Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 4

“It’s not easy.”

“No, I suspect not.”

“It’s worse, too, when you have loved ones and their pressure on top of your own. Counterintuitive as it is, I feel like their support just makes me more anxious and more in need of a drag from time to time.”

I considered my position. “How much trouble am I in for hooking you up just now?”

Nancy grinned and took another puff. “None at all. If anyone catches me, I’ll tell them I badgered you into it.”

“Ah. Thanks, I think?”

“I don’t intend on causing any difficulty for you, Juliana. I couldn’t figure out what was going on with Isabel when we first got here, she wasn’t quite settled. But as soon as you turned up she was the happiest I’ve seen her in quite some time.” Nancy took another drag. “A mother doesn’t mess with a thing like that.”

“I like seeing her happy too,” I said.

“I would hope so. You’re serious about her?”

“As serious as I’ve ever been about someone.”

“Good. Isabel deserves that. She’s a sweet girl, but… too shy. She’s always been shy. And unlucky with boys.” Nancy smiled ruefully. “Though maybe there was a reason for that, come to think of it.”

I declined to get into exactly how shy Isabel wasn’t. To be fair, there were different kinds of shyness.

“She didn’t strike me as shy when we met,” I said, opting for evasively telling the truth.

“No? Well… maybe one of those romance things,” Nancy said. “Finding the right person as if by divine intervention, or some such.”

“Could be,” I agreed. “Obviously I haven’t known Isabel as long as you have, but is there any chance she’s maybe just needed to find herself? Work some things out? I know I was a shy kid, but that didn’t last through high school.”

“Honestly, I haven’t spent as much time with my daughter as I’d like these past few years. Since she went off to college.” Nancy shrugged. “Kids grow up, after all. Maybe she’s blossomed and I haven’t been around to notice.”

“I sure hope she’s blossomed,” I said. “Or else I’m in trouble when she does.”

Nancy snorted and took a last drag on her cigarette. “I know that feeling. You have any gum, Juliana? I think I hear my husband coming back.”

“Yeah sure.”

“And you’ll stay for dinner won’t you?”

“I mean… I’m right next door anyway.”

“Awfully convenient for dating, I suppose.”

I blushed softly. “Lucky,” I admitted. “And convenient. I worried that maybe we’d get sick of each other too fast, actually. But not so far.”

Nancy laughed and patted my hand. “That right there is a very good sign.”


Isabel sneaked over to my place that night. At least I assumed she sneaked. I didn’t actually ask as it was more fun to pretend it was an unsanctioned visit, though realistically none of her family seemed the least bit opposed to us dating so far as I could determine.

I’d been lying in bed reading by lamplight. Isabel walked into my room naked and patterned over to slip in next to me.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t bring any clothes with you,” I said.

“Mmm, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she said.

“It’d be quite risky and impractical. But… pretty hot too.”

Isabel laughed as I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her.

“Then maybe I should let you think that’s what I did.”

“Maybe you should,” I agreed, nuzzling her neck some more.

“Honestly, I probably should have just told my family I was gonna spend the night with you. I don’t know why I didn’t.”

I shrugged. “So tell them tomorrow.”

“I might just. But like… then they’re gonna know we were doing stuff.”

So saying, Isabel started working at the few skimpy articles of clothing I’d worn to bed, clearly intending that I shouldn’t in fact wear anything at all to bed. I could respect that stance.

“Ha, yeah, maybe,” I said. “But the thing is, people are very good at pretending like they don’t know stuff like that is going on. Even to themselves. Your parents’ first thoughts are not gonna about what we got up to while you were sleeping over. At least they probably won’t be.”

“Maybe. It’s just weird, that’s all.”


I ran my hands along Isabel’s body, meeting at her butt and squeezing it. Isabel was doing a majority of the kissing now, and I appreciated the attention, especially alongside our naked bodies all snugly close together.

“I kinda like your mom,” I said.

“I’m fond of her too,” Isabel said.

“It’s funny though. She thinks you’re shy.”

“I am.”

“That so?”

Isabel squealed as I tickled her a little. “I am! Just… only in some ways. I used to be a lot shyer too.”

“Before getting naked online regularly?”

“Yeah, well, that’s one of the ways I guess I’m not very shy.”

“Or naked in front of me?”

“That was an accident that first time. You know that.”

“That’s true,” I purred. I spread my legs a little as Isabel’s fingers explored down in that direction. “But I don’t remember you trying to cover up at all. Or looking at all embarrassed.”

“I should, I suppose,” Isabel admitted. “But I was in show mode already, and I think a lot of it’s just ‘because… you didn’t do anything. You didn’t shout at me, or make some snide comment, or get embarrassed and pretend like you weren’t looking or anything. I think that made it easier.”

“And kind of turned you on?”

“God, I never should have told you about that. But yes, you know you’ve got that look that does it for me.”

“Your mom thinks it’s one of those serendipitous romance things between us. Love at first sight sort of thing.”

Isabel was quiet for a moment even as her fingers danced around my pussy. “Well she’s not far off,” she said quietly.

“No,” I agreed. “She’s not.”

“Though… it wasn’t exactly love, was it?”

“Not exactly. That came later.”

“As it should.”

Isabel was still only teasing my pussy, rubbing up and down my slit some, or tracing around it. I slipped my hand between her legs in return, feeling excitement at how wet she was, and rubbing her some too.

Our lips met again as we mutually played with each other. Isabel got more serious about rubbing my clit for me, while I instead slowly pushed a pair of fingers inside her. I fingered her while letting her hump against my palm, moaning into her mouth when she rubbed my clit just the way I liked.

Isabel gasped as I rolled on top of her. Her hand left my pussy, which was a mild frustration for me in my aroused state, but I made up for that by grinding on her hip. Isabel reached for my breasts and I let her play with them a bit, then grinned wickedly and pinned both her wrists above her head.

“Oh it’s that kind of night, is it?” she said in a husky voice.

“What kind of night is that?”

Isabel’s eyes flicked up to where I now held both her arms down with one hand. “I thought we were gonna get each other off.”

“So you don’t want me to pin you down?”

“… I didn’t say that.”

I returned my free hand to Isabel’s pussy. She sucked in a breath, watching with big, round eyes that gleamed even in the light of my bedside lamp.

I teased her, ducking my head slowly toward her, waiting for her to try to snatch a kiss, then pulling back just before she could catch me. She whimpered in frustration and I just smiled. Some of it was just acting on both our parts, but a lot of it was real. The need we had for each other was so very real, as well as my desire to make her feel certain things.

“Let me kiss you,” Isabel pleaded.

“Is that what you want?”

She bit her lip and nodded, still fixing me with those big puppy eyes. “Mmhm!”

I dipped my head toward her, once again pulling back just before she could kiss me. The look she gave me was pitiful and accusatory.

“Mean!” she pouted.

“Do you want a kiss or–“


Series Navigation<< Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 5 >>

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