Madam’s crazy notebook – 5

told me just how close that one had hit. Sure enough, the lights immediately went out in the house, now throwing it into darkness and totally obscuring it from my view. I knew mom and my aunt would soon be scrambling to light the candles, and now stood waiting inside the darkened barn for the worst of it to pass. I thought briefly of trying to find a lantern, lighting it, but with the horse already nervous enough as it was, I didn’t dare let go of the rope,

just barely managing to keep him calmed down enough as it was. All I could do was to stand there with my flashlight, the only source of lighting that I had at the time. At least with it being a fairly rapid moving storm, I didn’t figure I’d be out there for too long at least, and decided to remain where I was until the worst of it had passed, or the horse no longer appeared ready to kick down the fence surrounding his stable, or injure himself by trying to jump over it.

Another bright flash of light, which literally filled the sky, caused me to glance up in the direction of the door. As I looked I saw what appeared at first to be an apparition, the silhouette of someone standing there, likewise encased in a thick rain slicker from head to foot. At once, I thought it was my aunt coming out to check on the horses herself and even on me perhaps as bad as the thunder and lightning still was. With the sudden darkness I could barely even make out her approach as she started to walk towards me. I thought about shining the light in her direction, but decided against it, as she’d soon reach me anyway.

“Aunt Sue?” I asked, though I received no response. I waited a moment more until the apparition took on shape, the yellow rain coat she was wearing now giving evidence to her person as she reached up, now lowering the head covering. I was surprised to find myself staring at Mia as she lowered the hood revealing her face. “Mia?”

“Surprise,” she said almost offhandedly, still sounding a little distant. “I decided to drive down for the weekend after all,” she informed me. “Just got here a few minutes ago in fact, which is when mom told me you’d come out here to check on the horses, though I’d do so myself, since it’s been a while now since I’ve even seen them…or you,” she added as an afterthought.

“I’m glad you did,” I told her, unmoving still as I wasn’t sure how she’d respond to me as yet should I make any sudden untoward moves. I needn’t have worried however, as with the next sudden thunderclap, she was suddenly in my arms, not afraid of the thunder or the storm, just using that as an excuse to suddenly embrace me perhaps, which is what she now did.

Before I even knew what was happening, her lips were on mine, kissing me fiercely, and I now kissed her back.

“I’m still pissed at you, you know,” she told me, pressing herself against me. I laughed, easing the tension a little.

“Well at least you’re still not so mad you didn’t kiss me. Though I’m still a bit pissed at you too for hiding from me, not seeing you to say goodbye after I had left. Not to mention the fact, you never wrote to me once, never returned any of my letters I sent you, so I stopped writing.”

“I know…and I did write you back too, I just never sent them.” Suddenly she produced a fairly good bundle of letters she had secured together with ribbon, handing them to me. “See? Like I said…I did write, just never mailed them.”

Once again I drew her back into my arms, kissing her again. “You tore down our room,” I said looking up towards the loft.

“Yeah, I did. Didn’t want to have it as a reminder to me. Bad enough I still see the couch, but…I’m over it now. You’re back, you didn’t die.”

“Nope…I didn’t. Didn’t get married or bring back any babies with me either,” I now added, catching a smile on her face when hearing that.

“Good thing, or I would have killed you myself,” she informed me, and then removed her raincoat. She was as naked as the day she was born beneath it. Once again she stood there silently letting me enjoy the view. Another sound of thunder followed by lightning, though this time off in the distance informed us the storm was quickly moving away. “Fuck me,” she now said. “Right here…right now, fuck me!”

I spread her rain slicker on the ground along with my own over on a pile of hay used to feed the horses. The storm was calming down enough that not only the Gelding, but the rest of the horses seemed much calmer themselves. With only the flashlight to see by, I propped it up just enough in order to better highlight her with, as I now stood above her removing my clothes as she lay there beneath me.

“Won’t we be missed?” I asked.

“No, your mom and mine know where we are…and most likely what we’ll be doing too,” she stated. “There’s a lot I need to tell you about, things you need to know…but not now, perhaps tomorrow when we can be alone again, sit down and talk about it.”

“Like what?” I said asking anyway.

“Tomorrow,” she said again letting me know there would be no further hints or conversation about it tonight anyway. “Just fuck me George, fuck me hard and fast, I’ve missed you.”

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