Madam’s crazy notebook – 4

“Remember when I came home for that week right out of Boot Camp?” Mom nodded her head. Aunt Sue had made the trip down to stay with us for a few days while I was home. Once again reminding myself how Mia had refused to come with her, even though she was still home at the time. She’d used the excuse that someone needed to stay behind and take care of the horses, though I knew she was still very upset with me.

“I remember that much,” mom stated though it was obvious she was searching her memory for anything else that had happened. I now knew they had, but I still had to be cautious in what I actually said I had seen.

“I remember coming downstairs after taking my shower, you two were in the kitchen doing the dinner dishes together.”

I saw her eyes open wide at that as she tried to recall anything they had done or said, still thinking me up in my room. Seeing that, I once again knew I was on to something and decided to pursue it.

“I had just reached the doorway when I heard the two of you giggling as you stood there at the sink. Aunt Sue then said something, most of which I didn’t catch because she was whispering, but it had something to do with what she was planning on doing to you later on in your bedroom.” I knew by her response, it was close enough to whatever truth there was that she bought it.

“But then I saw Aunt Sue slip her hand down the backside of your pants, fondling your ass, and then I suspected there had been a lot more going on than either one of you would ever admit to.”

That I had seen, but again it had been years ago. I could only hope it wasn’t the only time she’d ever done that. But by mom’s reaction it appeared that she had, or had at least done something similar to that anyway.

“I always was worried about you overhearing or seeing something,” Mom said though she looked a bit more relaxed now in admitting it. “I guess I should have known better,” she said blushing. “What else did you see or overhear?” she now asked.

Having gone this far with it, I decided to press my luck. “Well, later on that night, now curious as to what I thought might be going on, I waited until the two of you had gone to bed, then I snuck out of my room and stood outside the door of your room listening. Sure enough, I could hear you two just well enough to know what was going on. The way you both giggled, the pleasured sighs and moans and groans coming from inside your bedroom, pretty much confirmed for me that the two of you were involved with one another sexually.”

Now mom was seriously blushing. “I’m so sorry George that you found out about it like that. Were you angry? Shocked? Upset?”

I smiled at her. “Not at all mom…if anything, it made me horny just thinking about it, which is when I made up my own mind to eventually try seducing you. I knew then I wanted to be with you as well, though the thought of possibly being with you and Aunt Sue was something I very often entertained doing too.”

“George, I’m not sure that’s such a very good idea,” she told me. “And I’m not too sure your Aunt would even entertain something like that either.”

Had it not been for the fact I knew a lot more than she thought I knew, I might not even have brought the subject up. But judging by her response, she was either reluctant to include me, or perhaps actually nervous about telling Aunt Maria that we’d already done as much as we had. Which I then brought up as we sat discussing it further.

“So I take it you’re not planning on telling her about us then.” It was obvious my comment had caught her off guard. She opened her mouth to speak, and then closed it as she obviously knew I was well aware she and Aunt Sue never kept any secrets from one another.

“No…I was, part of the reason for my coming up here,” she told me. “It’s just that…I don’t want to spring everything on her at once.”

“So you’ll at least think about it then, asking her if I can at least watch the two of you.”

Once again she looked a little bewildered sitting there, actually considering what I’d just asked her to do. “Maybe, let’s see how it goes,” she said. “I’m sure she’ll be in a bit of a state of shock when I tell her what we have done. Best to let that sink in for a bit before surprising her with anything else.”

I let it ride, I’d pretty much planted the seed and suggestion, and knew that I could, and most likely would steer things in that direction anyway. All I needed to do now was be patient myself, and wait for the more appropriate opportunity to bring it all up again.

“So, Mia’s still upset with me is she?” I said changing the subject. And though it wasn’t necessarily a good subject to be bringing up, it had for the moment at least, temporarily let mom off the hook.

“Perhaps, though Sue and I haven’t really discussed it much, not after you left to ship out overseas anyway,” she told me. “But yes, she still may be, especially as this is a holiday weekend for her, and she’s decided to remain there at school rather than coming down for a visit, which she’d decided to do once she heard we were coming up.”

I was once again taken back to that night so long ago now. Knowing that we had news, but not yet knowing what it was, my Aunt Sue had gone about preparing one of my favorite dinners for the evening. Opening a couple of bottles of really nice wine to go with it, we had soon settled down to eat, though just before doing that was when I made my announcement that I had joined the service and would be leaving for boot camp in just a few days time.

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