wrote something in it. I didn’t think about it until sometime later after all three of the girls had gone into town together to do some shopping.

Once again walking by the room I glanced in, saw mom’s dairy sitting out in the open still on the bed where she’d been sitting there writing in it earlier. I walked in, sat next to it on the bed, contemplating if I should…or shouldn’t, and then opened it to the very last entry.

“Dear diary. This will most likely be my last written entry. No longer do I feel the need, or have the desire to write my personal intimate thoughts. So much has changed in the past little while. I now find that I have more freedom, more open opportunities to express myself. And more importantly, the love and trust that comes with just being able to speak my mind, my thoughts…no matter how bizarre or how personally intimate they might often be, or looked down upon by others. I have the love and security of my own sister,

her niece along with my own son that I can freely tell them what I feel, what I want, and what I now truly desire without feeling fearful about doing so. I no longer feel the importance of having to write down my memories of the past, for the memories I now create here, I do so and keep the words within my heart and mind. It is here that I draw from them, remember them, and now cherish them more than I ever have.

And as for you George, had you not actually snooped through my diaries, and found out what you did, when you did, it’s very possible none of us would be where we are now. So in an odd sort of way, I am actually grateful that you did. Just know, that I know. And hope that in the future; should you have any questions about anything, you will simply come to me, or even to your Aunt or your cousin should there be any worries or concerns. I hope that there won’t be. Just come to me my darling, know that I love you more now than ever before, and that I always will.

Your loving mother.

I laughed, sitting there reading her final entry one more time. Then I picked up her pen, and for the first and last time, scribbled a note where she’d last written.

“Yes mother…I will. And I love you too.”

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