I’ve been in love set up

“Uh uh!” Sophia called out to me pointing towards the ground near my feet. I looked down. There were two bikini tops, and bottoms laying there in the sand. “It’s a new moon,” she then said pointing up at the sky. “You always have to skinny dip under a new moon, don’t you know that?”

“I guess I do now,” I said. And then perhaps against my better judgment, I stepped out of my own shorts and quickly waded into the water.

As cool as Uncle Jacob was still trying to be, a short time later I made the girls get out of the water first, watching them gather up their discarded bikinis and begin the short walk back up to the house before getting out myself. I waited until I was sure they had actually gone inside, preferably into their room before entering myself as I had chosen not to put my own shorts back on again because of all the sand. The girls door was closed, though I could hear them giggling inside as I began to tiptoe by heading towards my own room, when the door suddenly opened.

“Nice ass Uncle Jacob,” I heard Sophia say, still giggling.

“Yes…it is.” I then heard as well. And stood there for perhaps a heartbeat or two more before entering my room.


It was a long time that I lay there in bed trying to go to sleep. Images of my two naked nieces dancing inside my head…literally. Sure, it had been too dark to really see much of anything. Just an occasional glimpse here and there as the three of us frolicked there in the water, splashing one another, until the girls decided they were going to team up and try to dunk me. That’s when I realized and remembered the sensation of skin on skin.

Their skin, my skin…real soft, firm special skin, pressing against my back. I went under. Better to be safe than sorry. But now I lay here remembering that. Remembering how it had felt, and occasionally, how it had felt too. Both of them. My own nieces! I felt at once guilty and ashamed. And horny as hell. There was no way I was going to be able to go to sleep until I did something about this raging hard one of mine sticking up between my legs.

I preferred to be able to clean things up rather quickly afterwards when I had finished masturbating. And unfortunately I hadn’t made preparations ahead of time in the event. I decided that I’d get up…head into the bathroom as though I needed to pee. I’d quickly wash up…and then return to my room. But this would give me the time I needed to wring out a nice warm wet cloth to take back with me for afterwards.

I slipped out of bed as quietly as I could, opened my door and stepped into the hallway, softly and quietly heading towards the bathroom. It was the sound of a giggle maybe? That I heard. Not from the girls room mind you…but from somewhere beyond. Most likely out on the deck. Even through the subdued light I could faintly see shadow. And as I moved closer to the sitting room, I could begin to hear things far more easily as well.

“Oh God yes. Do it honey…just like that. Yes, that’s it…pinch my clitty baby…make me cum!”

Hearing the sound of Sophia’s voice, that was shocking enough. But then I realized….

“Oh yeah, right there…just like that,” she moaned deeply. I took another step into the room, secure in the knowledge that I had both the cover of darkness, as well as the half drawn door curtain to hide me. I stepped closer taking position along one side of the door.

Sophia was laying in one of the lounge chairs, her hands cupping her breasts as she played with them. Hazel had straddled her, and it was obvious what she was doing. Her fingers busy between her sister’s legs as she sat there playing with her, fingering her. I was both shocked, surprised, and once again even more horny than I’d been only moments ago. Without even a second thought, I reached down, grasping my rock hard cock and began stroking it, looking on and listening as the girls continued with one another.

I had indeed arrived just in time to see Sophia climax. She was thrusting herself upwards against her sister’s hand, grinding and humping as Hazel continued to finger her, now cupping one of her own magnificent breasts, tweaking her taut nipple as her sister came.

“Oh fuck! Fuck baby…fuck! Oh yeah, that’s it…that’s it….THAT’S IT!” She cried out. It didn’t even dawn on me that had I still been in my own bedroom, I most likely would have still heard that. But at the moment…I wasn’t thinking about that, and could have cared less anyway. My cock ached for some much needed relief, but I wasn’t about to hurry things along too quickly either. The girls were changing places.

It wasn’t long before the sounds of Hazel’s heavy, raspy breathing reached my ears. I had stood back behind the curtain a bit more until I was sure it was safe before daring to peek out towards them. It was funny, I heard Sophia spit, then a second later heard Hazel’s deep soft moan.

“Guess I really didn’t need that,” she spoke softly. “You’re fucking drenched!” She added a bit louder, making me wince as though someone else besides me might have overheard that…stupid as that was.

“I’m fucking horny is what I am,” Hazel said.

I nearly came right there and then. Hazel said fuck?

“Tell me about it,” Sophia agreed, the sounds of her sister’s VERY slick pussy easily heard at this point as she seemed to revel in it, teasing her sister, and if anything, working up a nice pussy-froth that was really starting to get to me. “Can you imagine what that fucker looks like hard?” She asked.

Were they talking about me? I actually quit jacking myself off so I could focus, and listen more closely to this.

“We’ve seen it hard, through his pants,” Hazel groaned once again, and actually giggled.

“Doesn’t count,” Sophia quipped. “I do think we saw it half hard though, don’t you? I think I even felt it for a second.”

“Did not!”

“Did too!”




I was trying to think back to remember. Yes, I had certainly been aroused, more so after the girls decided to try and dunk me, which is when I felt it start to grow and decided that it was time for the game to end. I of course remember, “Hazel’s I think”, breasts…pressed against my back briefly. And then….”Oh fuck. Maybe she did!”

I’d been sure it was an accident. One of those inadvertent, incidental contacts as we stood there in the water horsing around. I mean it was so quick, so brief…it couldn’t have been on purpose now could it?

“So what did it feel like anyway?” Hazel asked.

“Well it was pretty quick. I couldn’t make it too obvious you know? But it was nice, nice and thick, even though it wasn’t fully hard.”

