Madam’s crazy notebook – 4

“Because I want to see you kiss Aunt Sue with my cum remnants still inside your mouth,” I told her.


I was serious however and told her so, even going so far as to pour out the last of my bottle on the ground before tossing it in the back.

“You’re not serious! I can’t kiss Sue with…with…your sperm in my mouth, she’ll taste it!”

“That’s the whole point mom,” I said, leering at her even more. “She won’t know what it is anyway, even if she does wonder at first. But it will be a story you can tell her about later after she’s learned the truth about us. Think of it that way.”

“You’re a really naughty boy…you know that?”

“Yeah, and you’re a pretty naughty girl yourself. Now…are we ready to go say hello to Aunt Sue?”


It was good to see my Aunt again after so long. She was indeed standing outside on her deck as we drove up the long drive to her house, waving at us as she did so. By the time we pulled up in front however, she had come downstairs and was waiting for us there.

“Give her a nice naughty little kiss for me,” I told mom, winking at her. Even if she didn’t have any cum in her mouth, I wondered if indeed Aunt Sue would be able to taste or smell mom’s “penis breath”.

Mom just shook her head, though I noticed a quirky little upturn on her lip as she turned from me and opened the door on her side of the car stepping out. I quickly joined her as we walked over to where my Aunt was patiently waiting for us.

Though she didn’t exactly slip my Aunt the tongue as they greeted one another affectionately, I did see more of an open-mouthed kiss being exchanged between them. My Aunt’s eyes popped open as she did, even though it was still very brief. As they parted I saw a bit of a flush spread into her cheeks as she finally turned towards me stepping into my arms for a hug. I did so, feeling her magnificent breasts pressing into my chest before I leaned forward likewise now kissing her in greeting. In the past,

it would have been more of a quick pursed lips kiss, but I too took the opportunity to open my lips a bit more fully, smiling inwardly when she accepted the kiss allowing her own lips to part in greeting my own. I thought briefly about slipping her a little tongue, but then decided not to push it, though I did hold the kiss a bit longer than what might have normally been expected.

“Whew, well now…you’ve certainly grown up a lot,” Aunt Sue said, stepping back, her face even more red now than it had been. “You learn that in the service too?” She wondered.

“You might say that,” I grinned back at her now noticing that two very hard firm points were poking out through the material of her tight fitting tee shirt, and could tell from that, along with the feel of her soft firm breasts as they had pressed against me that she hadn’t been wearing a bra. Though I also knew most of the time while on the ranch, she usually didn’t.

Mom and I soon after followed her inside where we went upstairs on the sun deck where she’d made iced-tea for us and sat sipping that, catching up for a bit before Aunt Sue announced they should probably run into town and stock up on some provisions for our stay.

As we sat there chatting, I had learned with Mia’s being away upstate at the College she was attending, Aunt Sue had hired on a part-time hand to feed and take care of the horses every day. As the two of them made ready to head into town, I used that as an excuse to walk over to the stables to check in on the horses myself, especially as Aunt Sue had ended up purchasing a new horse, a young Gelding that she said was highly spirited and from good stock.

I noticed upon reaching the barn, and then climbing into the loft, that Mia’s makeshift little room she had made was no longer there. All the hay bales had been removed, broken down or scattered. I wondered if she had purposely done so herself. Just seeing that however made me realize just how angry she had truly been with me. A fact now confirmed by her refusal to even come down for a visit over the long holiday weekend.

By the time I had walked back, Mom and Maria were just leaving, once again I gave them each other kiss, full on the lips and had even briefly tickled my Aunt’s lips with the tip of my tongue, causing her to giggle and shake her head in surprise at my newfound boldness.

“We shouldn’t be gone any longer than a couple of hours,” they informed me. “When we get back, we’ll fire up the BBQ and cook up some nice steaks for your first dinner here,” my Aunt said once again blushing slightly. I stood watching them drive off, and then made my way upstairs to the bedrooms. Mom of course would again be sleeping in Aunt Sue’s bedroom with her just like she always had when we’d come for a visit. Entering the room, I immediately spotted mom’s special travel bag where she kept her diaries. Leaving the new one alone,

I quickly grabbed the previous one and took it outside up on the deck with me where I could watch for their return and have plenty of time to keep the book away again should they return earlier than expected. As mom wrote in a two-year diary, I knew it would contain the dates that I was most interested in reading at the moment. Within seconds I had settled comfortably in my chair, fresh Ice-tea sitting beside me, and located the exact date I knew I had lost my virginity on.

Series Navigation<< Madam’s crazy notebook – 3Madam’s crazy notebook – 5 >>

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