It’s my own damn fault – 4

I slapped my cock, bending it off to one side, slapping it again, seeing it bounce this way and that way. I pulled on it firmly, letting it go…watching it bounce back, slapping against my chest, and then hitting it again, this time rapidly with both hands, both hands now a blur as I stood there pummeling my own cock like a punching bag for a moment.

As I stood doing that, I glanced around again. Many of the girls now openly masturbating, several in fact fingering one another. I could hear the sounds of the girls sighing and moaning pleasurably, once again catching Chris, Mandy now rubbing Chris’s pussy for her as she had lifted up her top, baring her breasts, touching and caressing them, as now many of them had.

“Make it slick, I want to hear it!” Jessica all but demanded, having to speak even more loudly now, no longer able to drown out the constant reverberating murmuring and passionate sounds now filtering through the room. “Spit on it!”

“I don’t need to,” I said looking directly at her now, grinning slightly as I wrapped my hand around my steel-hard cock, squeezing it. As I knew and suspected…I felt the ooze of a nice fat droplet of juice emerge from the head. I didn’t need to look to know it was a nice big juicy one either…Jessica’s eyes told me that as she sat there staring at it, her mouth opened. Only then did I look down, delighted to see it just then easing away from the tip of my prick.

A nice thin line of cum-drool slowly stretching towards the floor as though a spider might actually be spinning it. I grinned inwardly, seeing Jessica’s hands suddenly move away from the arms of the chair, almost as though she were about to reach out for it. But I did so instead, wrapping the line of my own cream around my finger…twice.

And then smearing it over the head, adding more juice as I did so, making it slick. I now pumped my prick in a more normal fashion, slowly however…up and down. As I did, I ensured that my lubrications continued to flow, adding to the squishy, slick slippery sounds I began making. “What did you have in mind?” I now asked.

The look in her eyes, along with her two friends was almost wild…Samantha having given up all pretense, unzipping her jeans, her hand far down inside them now as she sat fingering herself uninhibitedly, one breast fully bare which she’d simply revealed, lifting it up and easily out of the bra she’d been wearing.

Diane too, had bared her own breasts, simply lifting her blouse, having worn no bra, and now sat cupping and holding her breasts, teasing them.

“How’d you like to feel my cum squirting all over your tits?” I asked her, looking at her, and then looking at Jessica, asking the same. “How about you? How’d you like to see me squirt? See me shoot? See me drench those nice big titties of yours? Come on…show me, show them to me…let me see them so I can squirt on them for you if you’d like me to.”

“Are you….are you asking for permission then? To come?” She questioned, her voice clipped, sounding out of breath as she did so.

“Not until I see your tits,” I answered her back directly. “Or hear the sounds of your own squishy, juicy cunt…then maybe I’ll be ready to do that.”

I quickly produced another nice fat droplet, letting it form up on the head. Turning slightly, I then bent my prick as far as I could, only then letting it go. I felt it spring, felt it bounce, and watched it launch a bubble of pearly slick juice. Amazingly, it landed directly against her lips. It surprised her, her eyes suddenly going wide, her finger coming up, touching the very spot, and then tasting it. Her hand came down, and one by one, undid the buttons on the blouse she was wearing.

“To me! To me!” Samantha cried out suddenly having seen what I’d just done. I produced another, turning again, bending my cock…launching it. This too hit her as well, as though I had planned it, aimed it…hitting her directly between her breasts. Just as Jessica had done, Samantha reached down, easily locating the tiny wet spot of pre-cum fuck juice I’d hit her with. She rubbed her fingers in it, feeling the pearly-like texture, rubbing it between, and then placed that against her hard extended nipple…rubbing that.

The noise level had increased dramatically, almost out of control now. Several girls standing…watching, amusing and abusing themselves, or one another. I looked back at Jessica, both breasts now bare…tempting me with a delicious looking target, two targets, areolas as big as pancakes capping each breast, nipples as thick as thimbles, and just as long, protruding off each breast.

“Go on…let me hear you,” I challenged. “Are you wet enough yet? Wet enough to even take this cock? Feel it thrust deeply inside you, spearing your wet juicy split? Is it? Is it?”

