I’ve been in love set up

I only had one bathroom. Needless to say, it was on a first-come first-served basis, though I had asked early on that things be kept down to fifteen minutes in the morning, until everyone had had a chance to use it. I heard the shower come on, and had a pretty good idea that it was Sophia who was in there. For as long as I’d known the girls, Sophia had always been the first one up, and Hazel had always been the one that you had to almost pull out of bed.

The way my house sat, the bathroom was sandwiched between my bedroom and the one in which the girls were staying in. Further on down the hall you’d eventually run into the main sitting room, and the kitchen area just off of that. The master bedroom, which was now actually my studio, was on the other side, and had a nice private little porch, balcony where I very often sat and either painted, or spent some time writing.

As I began to pass by the girls bedroom door, I noticed two things. One, it was actually ajar a good inch or so. Sophia must have failed to close it all the way when she got up to take her shower. Two…was the sound of a sob, or what certainly sounded like a sob at first, which basically stopped me in my tracks. “Is she crying? Why would Hazel be crying?” I now asked myself. All sorts of horrible thoughts are now racing through my head all at once.

Maybe I had caused or done more damage than I’d realized. I couldn’t bear the thought that my niece might be thinking the worst of me, regretting the fact that she was now forced to be here. Now I really felt like hell. And that was about to get worse. Far worse.

With the door open just a crack, I decided to confirm my worst suspicions. Perhaps later when we were alone, we could sit down and discuss this, patch things up…get things back to normal and where they belonged. I put my eye to the door, intending to do so only briefly, quickly. What I thought was the sound of my niece sobbing was entirely different, what I now heard, and saw seemed to have paralyzed me for a moment. Pure and utter disbelief as I tried to register everything all at once. Hazel lay naked in the middle of the bed.

Her head pressed well back against the pillow, one hand cupping one of her lovely breasts, fingers currently pinching and pulling on one of her thick fat nipples. The other? Obviously down between her legs as she furiously lay there finger-fucking herself, one leg bent at the knee, spread just wide enough that I could clearly see her bare pussy as she continued to assault herself. I have no idea how long I actually stood there. It couldn’t have been long, but time seemed to have suddenly stopped for some reason. More importantly however…I hadn’t heard the shower turn off, nor had I heard the bathroom door open when Sophia suddenly stepped out.

“Uncle Jacob?” Was all she asked, standing there just behind me, one towel wrapped around her head, the other around her body as she stood there clutching it to herself.

It really doesn’t matter what I said, or even how I said it. I knew that my face was beet red. My hand had been caught in the proverbial cookie jar so to speak. I remember saying something, I think the word “Coffee” was amongst the words I used as I beat a hasty retreat towards the kitchen area. I remember hearing the bedroom door close with what sounded like a very purposeful sound behind it when it did.

I filled a carafe full of coffee and then took that with me into my studio. I closed the door, intending to spend the rest of the day there if I had to. Perhaps even…the rest of the week.

An hour later I heard a soft knock on the door, followed by another. “Uncle Jacob? We’re going down to the beach. Do you want or need anything?” It was Sophia of course. I’m not sure what I would have said or done had it been Hazel standing on the other side.

“Ah…no. Thanks! I’m ah…going to be working here for a while,” I half stammered.

“Ok, have fun!” Sophia called into me.

“What the hell did she mean by that?” I asked myself, paranoia coming through perhaps. Still…

I worked for an hour…doing absolutely nothing until I was sure at least that I’d given some measure of credibility to my being in here in the first place. Though I still didn’t know what I’d think, or do…or say, once I came out and actually had to face the girls again. And then I wondered….”Maybe she didn’t say…or even see anything? Was that even possible?” I mean after all, there was nothing to suggest anything, even when she’d stopped by earlier. Maybe I was imagining things. Maybe it was all in my head and that everything was just fine. Maybe.

I walked outside. Sure enough the girls were once again down on the beach taking in some sun. Sophia was actually sitting up, and it was obvious, even though she had her back to me, that her top was off. I watched as she sat a bottle of lotion down next to her, and then turned, spreading the lotion within her hands as she did so. Only then as she did that, did I see Hazel a bit more fully lying there next to her. She was topless as well as Sophia suddenly began rubbing lotion into, and onto her sister’s breasts.