“Fuck I wish I’d been brave enough,” Hazel moaned once again. “I really would like to see a man’s cock…a man’s nice hard cock. For real,” she added once again giggling. “And especially Uncle Jacobs!”

I began furiously fisting myself again.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to see what we can do about that then shouldn’t we?”

I’m pretty sure I sprayed all over the curtain. I remember thinking that I’d try and see how bad the damages were when the girls weren’t around. I hurriedly made my way back to my room, a jumble of mixed emotions. I knew with a degree of certainty that I’d never be able to look at either one of my nieces in the same way again either. Especially Hazel!


This time it was my turn to sleep in. And whether I did so consciously or not, it was the sound of a soft knock on my bedroom door that finally woke me.

“Uncle Jacob? Time to get up, sleepyhead, breakfast is ready!” Hazel was saying.

Hazel. My shy, quiet little niece. Ok, maybe not so much any more. Once again images of her filling my head. Naked images. “Ok, this wasn’t good,” I thought while sitting up. “Be right there!” I called out instead. But that’s when the door opened.

“Not necessary,” both girls announced walking into my room, Hazel carrying a tray of food, Sophia with a full carafe of deliciously smelling coffee. But that’s not all that was delicious either. Neither one of them had a stitch on!

“I ah…you ah…” They laughed.

“Yeah, we thought we’d get this, ‘we’re all naked thing,’ out of the way,” Hazel pronounced. “It was starting to get a little old anyway,” she added to that. I just sat there looking at her. Where the hell had Hazel disappeared to?

“Obviously, a lot can happen in a year’s time,” Hazel continued. “And thanks to Sophia for most of that…it’s changed me,” she grinned, crawling up into bed to sit next to me. Hazel held the tray as Sophia peeled down the bed sheets, fully exposing the two of us now. Sophia poured me a cup of coffee, and then crawled into bed next to me on the other side.

“Well? Aren’t you hungry?” She asked.

I didn’t know what I was. Confused, yes. Hungry? No…unless it was hungry for something else.

Sophia looked down, lifting the tray a little.

“Is it?”

“I think it is. At least it’s starting too.”

“Let me see it.”

Sophia took the tray away. I didn’t mind. I wasn’t hungry anyway. What I was now, was hard.

“What did you expect?”

“Oh yeah, very much so,” she giggled excitedly.

“Go ahead touch it. See what it feels like.”

“Hey wait a minute I finally said. You guys are sitting here talking like I wasn’t even here. Don’t the two of you think I should have some say in the matter?” Hazel reached down, taking my hand and rested it upon her breast.

“Now may I?” She asked.

“Be my guest,” I sighed happily just as Sophia reached down, taking my other hand.

I lay back with my head deep in the pillow. The girls are now sitting up, toying with me, exploring me, and getting to know me a whole lot better. As far as I was concerned, we could spend the entire afternoon just doing that.

“Listen I have to ask…when you mentioned you’d been with one female…was that…”

“Hazel? Technically? No.”


“Yeah I really don’t count simple masturbation with someone as being with someone. Hell, if I did that, the numbers would go up on both sides of that coin!” Hazel rolled her eyes.

“Ok, and you?” I had to ask, which I felt was only fair considering she was now sitting there with my hard cock in hand, happily stroking it up and down, taking turns with her sister.

“Just one woman,” she grinned. “No guys…yet,” she added to that, once again looking at me as she leaned over just enough to give the tip of my prick a little kiss.

“Really. You’ve both been with another woman?”

The girls looked at one another and laughed. “Yep, same woman, same time,” they said in unison. “But we’ll leave the rest of that for later,” Sophia finished. “Right now, I think Hazel would like to see you cum. She’s never seen a man’s prick shoot before have you sweetie?” She asked.

“Nope! Not yet!” She started anxiously, once again stroking my prick with a renewed interest and purpose. “How soon after you’ve cum does it get hard again?” She then asked.

“I don’t know…I guess it just depends,” I answered.

“Depends? Depends on what?” Sophia now asked.

“Depends on what happens after that,” I grinned wickedly. Now Sophia added her hand to my cock as the two of them began stroking it in unison together.

“Uncle Jacob?”

“You know…maybe we should sort of drop the Uncle part whenever we’re together like this,” I stated. I knew just by saying that, I was hoping we’d be doing this a bit more often now.

The girls thought about it, and then shook their heads no. “No, I like calling you Uncle Jacob. Especially like this. It’s a lot more nasty sounding,” Hazel teased.

“Yeah, naughty, dirty sounding Uncle JacobF,” Sophia added to that. “Really makes my pussy throb.”

“Well in that case…I’m your Uncle,” I told them both. “Now, you were going to ask me something, yes?”

“Oh yeah…I was. What I was going to ask you, is if you’ve ever eaten a woman’s pussy before!”

“Of course he is silly!” Sophia nearly shouted, though turning to me. “You have…haven’t you?” She asked.

“Oh yeah, many times,” I assured them both. Which if I started counting would make my own personal numbers go up as well. But now was not the time or place.

“So…would you like me to do that for the two of you?” I asked excitedly.

“That depends,” Hazel quipped.


“Yeah, that depends on how soon here you’ll cum for us,” she told me. She soon slithered down to lay next to me, Sophia doing the same thing on the other side. The girls now taking turns, licking and sucking my cock, passing it back and forth to one another. I knew sure as hell it wouldn’t take long, not at this rate. And I was already laying here imagining what the rest of the evening might be like, not to mention the last few days we’d have together before Alex arrived.

“Shit, Alex!” I said aloud. “Listen…girls,” I struggled, trying not to enjoy myself for a moment, which was damn fucking hard. “About your mother.”

“What about her?” Sophia asked.

“Yeah…what about her?” Alex asked as she stood there in the doorway.

To be continued…

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