Madam’s crazy notebook -2

“Yeah well, it burns,” I responded even though it really didn’t. I’d also managed to accomplish one other feat, as had been my intent. I wasn’t exactly full on erect now. Not like I had been, certainly not enough to appear obscenely aroused, but not exactly flaccid either. I knew as she opened the sliding door a bit wider this time in order to hand over the cloth, still holding the bottle of shampoo, that this time she could see me quite clearly as I turned towards her in order to accept it.

“Goodness,” she said, surprising herself perhaps when she did.

“What?” I said once again.

“Well…for one, you’re certainly not modest these days,” she said as I stood there knowing full well I was facing her.

“Must be the service, get used to standing around naked in front of a lot of people,” I replied.

“Yes well, I doubt any of those were women…and certainly not your own mother,” she told me, though I noticed she made no effort to move away from the door as I stood there scrubbing at my eyes with the washcloth as though unaware that she still was.

“Well, you’re the one who told me that there was nothing to be ashamed about,” I began. “Remember? And especially now, being grown up and all, no reason for me to be embarrassed by you seeing me, no differently than I wouldn’t be embarrassed at seeing you.”

She paused once again digesting that perhaps. “Yes…except if you remember correctly, we weren’t actually discussing naked bodies, but something else a bit more intimate in nature as I recall.”

Now it was my turn to laugh, though I immediately felt my cock stiffen, and knew as it did that she could now easily see it doing so. I held my head beneath the water for a moment, and then opened my eyes glancing in her direction. Sure enough…she was looking down at my rapidly stiffening cock.

I noticed her face was flushed, and her chest seemed to be heaving up and down a bit more noticeably as well as she breathed in and out.

“That’s true,” I laughed as she now looked up into my eyes. “And to be perfectly honest about it…that was what I was actually doing when I got soap in my eyes.”

“You…you were?” Mom asked, a catch in her throat as she once again looked down at my now full-on erection.

“Yeah, I admit, I was feeling a bit horny…especially these days,” I freely admitted, seeing the surprise in her eyes that we were actually now having this conversation. “It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone…” I told her, once again catching her off guard. I had dated a couple of women while away, but even then the sex with each had been less than satisfactory, and I certainly hadn’t been looking for any long-term relationships either. “What about you mom?”

Already off balance as it was, my question seemed to make her even more so.

“What…what do you mean?”

“What do you think I mean?” I chuckled back, still trying to keep it light and open between us. “I know that you’ve certainly not been seeing anyone, at least anyone you’ve told me about…but I can’t believe for a moment you still don’t have the urges or desires. You’re still too attractive, too good looking a woman not to.”

She again blushed, evading the question perhaps by asking another. “You really think so? Think I’m still attractive enough to entice someone?” She asked.

“Yes, of course you are. But you are at least masturbating, yes? I mean honest mom, it’s not healthy if you’re not at least doing that. I know for a fact, that men and women both, if they go too long without having an orgasm, experiencing pleasure, it really can affect their health in a fairly serious way.”

She stood for a moment without speaking. Her hand came up to grab the side of the shower glass door as though needing the additional support. I was almost positive that she now did as her chest continued to rise and fall a bit quicker than normal. This conversation was obviously having an effect on her after all.

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