I watched as she thrust two fingers inside herself, heard the ‘phuck’ sound she made as she pummeled her pussy, which I could still hear even above the much louder sounds and noise in the room now. Girls crying out in ecstasy, one or two even climaxing perhaps, sounds of laughter now, release…and yet, Jessica’s cunt…her squishy slick slurpy cunt as she now added yet a third finger, openly impaling herself.

“Come on my tits…squirt on me, go on…do it! Do it! Do it!”

And though I was close, I somehow held on, my eyes locked on hers…”No…you come. You squirt…you come for me!” I said in return. Truly her eyes were indeed wild looking even more so than before, though Samantha too looked as though she was possessed.

“My tits! My tits! Come on me!” She suddenly screamed out, lurching from her seat, heading towards me. Her action perhaps startled me hovering on the edge…I actually spurted, that first shot hitting her squarely between the eyes. She faltered as though in shock, struck by a bullet, just as the next enormous jettison of my cum-cream split the air. This one Diane turned to receive, but then pushed out of the way as Samantha launched herself at it,

at the other girl. Another, another…my cock throwing out ribbon’s of sperm like a fucking flamethrower sweeping the area. Jessica too now stood, almost Zombie like, pushing her two friends out of the way, scrambling now towards me as my cock continued to spurt streamer after streamer of precious cum cream towards them. Samantha had grabbed Jessica, pulling her back, halting her advance, and then charged. Diane did the same, at first making a grab for her, but then giving up, charging towards the small stage I was standing on.

And then…so did Jessica, all three nearly at once making a spectacle of themselves, reaching for, trying to grab my stiff throbbing cock as I stepped off to one side like a matador at a bullfight, cum still dripping from the tip though my orgasmic battering of them was nearly over. As though in slow motion, I stood… watching the three of them stumbling, and then falling, collapsing against one another, fighting, pushing, yanking on one another trying to disentangle themselves from one another still trying to reach me.

And then all hell broke loose.


It was like a crashing sea of women as the tide suddenly rushed forward, chairs toppling over, shouts and cries of women gone berserk. Diane, Samantha and Jessica unscrambled from one another, trying to regain their position, still reaching, though others had now joined them on the stage, many getting in their way as others fought through, still grabbing at me, some actually wrapping themselves around my legs now, trying to pull me down.

I knew then, I was in real serious trouble here.

“Get off! Get off him you crazy fucking bitches!” It was the sound of Chris’s voice, somehow having made her way through the tidal wave of lusty, mad driven women. Pushing, pulling, fighting her way through finally reaching me, as had both of her friends, each one with a look of wild-eyed terror in their eyes.

“We’ve gotta get out of here,” she screamed at me…pulling me along, though still naked, somehow managing to reach down, grabbing my pants at least, though there was no time to put them on now as the four of us broke away, reaching the door and then fleeing down the stairway below us. Just behind, several women were chasing, still screaming and yelling as we finally made the door spill out onto the sidewalk below.

“I’ll go with Thomas,” Chris screamed at her friends. “Go! Go! I’ll call you tomorrow!”

I had parked only a short distance away, but it was still a flight almost for our lives, me…still naked, though at least carrying my pants now, fishing for my keys as Chris and I made it safely to the car. Wild screaming girls now running down the street after us, though still at a safe distance away as I fired up the engine, hit the gas flooring it, and squealed off down the road tires burning, fishtailing as we drove away.

“Holy fucking shit!” I exclaimed looking back into the rearview mirror as the girls finally stood in the middle of the road having given up the chase. “What the hell happened anyway?”

“I think it had something to do with that mesmerizing dick of yours…who the fuck knows? All I know is this, I wasn’t about to let a bunch of crazy-assed bitches hurt or injure anyone I care about…Sorority, or no Sorority.”

“You do know…that probably ended it for you.”

“Yeah…I know, but honestly? I really don’t care. The three of us will start our own fucking Sorority if we have to. But I wasn’t about to let those sex-crazed girls hurt or injure you either. Had they done that, my sister…your wife, would have given it to me worse than what happened here tonight…not to mention mom. No Thomas…no way in hell was I going to let that happen to you…no fucking way.”

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