“Holy fucking shit!” I exclaimed, and then realized I had spoken the words, not just thought them. Sophia turned enough to glance up to where I was standing there on the deck. Hazel too had turned, though her hands came up to protectively cover her own breasts, though she made no other movement, nor was there any sort of look of disgust on her face either as her eyes caught mine.

“You’d better get used to it Uncle Jacob,” Sophia informed me. “And it’s not like you haven’t seen a girl’s boobs before,” she added.

“Maybe so,” I answered back, surprised I’d even found the voice to be able to do so. “But there’s a difference between my own niece’s boobs, and those of another woman’s,” I stated in defense of myself.

“Oh? Since when?”

Sophia had asked the question, but it was the two of them as they both turned, and then stood facing me together that made me speechless. I might have expected that out of Sophia. But certainly not Hazel. And especially since…she wasn’t even blushing!

I waved them both off with an “Ok, you two win,” sort of a flapping hand thing, though my hand was probably as speechless as I was. I headed back inside, with no idea why, or what I was going to do, only that I needed to somehow rationalize all this. Maybe I really was being an old fuddy-duddy here. I mean after all, they were my nieces, and we were all adults here and all that. And just because they didn’t have any hang ups about being half naked, why then should I? The answer to that unfortunately was the very obvious bulge in my pants again. And I figured this time…they had both seen it.


We spent another nice evening together over dinner. I’d even managed to convince myself that I had been over reacting to everything, and that I simply needed to lighten up some and quit worrying about it. I opened another bottle of wine, and decided that maybe we all just needed to relax and enjoy one another’s company. A bit too much wine later I think…along with some laughter and maybe even a bit of flirtatiousness between the three of us, Sophia once again seemed to steer the conversation into a dangerous area. Though I’d been having way too much fun tonight spending time with the girls, and not really thinking about it.

“So how many girlfriends have you had Uncle Jacob?” She asked me. “Let me rephrase that,” she added before I could respond. “How many women is it that you’ve actually slept with?”

I blame it on the wine. If I’d been a little more sober, I’d have thought about her question a bit more before responding back to her. As it was, I answered her honestly. And worse…actually asked her the very same question.

“Four. And how many have you slept with?” I asked if I was being more glib and ‘with it’, and showing just how cool old Uncle Jacob really was…contrary to popular belief perhaps. I really wasn’t prepared for her answer.

“Are you asking me about men, or women?”

“Jesus Sophia!” Hazel said again. But this time I really wasn’t thinking about that. I was still trying to be cool Uncle Jacob.


“Which one?” I actually asked, now actually curious.

“One of each,” she grinned at me along with a wink, and then she licked her lips as well in addition to that.

Hazel was just shaking her head in disbelief perhaps. Though I thought for a moment there, I was too.

“You’re putting me on,” I said instead, figuring that she was. It wouldn’t have been at all unlike her to try and shock, or even embarrass me. I could even buy that she’d been with a guy thing already, after all she was nineteen. But another girl? Though then again, she always had been the more adventurous one of the two.

“No, I’m not putting you on…” she said with this weird little look on her face as she said that, and yes damn it…her finger suddenly going up to her mouth pulling on the corner of it as she leaned forward just a bit, giving me an obvious look for a moment down the top of her bikini top. “But I…”

“Ok, I think we’ve had enough to drink for tonight,” Hazel stated interrupting her sister, just in time the way I saw it. Things were definitely starting to get a little uncomfortable here, or so it seemed anyway. “Come on…let’s run down to the water and jump in. I think we could all use a wake up dip,” she added. I had to agree with that, and slowly followed behind as the girls took off hand in hand towards the water, laughing and giggling all the way.

Once again I silently chastised myself. Sophia was just being her normal somewhat flirtatious little self. It really didn’t mean anything. By the time I got down to the beach with my toes in the water, the girls were already in. I started to wade in, in order to join them.

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