I’ve been in love set up ch-03

This time even I didn’t allow Sophia to smash herself down fully against my face. I forced her to sit up a little at a perfect angle, and then softly flicked at her folds, occasionally finding her sweet little clit and licking it too. I varied the tempo, speed, as well as the pressure as I made love to her cunt until her mewls of excitement began to fill the air.

“Holy shit he’s good!” Sophia cried out at one point. “Almost as good as your mother…”she quickly added.

“Ah huh…” I heard Tom say, though I heard the smile in her tone of voice as she said it. “OK Hazel, help me play with your sister’s tits, just like we’ll do to you when you’re sitting up there,” she stated.

I might not have been able to see exactly what was going on, but I still had a pretty good idea as my mind’s eye painted a picture for me. The sounds of Tom and Hazel sucking on her sister’s breasts brought on additional murmurs of pleasure and ecstasy, as she hovered there above me.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! That’s nice!” Sophia exclaimed only now humping down against me in three quick successive movements as I only then latched onto her clit with my mouth, sucking it.

“Don’t you dare cum!” Tom warned her. “It’s ok to get to the edge, but don’t go over it,” she said…though I had the distinct feeling she was talking specifically to Hazel as she said that. “Actually being really close to an orgasm will make things go a whole lot easier for you when the time does come,” she pointed out.

“Well I’m pretty fucking close now myself!” Sophia quipped as I continued to lash out at her clit with my tongue, rapidly now, though periodically sucking and gently chewing on it as well. “Does that mean I can put it in now?” She asked rather enthusiastically.

“No…not quite yet!” Tom admonished. “But you probably should move down now before you explode the way you’re going!” Reluctantly, I released her clit, feeling my niece shiver as she slid down off my face, somehow maintaining contact with me as she did. I could feel the wet slick trace of her pussy as she slid downwards across my chest and belly, even as she slid over the top of my rock-hard cock, likewise bathing it briefly in her essence as she slipped on by.

“Ooh…that was nasty looking!” Hazel giggled. “Remind me to do that as well.” She leaned over, now running her tongue along the girl-goo trail her sister had left, licking it up.

“What she said.” I agreed, reveling in Hazel’s tongue as it seemed to create waves of goosebumps as she slithered down further, though Tom barred the way of her licking my prick by having gathered it within her hand.

“We can play…play later,” she admonished her daughter, and then both of them. “As a matter of fact, we can even tell Jacob about our Feely-Friday, if you want to,” she told them. “Later.”

“Feely? Friday? What’s that?”

“Like I said…later Jacob. After the lesson’s over. Now pay attention here. Look closely Hazel,” she instructed. Hazel didn’t need to be asked twice. Once again she had slithered up next to us on the bed, her eyes glued to where her sister’s pussy hovered just inches above my cock. Tom is still actually holding my shaft, as though positioning it. “Alright Sophia, even though we know you could gobble up your Uncle’s cock here if you wanted to, let’s pretend just for a moment, that you couldn’t…ok?”

“Ok…” Sophia moaned breathlessly, though the reason for that perhaps was the fact that Tom was currently rubbing the head of my prick against her daughter’s pussy, introducing it in a way, allowing the tip to kiss the folds of Sophia’s cunt, her sweet nectar already trying to cling to it as Tom continued on, rubbing it back and forth, ensuring that Sophia’s clit was thoroughly introduced to it too.

“Like I said, if we can keep you close to the edge, it will help a lot when the moment comes,” she started, still sliding my prick back and forth, a little faster now as she literally masturbated her daughter with it. I didn’t have the nerve to tell her that if she kept this up for much longer, we’d be having to start all over again…as good as this felt.

“OK, I think Hazel’s ready!” Sophia said breathlessly. “At least I know I fucking am!” She added to that.

“I agree,” Hazel quipped, the sounds of her own fingers busily working her pussy adding testimony to that. “Definitely time to see Uncle Jacob’s cock slide into my…I mean, into Sophia’s pussy,” she groaned deeply.

“I still wish you wouldn’t call me Uncle Jacob,” I attempted, and received a simultaneous response from all three girls as though they’d rehearsed it.

“But it sounds nastier when we say that,” they all said together, laughing, though that was also when I felt Tom’s hand come away from my cock. And the moment she did so, I likewise felt Sophia’s pussy immediately engulf it.

“Ok, that’s probably not quite how it will actually happen,” Tom stated, somewhat disappointed that Sophia hadn’t fully gone along with the script here.

“Oh I don’t know,” Sophia replied. “Once she can feel it trying to go in, it might be best if she simply does what I did, and just forces herself down onto it. Better to get whatever pain there might be over within one fell swoop,” she suggested.

“I think I’ll decide what to do for myself,” Hazel announced easily. “When the time comes. I kind of like the idea of maybe taking it slowly, taking it in a little at a time for a moment or two as I get used to it.”

“You never were one to just jump in the water,” Sophia laughed. “I always had to push you.”

“Well you’re not pushing me this time, will she be your mother?” She asked, as we all turned to face Tom. Tom however, was currently in the throes of an orgasm.


I should have realized that Tom had been playing with herself almost the entire time. As exciting as this all was, which it was…none of us should have been really surprised that Tom had plain and simply given herself over to it.

“Touch me Tuesday,” Hazel sighed watching her mother, still fingering herself, though Sophia too was still slowly grinding herself away, up and down on my shaft.

“Excuse me? Touch me Tuesday?” What happened to Feely Friday? I wondered.

“We’ll explain later,” Hazel grinned, her fingers busily working at her own pussy, though Tom was by now softly coming down from her own orgasm.

“Sorry…I couldn’t help it,” she said blushingly. “I’ve been fucking horny all morning long. And before I even knew it…well, there it was.”

“Me too!” Sophia suddenly cried out with abandonment. No doubt seeing and watching her mother climax as she continued to slide up and down my shaft had brought hers along too. Even Hazel suddenly seemed to screw up her face again as she reached up, almost cruelly grabbing her breast, and then pulling on her nipple stretching it as she came. Her cry of release now added to that of her sisters.

I didn’t feel it was necessary to tell anyone that my prick was currently shooting ribbon after ribbon of sperm deep inside my niece’s hot wet pussy. I don’t think I could have, even if I’d wanted to.


“Great practice session!” Sophia exclaimed as we all took a seat outside a while later after having caught our breaths.

“That would be an understatement,” I said, still actually a little aroused even now. It was hard not to be with three naked women sitting next to you. One of which I’d be deflowering on Saturday. “But…you need to explain to me, just what the hell is Feely-Friday’, and ‘Touch me Tuesday’ anyway?” I asked.

The twins giggled knowingly as Tom laughed likewise nodding her head at them as though reluctant to share the secret with me.

“Ok, it’s sort of a game we all play. Something that the twins actually came up with, but we’ve been doing it now for what girls? Almost a year now?”

I was damn curious to hear.

“About that yes,” Hazel agreed, sharing a glance with her sister, though she reached over, giving one of Sophia’s nipples a quick little pinch. “Feely Friday,” she said. “Might as well start there,” she said, reaching again, though this time Sophia blocked her sister’s attempt.

“Behave yourself, or I’ll come over there and smother you with my pussy,” she warned.


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