Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 4

“–or do you want to cum?”


“That’s awfully greedy.”

The look Isabel gave me could have melted the coldest heart locked in the most impenetrable steel cage. “I love you,” she whispered.

I growled and pressed my mouth firmly to hers. I kissed her furiously while rubbing her clit and feeling her squirm beneath me. I let her go only when I ran out of breath to hold the kiss any longer.

“That’s not fair,” I panted.

Isabel was breathing even heavier than I was. “Make me cum, V. I’m so close.”

I nodded and kissed her again. She tensed beneath me and when our lips parted again it was so she could mewl her pleasure and fill the bedroom with the sound of her orgasm.

She was so beautiful and sexy, writhing beneath me like that. I had to grind on her some more to try and deal with the urges within me, as though I could vicariously experience some of her current pleasure just from that intimate contact.

“Oh V,” Isabel whispered. “You make me feel so good.”

I kissed her softly. “My favorite thing,” I assured her.

She smiled impishly at me, stretching out beneath me. “Your very favorite thing?” she asked.

I frowned. “Why does that feel like a trick question?”

“‘Cause I think I know something you’d like more.”

“And what would that be?” I asked, feigning ignorance but too horny to protest too vigorously.

Isabel rolled us over so she was on top. I even let her pin my arms up kind of like the Isabele as I’d done to her. “You’ll see,” she said.

I really just wanted her hand on me, rubbing my clit, getting me off. That wasn’t at all where she started though. It was more like a bounty of kisses, on my lips, my cheeks, my neck, my ears, and only very slowly traveling downward from there.

“You could kiss my pussy,” I suggested, wiggling helplessly and hoping she’d go for it.

“I’ll get there,” Isabel said. “Eventually.”


“Patience,” she insisted with a small giggle. “It’s my turn to play. That’s only fair, isn’t it?”

“Who said anything about being fair? You sure don’t play fair if it doesn’t suit you.”

Isabel batted her eyes at me. “Who, me?”

I growled in my throat. “Yeah, you.”

“Oh. Ok then.”

She ducked her head back down, and if anything took even more of her sweet time kissing me all over. Any further protestations from me were met with more winsome and innocent looks from Isabel. Totally false innocence of course, but she pulled it off so well and mostly just made my heart beat faster, and my clit throb more urgently.

“Isabelmm, you know how bad I need to cum right now,” I said, hearing the whine in my voice as I spoke.

“I’ll make you cum, baby, don’t worry.”

“Yeah. ‘Eventually’.”

“That’s right.”

“What if I bat my eyes at you, hm?”

Isabel laughed and shook her head. “You know that’s not the look that works on me.”

“Well I can’t do my ice-bitch stare right now. Not while you’re kissing me all over and treating me like a delicate princess.”

Isabel kissed past my breasts and down to my belly button, then back up my chest. “Maybe you deserve to be a princess sometimes.”

“Maybe. But a princess could give royal decrees, couldn’t she?”

“Ha, like what? ‘Thou shalt kisseth mine pussy whensoever I demanded it?'”

“… yes.”

Isabel gave me an evil grin and went back to her sweet, tender, loving, but oh so frustrating shower of kisses.

She’d actually released my arms already. I had them free to physically maneuver her a little if I wanted, but I couldn’t even bring myself to move them. Partly because I was a horny, gooey, melty mess and my arms weren’t being overly obedient to my desires, but more than that I was purely just under Isabel’s spell. She could do whatever she wanted to me. I might complain about needing to cum, but I was hers for the duration, whatever that might be.

“You can’t even hardly move, can you?” Isabel purred. “I got you all boneless and stuff.” She kissed past my belly button, getting close, oh so close. “I kind of like it. I should do it more.”

“Enjoy it, aren’t you,” I said.

“Of course I am.”

Isabel’s lips made it to my pussy at last, feeling like a small, personal heaven. Her mouth was so good right where I needed it. I moaned and put a gentle hand on her head, subtly directing her with touch and sound.

“Guess you can move a little, huh?” Isabel giggled.

I moaned louder as her tongue flicked out and just barely grazed my clit. She only gave me those small little kitten licks at first, and in my state that was actually enough to pacify me for a time.

Isabel’s licks became bigger and more intent. She stared at me with big eyes searching my face for my pleasure and feeding off it. Before long she was alternating licking and sucking on my clit. When she looked at me so adoringly while latched on to me like that, I felt myself fall willingly deeper under her spell.

Her mouth was busy, never stopping. Her eyes were locked on to me with burning intensity. When I got close enough to cumming, and she found just the right touch to get me there, she hit me over and over again, rhythmic and unyielding.

“Isabel Mm,” I moaned, nearly a scream.

