Madam’s crazy notebook -7

while I tried to save up a little money in order to put a down payment on a new car, I used moms, usually driving her off to wherever it was she was doing an Open House while working in real estate. We always went early, giving me more than enough time to drop her off, come in for a bit before heading off to work myself, and then picking her up later.

One of my favorite experiences when doing that was when she had a multi-million dollar home she was showing. The place was beyond anything I could ever imagine living in myself. With plenty of time on my hands before work, I’d enjoyed stepping up behind her out back near the enormous pool, lifting mom’s skirt up, bunching it around her waist, and then spearing her with my cock, fucking her to our hearts content for as long as we could possibly get away with it.

I always enjoyed the thought, as I believed she did, of feeling my cum pooled inside mom’s pussy as she met prospective buyers, showing them around the house, walking past places we’d just recently stood there fucking in only moments before their arrival.

But I honestly have to say, I even more enjoyed our evenings home together at night. We’d not only grown closer emotionally because of the intimacy we now so freely shared with one another, but the continued closeness with both Sue and Mia had brought about changes in mom too.

She was far more relaxed now, looking younger even with less worry lines in her face. Though I think part of that was due to the nightly orgasms I was giving her just before we retired to bed together, now…always sleeping together of course in the same bed at night. I lost track of the times I woke up to the feel of mom’s lips wrapped around my hard cock, sucking me awake.

One of my fondest memories however, was on one particular “working weekend” as mom called it, when she was required to show another particular expensive looking house. This time Aunt Sue along with Mia drove down to stay with us, though we’d been granted permission by the owners who were over in Europe at the time, to go ahead and stay there, and thus be available all through the weekend in order to show it.

Though we knew we’d all have to be appropriately attired during the day, and on somewhat of our best behavior while mom showed the house, in the evening we pretty much had the run of the entire place to ourselves. Once again, clothing was scarce during that time, something I always enjoyed, seeing all three women running around naked together, which inevitably aroused and excited us all.

And the fact we’d evolved to such a point that we could in fact, if the mood so took us, spend intimate time with one another one on one, as opposed to always doing something together, though I quite naturally almost preferred it whenever we did that. Still…being able to simply walk over to someone, whether it was my Aunt, mother, or my cousin, and simply start fooling around was a joy in and of itself.

Once such an instance of that was on the following morning. Mom had gotten up in order to have plenty of time to dress, make herself presentable, and then spend time going over some specific details about the house. She’d sequestered herself inside the owner’s study in order to do that, so we had all left her alone while she did. I had wandered upstairs thinking about getting dressed myself, though we still had a couple of hours to go yet before mom’s prospective buyers were due to arrive.

As I did, I heard the upstairs shower running, smiling to myself as I was already beginning to picture both my Aunt, or my cousin standing there naked. The thing about this particular shower too was the fact it was enormous. It had several overhead sprays, easily capable of accommodating several people at once.

I often wondered after seeing it if the people who owned the place hadn’t indeed used it for an orgy themselves a time or two. As I entered the primary bedroom where mom and Sue had been sleeping, I now heard voices coming from the adjacent bath, and then knew that both my Aunt and Cousin were inside.

As I stated, gone were the days of sneaking about, no longer the need, or even the want really to spy on anyone, I simply walked into the room where the two of them were. The shower itself was so designed, there was no need for a curtain, sliding glass doors or such. It was enormous, fully open and far enough away from the rest of the dressing area that nothing got wet.

There was even a redwood deck to stand on when drying off, prior to stepping down a small flight of stairs into the actual bathroom, or changing room itself. Walking in, and then up the short flight of steps, I soon found my Aunt and cousin inside the shower, already having decided to join them. I stopped short of that however for a few moments, more content to watch as they hadn’t as yet noticed me, just listening to the two of them, seeing them so intimately playing with one another.

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