Madam’s crazy notebook – 4

The look on Mia’s face said it all. She was shocked, hurt and for whatever reason, angry with me just hearing about it now. So much so, she had gotten up from the table and headed straight for her bedroom where she stayed for the next hour or so, much to everyone’s surprise. I think her reaction left more hints and clues about us than anything ever could, though at the time, I had no idea mom and my aunt were well aware of our intimate activities.

When she finally did come down again, dinner was of course over, and somewhat less than what it had been meant to be. Still sitting outside drinking the wine, Mia had joined us, downing two glasses one right after the other almost immediately.

“You’d best slow down Mia,” her mother had cautioned, though she now well knew the reason why she was so upset. “Otherwise you’ll make yourself sick, and I for one am not going to clean up after you if you do!”

She had in fact slowed down after that, and finally drew me off to one side as we went for a walk in order to talk privately and alone.

“Why didn’t you tell me you would be leaving soon?” She asked.

“Would it have made any difference?”

“It might have…yes.”

“So in other words, had I told you I’d signed up, you and I wouldn’t have done what we did earlier, is that it?”

“I don’t know…maybe. I know I’d certainly have been mad at you then, so probably not.”

“Then damn glad I didn’t!” I said taking her into my arms, kissing her deeply, which she responded to initially before placing her hands on my chest, pushing me back.

“Damn you George!” She said, stepping back, folding her arms over her breasts as she stood there glaring at me. “You’re either going to get yourself killed over there, or you’re going to end up meeting, and then marrying some woman, get her pregnant and come back with a baby…if you’re not already dead by then,” she said once again.

I honestly don’t recall ever seeing her this angry before. “I have no intention of getting myself killed. I’m no hero for one thing. And for another, I seriously doubt I’ll see any action. I’m assigned to the communications area, we won’t be anywhere near the main fighting.”

“The main fighting,” she said once again stamping her foot, tossing her arms into the air as she wheeled on me. “But you could still get shot at!” She exclaimed.

“So could you Mia. Some idiot postal clerk could go ballistic and shoot you in the head when you went in to buy stamps. There’s just as much of a chance of that happening, as it would be for me.”

She wasn’t buying it however, and finally burst into tears, once again running back down the dirt road we’d been walking on, and then into the house. I could only stand there watching her go, and slowly began walking back.


I had actually gotten mom in a better mood again as I slowly steered the conversation back around to her and her sister. Eventually, I got her to tell me some of the things they had done growing up together, the first time they ever had, what they did, how they felt about it afterwards. Eventually she was sharing with me a few of their really intimate private naughty moments when they’d done things with one another neither one of them had ever even considered doing before.

Needless to say, I was aroused once again, my cock again out of my pants as I sat there fondling it, much to her delight.

“We’re only a few miles from the turn off,” she told me as she got ready to tuck her tits back into her bra again. I had indeed managed to get her to show them to me again, though even better, sitting up once just enough to flash a trucker coming the other way. He had noticed her doing so fairly early on, each one of us actually slowing as we passed one another, giving us several long blasts from his horn as we passed.

Yeah, mom indeed was in a much better mood, and horny again herself.

“Maybe you’d better start thinking about putting that thing away.”

“What I’m thinking about, is putting it away inside you,” I told her, though she once again gave me a look that told me that was still as yet an area she wasn’t quite comfortable with.

“Now George…you promised.”

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