Madam’s crazy notebook -2

I stood beneath the hot spray of the shower, my prick firmly in hand as I slowly worked it, maintaining its firmness though it took little effort in doing so. I was hard as a rock and now horny as hell. My heart felt like it was beating a thousand miles an hour as I stood there listening, finally hearing her as she actually stopped and knocked on the bathroom door.

“George honey? I’m back!” Mom called me. It was now or never.


“Yes honey?”

“I forgot to get some fresh towels before stepping into the shower, would you mind getting me a new one?” I asked.

There was only the briefest of pauses, but there was one. I knew she was standing there thinking about what I’d just asked.

“Sure honey…be right back,” she said and then walked down the hallway towards the linen cupboard.

I knew that the glass doors on the tub enclosure were opaque just enough to offer up some small measure of privacy. She would no doubt be able to make out the outline of my nude form inside the shower itself, but nothing too revealingly. Not unless I either pressed myself against it, or allowed it to remain at least partially open. I slid it back just a couple of inches, no more than that. But in having done so, I knew that should she stand anywhere near the doorway to the bathroom, that she would in fact be able to see in.

The other problem was, even if she brought the fresh towels into the bathroom, I needed some additional excuse to keep her in there after she had. Which immediately came to me, just as she entered.

“Here they are,” she said as I heard her open the door as I’d expected, stepping in. “I’ll hang them up for you.”

I knew as she did so, she could see me through the glass of the shower doors, though not clearly. Perhaps a hint of my erection poking out in front of me, which I then purposely turned to one side ensuring at least that she might. I heard her placing the towels, and smiled inwardly as she took an inordinate amount of time doing so.

“So…you get everything done you went out to do?” I attempted to keep some sort of dialogue and conversation going here. “I got everything done on my end,” I added waiting for her response. I got it in the form of her actually sitting down on the toilet seat, as I too could just make out her presence on the other side of the glass doors.

“Yep, all done. Picked up a few things for the drive up tomorrow,” she now added. We had planned on driving up, not only for the weekend, but for an additional three days to spend some time visiting with my aunt since my return. I was sad that Mia wouldn’t be there, as she was upstate attending school at a local university up there.

But I wasn’t too surprised by that either as Mia and I hadn’t exactly parted on the best of terms when I had originally left. Still…I was anxious and looking forward to seeing my aunt once again even then.

“Are you still going up at least once a month to visit with her?” I asked.

“That…or she’s actually been coming here to see me if I couldn’t make it up there…so yes,” mom replied. “Though I thought it was only fair that we go there this time, especially as it’s been a while since you’ve been there.” As she spoke, I now saw her stand up, and knew she was making to leave.


“What’s wrong?” She asked.

“I got soap in my eyes, I can’t see…and it burns,” I said quickly, not knowing what else I could have come up with.

“Aren’t you using that new shampoo I bought?”

“No…I guess not, where is it?”

I then heard her open the cabinet door beneath the sink. “Here it is,” she said and then approached the shower door where she now stood, her hand coming through the opening though she was careful not to position herself so she could see clearly in. But I could see that she was peeking without trying to make it too obvious as I stood there rubbing my eyes with my fists.

“Can you grab me a washcloth too? I still can’t get the soap out of my eyes,” I informed her, pretending I hadn’t seen her hand as she stood there holding out the bottle to me. Once again I heard her open a drawer searching for the cloth. She laughed when she did. “What?”

“Oh nothing,” she snickered. “I guess it’s just nice to feel like I’m still needed,” she said laughing. “Grown man with soap in his eyes acting like a young kid again is all,” she finished still chuckling.

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