Heavenly love – 5

“I can! Oh my god…I can! All that cum…”

“From me to you baby…just like I said,” mom said grinding harder now, squishing about… two sloppy wet cunts kissing one another. Not too unexpectedly either, they soon came again, while doing that.

“Well as much as I hate to admit it, I am plumb tuckered out,” I stated. And though the orgy was no doubt still going on, there wasn’t more than a couple of hours before sunrise. “I’m heading off to bed,” I informed everyone, though pleasantly surprised when Bincy soon joined me, taking my hand.

“Me too,” she stated giving everyone a kiss goodnight, and then falling in behind me as we made our way back down the trail again, passing by the now much calmer sea of nudity all laying about, though some still moving, still somehow engaged, not quite ready to give it all up yet.

“Wonder where the other girls are,” Bincy questioned as we quietly stepped by.

“Almost afraid to ask,” I said, actually stepping over one woman, who I only then recognized as one of the Polynesian dancers we’d seen performing at the Luau earlier that evening…or rather the night before as I now thought about it.

We made it back to my bungalow, stepping inside, both surprised to see Jin laying there in my bed waiting for us.

“About damn time,” she grinned. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

Bincy and I looked at one another and laughed.

“Oh hell…no plans for today anyway,” I told her. “We can sleep away the rest of the day if we want to.”

“Maybe so,” Bincy tossed. “But my poor little pussies are a bit tender at the moment. I’m not used to doing that just yet, so I may have to take a rain check myself here anyway.”

“Nonsense,” Jin told her. “All it needs is a little tender loving care. So come here honey…let big sister take care of that for you.”

As tired as I honestly was, I was more than happy to let the girls play doctor, as within minutes, I was sound asleep, peacefully drifting off to the sounds of my little sister’s soft sweet joyful moaning.


I had never been much of a golfer, and as such, had no desire to take the launch back over to the resort the following day. And besides, I was still exhausted and a bit hung-over from the night before. Dad and Rocky however were both avid golfers, and had been looking forward to playing eighteen holes on the championship course they had over there. They were both gone, and no doubt already teeing up by the time I awoke,

surprised to some extent to find myself alone when I did. I had honestly expected to wake up sandwiched between Jin and Bincy, neither one of which was there as I stretched, yawned, and then reached down scratching myself. The sun was already well up as I stepped into the outside shower, rinsing off god knows what before heading off in search of everyone else.

I figured that by now, as late as it was already, I’d more than likely find them all gathered together at the main bungalow. Sure enough, they were, though I was somewhat relieved to see that most of them hadn’t been up for much longer than I’d been. Though Bincy and Jin both looked like they had at least caught up on some sleep, looking a bit more relaxed and fresh, Emilia looked like something the cat had dragged in.

Her hair was still fairly messy, having not even put a comb or a brush through it yet. And mom didn’t look much better, though I didn’t very often see her without makeup like she was now. Everyone quietly sipped coffee together as though the slightest sound would sound like a volcano erupting right about now.

“Coffee?” Bincy asked upon seeing me, almost in a whisper, still trying to hide a bit of a smile as she redirected my glance back towards mom. “Still trying to figure out if she’s alive this morning,” she added to that in an even lower, quieter tone of voice. Jin however wasn’t quite as caring as Bincy had been, speaking up normally, though she received a hard glare from both Emilia and mom when she did that.

“Didn’t feel like hitting any balls this morning huh?” Jin asked, handing me a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

“Not my thing. Stroking them maybe…hitting them? No,” I answered simultaneously, thanking her for the coffee. I turned towards Bincy who was sitting next to me. “And how’re you doing sis? How’s your pussy feeling?”

Any other time, such a question wouldn’t have even been asked, before now anyway. And yet now, it seemed the most natural question in the world to be asking her under the circumstances.

“A bit tender perhaps,” she giggled quietly. “But certainly ready, willing and able to go again,” she soon added to that, even bringing a smile to mom’s face upon hearing her say that.

“As tired as I am…I’ve still got a bit of an itch myself too,” she smiled, though groaning simultaneously, lowering her own voice in speaking again as though the sound of actually speaking annoyed herself. “Once this headache goes away anyway.”

“You know the best thing for a headache is a good old fashioned orgasm,” Jin offered.

“Really? You’re kidding right?”

“No really. I read that it is, and then tried it out for myself. Unfortunately, most people don’t feel much like having an orgasm when they have a headache, so they don’t even attempt to try. As for myself…that’s one of the reasons that neither Bincy nor I have one this morning, unlike the two of you,” she said looking over at Emilia, who was looking even more miserable now as she continued to sit there. “We gave each other a very nice one earlier this morning.”

“And where was I during all this?” I asked curiously.

“Right beside the two of us…snoring away. We were actually hoping you might wake up and join us, but we let you sleep instead, though like I said…we certainly managed to have a good time without you.”

I laughed. “So you woke up doing what you were doing when you went to sleep.”

“Something along those lines,” Jin agreed. “I have to admit, if I didn’t like cock so much, I’d be half tempted to totally go the other way, especially as good as Bincy is at eating pussy.”

“Yeah?” Mom spoke up, eyes interested as she looked over at her. “You really were serious about the orgasm thing, yes?”

“Oh yeah, like I said…best thing ever for it, certainly works for me anyway.”

“How about it Bincy? Feel like helping your mother out here?” She asked.

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