Intruder made Adam and his mom do weird activities – 04

“Um, yeah.” I said, trying not to think about the fact my mother was going to have sex with him after what we had just done. “Good night, guys.”

“Night, baby,” Mom said, then laughed, “No kiss goodnight for your mother?”

With a resigned sigh, I turned around and kissed her on the cheek, as I did she whispered, “Please don’t worry, he won’t know.”

I nodded and without realizing I was going to do it, gave her a quick hug.

“I love how close you guys are.” Dad said, making me feel even worse than I had before.

As I walked away, he reached out and gave me a playful shove and said, “Get some rest, we have to do the yard tomorrow.”

“Okay, night dad.”

I slunk into my room and knowing I couldn’t sleep, sat on my bed. I was thinking of trying to read when I heard mom and dad walk past. Wow, they weren’t kidding about going right to bed. Of course that meant dad was looking to get laid and I cringed at the thought mom was going to let him.

I heard their door close and found I couldn’t get my mind to stop racing, she wouldn’t really would she? I frowned as it dawned on me I had to know. Getting up, I quietly opened my door and padded down the hallway.

The bathroom light was always left on and I closed the door part way so they wouldn’t be able to see my shadow beneath their door and moving as quietly as I could made my way over next to their door.

“Can you believe it?” dad asked.

I allowed a small smile to cross my face at the thought of how thin their door was and how they had never known how many times as a kid I had eavesdropped when I thought they had a surprise for me or I was in trouble.

“Believe what, that he wanted it? You were the one who started this whole thing.”

My smile disappeared at her words.

“No, I knew he wanted to, that’s why I had you start playing Mrs. Richardson, what I can’t believe is you were right and it had to be plan B.”

“He’s a good kid and it was never going to happen, even if I offered a point blank.” Mom laughed, “Besides even though I know it was mean, it was hot as fucking hell!”

“Yeah it was.” Dad agreed, “And you were right about that being the only way it could be that nasty,” he laughed again, “You were fucking hot Julia! Damn hot!”

“So was my baby.” Mom replied, “He manned up just like you knew he would.”

Oh my God! I slowly sank to my knees telling myself I wasn’t hearing them right or they were talking about something else.

“Hey, Julia?” Dad began his voice softening, “Thanks for that, you don’t know how long I have had that fantasy, hell I wanted my mother so bad I could taste it, but…”

“I know, I’ve heard about it for years.” She told him, “Besides, it’s not like I didn’t enjoy it. Tell you what Joe; I’m glad I didn’t throw your ass out like I wanted to when you first started talking about this.”

“That makes two of us!” he laughed again, “And it being nice and nasty was exactly what I wanted.” There was a moment of silence and he asked, “So, you get what you wanted?”

“Oh, yes.” Mom sighed, “Joe, he melted right into me, it was so sweet, so…” she purred, “so sexy!”

No, no, no, I kept thinking over and over again, I had to be dreaming.

“No hesitation?”

“None, and sleeping with him felt wonderful.”

“So…” dad began, “Do you think maybe we’ll all be able to…you know, together? The thought of you between Adam and I…”

The three of us? My mother with me and dad, together? Dad had wanted grandma? What the fuck?

“Yes.” Moms answered, “But not right now; let’s wait until you go away a couple of times. Give him the chance to be really comfortable with me.”

“Okay.” Dad sighed, “I guess I can’t complain, tonight was fucking hot. Speaking of hot, why don’t you take that robe off and spread those sexy legs of yours?”

“Ohh, a third load, sure you got it in you, old man?”

“You’re going to have it in your mouth you keep talking like that.” He told her.

“I’ve had plenty in my mouth tonight.” Mom laughed, “And my pussy.”

“Well when have you ever gotten enough?”

“Hey, I didn’t say no!” Mom laughed and I heard the bed squeak as she jumped onto it. “Come and get it baby.”

“Spread your pussy.” Dad told her, “Show it to me.”

“Fine, but it sounded better with that stupid gizmo you were using in that mask.”

“Yeah, halfway through I started wondering if the batteries were going to last, Adam used that two years ago.”

I slumped against the wall and put my hand to my throbbing temple. This was some kind of sick joke it had to be.

“You want to lick my pussy, honey?” Mom said from within the room.

“Damn straight I do.” I heard the bed again and a moment later, mom moaned softly, then laughed,

“Hmm, you don’t mind getting your son’s sloppy seconds?”

My eyes widened and as it dawned on me that there was no mistake what had happened, I heard the sound of a slap and dad cried out, “Ow! What was that for?”

Mom laughed, “That was for coming in my face, Lydia!”

The end

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