She couldn’t say anything, still attached to my pussy as she was, but her eyes said more than her voice could have anyway. She loved every second of me cumming for her, just as I’d loved making her cum for me.

Pleasure ran through me, focused on my clit but sending shivers throughout. It kept getting little pangs of intensity every time Isabel licked my clit again, to the point that I thought I might pass out.

She was so sweet and caring, bringing me down after. Giving the softest little licks and kisses, moving away from my clit and to the surrounding areas, then moving back up my body to finish with a deep kiss on my lips.

“You,” I said, “are an absolute wonder.”

“Is that what I am?” Isabel asked, already snuggling down tiredly next to me.

“Get the light, please?”

“Heh, can’t move?”

“Don’t want to, no.”

Isabel reached across me, shoving her boobs in my face either accidentally or on purpose, and I had no earthly idea which. I nipped playfully at them either way, and made her dart back out of reach of my teeth, giving a little squeal followed by a tsk.

“Easy on my tits,” Isabel said. “They’re the money makers.”

“I thought that was your charm and winning personality.”

“Partly that. Mostly my naked body though.”

I rolled up against Isabel, cuddling to her before she could nestle against me.

“You sell yourself short,” I whispered. “I wouldn’t be half as interested in you naked if you weren’t who you were.”

She sighed and wrapped her arms around me. “You always know the sweetest things to say to me, don’t you?”

“I love you, you know.”

“And there’s another one.” I felt her lips on my forehead. “Love you too, V.”


I got to know Isabel’s family more over the next several days. We were right next door to each other, after all, and they had me over for an awful lot of brunches, barbecues, swimming, sunny margarita afternoons, and other such fun family events.

It was weirdly like I’d been part of the family for years, rather than having only just gotten together with Isabel so recently. I wasn’t used to such accepting and inclusive treatment from the family of someone I was dating, and it was kind of nice to experience. The whole being neighbors thing was certainly a factor, but the personalities at play were more important, and made me feel all the better about being with Isabel, as if I needed more reason.

During the time we weren’t spending with her family, Isabel moved her cam shows to my place. She’d been worried about having to cancel a whole week of shows, but my return had alleviated that somewhat. She still had to limit herself a bit, but it wasn’t bad.

The obvious upside for me was spending more time watching Isabel do naughty things. The downside was I was technically supposed to be getting work done too, and she made it much more difficult to focus. If I had important calls or anything, I often needed to move to a different room entirely, or indeed outside.

Isabel played it up, of course, both to tease me and her viewers. She had a whole act about ‘sneaking’ her shows in my cottage. She admitted to her viewers that her family was around and she couldn’t do naked shows in the yard right now, and that she was hanging out with me. She definitely strongly implied that I didn’t know she was camming, and made her flashing and playing with herself much sneakier.

“We gotta be quiet,” Isabel said, putting her finger to her lips. “V’s in the other room, so I can do some flashes and stuff. Or put something inside me and hide it,” she suggested with a wicked grin. “You know, if anyone’s interested in that.”

I rolled my eyes as Isabel talked to her laptop. I was literally sitting across the room from her, curled up in a comfy chair while she occupied the sofa. I played along with her, occasionally making some noise or responding to her when appropriate, and much of the time just pretending like I couldn’t see or hear her.

It was silly and I felt like it couldn’t possibly be fooling anyone, but then again anyone watching Isabel got a very curated view into her life, and really only knew what she told or showed them. I knew it was ridiculous to think that I wouldn’t catch her ‘sneaky camming’ in my cottage, but maybe it wasn’t so obvious to her viewers. And even if it was, it was kind of fun and hot to play that scenario out. Just because we know something isn’t totally genuine doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it.

Isabel kept laughing and interacting with her chat all quiet and hushed. I was able to tune her out for periods of time to get my work done, but kept tuning back in when I had a small break and my mind was freed up for a moment.

“Hehe, you guys are right, I should put that vibe in my pussy that you can control with tips,” Isabel said. “But you have to promise not to be bad if V comes in. How would I explain that, huh? That a bunch of pervs are trying to make me cum while she’s so graciously letting me hang out at her place?”

I rolled my eyes, then deliberately waited until Isabel was in the process of inserting her bright pink vibrator thingy that activated off of tips from her audience. Right in the middle of it. I called out in a measured voice that I hoped would register on her stream while making me sound like I was in the next room.

“Hey Isabel! I’m gonna make tea, you want one?”

Isabel flushed, dropped her skirt down over her pussy, and looked guiltily over at me. Acted guilty, I should say, and did a rather convincing job of it.

“I’m good for now, thank you,” she called back.

“Want a snack or anything?”

Series Navigation<< Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 5 >>

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