Heavenly love – 5

“Come in me…come with me!” Bincy screamed out one last time, feeling that first massive spurt as it exploded from my cock, filling her. She met it with an equal force of her own, the sudden unexpected, unanticipated deluge of her own spurting. I felt the force of it as it literally sprayed out, nearly dislodging me.

The rapture of her liquid climax bathing the two of us, soaking the ground, the platform, and everything else as well. My own discharge meeting hers, joining it, and then backwashed as she continued to spurt long, almost continuous streamers of girl spunk into the night.

All about us came the cries of similar ecstasy’s taking place. Almost as though the entire universe had somehow gotten involved. Drained, almost too weak to stand, I half collapsed, only then grabbing the knife up again, this time slicing easily and quickly through the bonds holding my sister’s feet. And then upwards,

I took the knife parting the rope that had secured her hands. They quickly parted from the beam as she literally fell into my arms. Once more I thrust the knife into the wood leaving it, turning, only a few feet precariously from the ledge, holding onto her, peering over…looking below.

“Holy fucking shit…would you look at that,” I said. But Bincy was as yet too far gone to even entertain any thoughts of doing that, barely clinging to me as I stood there holding my almost unconscious sister.

I’d have made bets that half the island was now sitting below us likewise engaged in what could only be described as an orgy of unprecedented decadence. It was the most amazing sight I had ever seen. And one I certainly hadn’t expected to see as I stood there looking down.


I had no idea how they had all gotten here…or when. But gathered all about below us, like a writhing snake upon the sands, stood a throng of people, at least a hundred strong or so it seemed. A massive orgy of flesh at this point, everyone joined or coupled about, save for just a few, still looking up watching. I noticed then, looking further, raising my own hand in recognition, waving…as Bob, John, Barbra and Jill looked on, waving back. And then as though the water itself rose, casting a gigantic wave over the top of them, they fell back into the sea of flesh surrounding them, and were quickly consumed.

I carried Bincy off the platform, now walking back towards the bed, even as the rest of the family gathered themselves, once more holding onto their torches, following us.

“No point in wasting all this,” I told Bincy as she finally smiled looking up at me. “Especially after all the time and effort mom went to in setting all this up.” I gently placed her down onto the bed now, climbing in after her as the family stood, gathered around. I was surprised when Rocky leaned over the bed, kissing Bincy on the forehead.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous of Brad,” he told her. “But that…was the most amazing thing I had ever seen, and you couldn’t have picked anyone more perfect for finally doing it,” he said, likewise holding his hand out towards me. I took it, but then pulled him closer, actually gathering him into an embrace.

“About damn fucking time,” mom said just under her breath, though we all snickered quietly together at her comment.

“Listen, we’ve already done what we came here to do,” Bincy offered. “And this bed is certainly big enough…for all of us,” she now added to that. “So come on mom…dad,” she said smiling at the two of them, “It’s about time I found out the rest of what I’ve been missing.”

“Sloppy thirds?” I laughed looking at Rocky, though he just shrugged his shoulders grinning from ear to ear.

“Works for me bro…” he grinned once more. “I’m starting to get used to it,” he added to that. And then crawled into the bed next to Bincy, watching as dad slowly eased his hard stiff cock into the depths of my little sister’s cunt.

“Well hell…while we’re waiting here,” mom said, climbing onto the bed at that moment, already easing herself down over my brother’s cock, she then turned looking back over her shoulder towards me. “Don’t just stand there,” she said. “Slick that bad boy up…I’ve got another place you can put that you know. Always wondered what it might feel like having the two of you inside me…at the same time that is,” she laughed adding to that. “Not like the first time…that’s for damn sure.”

I was doing just that, though Jin offered up a bit of her own spit, grinning wickedly before turning, hand in hand with Emilia as the two of them began walking off.

“Where are you two going?” I asked.

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