Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3

After the shower, we cuddled together on Isabel’s couch in some surprisingly comfy robes she had. She used them for shows sometimes, I gathered, but they were decadently plush in any case.

I played with Isabel’s hair, caressed her cheek, and nibbled on her ears when I was feeling daring. She giggled and kept teasing me like she was going to kiss me, but spent most of her time sneaking her hand in my robe instead.

“Isabel?” I murmured between nips at her earlobe.


“Can I take you on a date? Like out somewhere?”

She beamed. “Yes. That sounds nice. Can I eat your pussy?”

“Unf. You mean now or after the date?”


“Oh god, Isabel.”

She pouted just a little. “I kinda cummed myself out for a while during the show, but… but you didn’t cum yet.”

“Mmm, technically true.”

Her hand, previously engaged with my breasts, slipped between my thighs instead. “I can help you out with that,” she suggested. “I want to.”

“… I find it awfully hard to say no to you sometimes.”

She gave me a small, crooked grin. “Good.”

Isabel sank to her knees in front of me. Her robe was loose at the front, and displayed more than enough cleavage to make the view interesting on its own. The look on her face outclassed it though. She promised so much just with her eyes.

Her hands slid up the insides of my thighs, parting my legs and revealing my pussy. My robe fell entirely untied at some point, and I didn’t try to fix it. I let Isabel drink in the sight of me before she nuzzled her way between my legs.

“I haven’t actually done this much,” Isabel admitted softly. “You might need to guide me a little.”

“I haven’t done much with another woman either,” I said. “We can both learn as we go.”

Isabel gave me a few soft kisses on the sensitive areas of my thighs very close to my pussy. “I like the sound of that.”

I leaned back and spread myself wider for her as her tongue found my pussy. Shivers ran through me at her first tentative licks, and I moaned to encourage her initial explorations.

“Fuuuck that’s good,” I whimpered. “It’s been too long.”

Isabel gave me big, excited eyes while lapping at my pussy. She was more than making up for the lack of cunnilingus in my recent past.

She ate me hungrily and enthusiastically. Like she needed it worse than I did. It was a heady feeling on top of the physical sensations.

I let her play for a while before gently guiding her to tongue me with a little more focus where I needed it. Isabel’s tongue hitting my clit just right was a magic all its own.

I melted under her affections, feeling wonderful tingles and shivers run through me. It was all I wanted in the world at that moment, and she was giving it freely and happily. She looked up at me with those big eyes on a regular basis, seeking my approval. Those looks did me in just as surely as her licking.

My orgasm was just as intense as hers had been earlier, though not nearly so showy. I didn’t squirt all over her face, but I did threaten to crush her between my thighs a few times. Not that it slowed her down. She licked me to two further cums before I had to stop her.

“You sure you don’t do that often?” I croaked.

Isabel beamed and slowly crawled up onto the couch with me, lying across me and snuggling close. “Liked it, did you?” she purred.

“Loved it.”

“Mmm. Me too. I’m gonna have to do that to you more.”

I caressed her hair, stroking it with one hand. My other hand found its way inside her robe again, as Isabel pretended not to notice me blatantly fondling her some more.

“If our date goes well, you mean?” I asked.

She shrugged. “Either way, really. Licking pussy is ok. But, like, it feels way better with you.”

“Better than usual, you mean?”

“I don’t really know if I have a ‘usual’. But it’s better than anything before, anyway.”

I nodded seriously. “I get it. Isabel… I might be a little smitten. And I don’t know that I can blame it all on the orgasms.”

“That’s ok,” she said, gently caressing my cheek. “I’m a little smitten too.”

I kissed her fingertips as they got close to my lips. “I don’t really even want to go home tonight. Even though it’s right next door.”

Isabel looked at me with those eyes I could fall into and never come out of again. “So stay.”


I stayed the night. It was a relatively innocent sleepover, all things considered, but we were in the Isabele bed and that was what counted. It had been a while since I’d awakened next to someone and felt my whole soul brighten as a result. My day was made before even getting out of bed.

Isabel was all smiles that morning too. She was a little embarrassed as she got ready for the day, claiming she wasn’t used to anyone seeing her before she had herself put together.

I understood. She was in a profession where her physical appearance was one of her highest assets, and carefully controlling said appearance was one of her primary concerns. It was different to me, though. Bedraggled, flumphy hair, no makeup, bleary eyed, yet I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I thought she was as beautiful as ever. No kidding, I was smitten.

Our date wasn’t exactly as I’d planned. I’d imagined something like dinner over candlelight, romantic as all heck. Which logically I realized wasn’t likely, as this wasn’t the kind of area that catered to high-class dining. It was a vacation area, with all associated industry.

Fortunately, wine was a part of that industry. I honestly didn’t know if the local vineyard had been a result of the cottages dotting the landscape, or vice versa, or if it was all just coincidence. I was happy either way. They made some good wines.

So that was a big part of our date, as it worked out. I took Isabel to do some wine tasting, and tried to teach her some of how I picked out wines for myself. It wasn’t what I’d intended, but it was quite a fun time, and really anything that involved hanging out with her for a while was going to be a good date as far as I was concerned.

“Why do you keep looking at me like that?” I asked, mid-wine taste.

Isabel smirked and sipped more of her tasting portion of wine. She hadn’t accepted the taste-and-spit method all that readily, but also claimed she wasn’t driving, so who cared?

“You know way too much about this stuff,” she said.

I pouted. “If you’re implying I drink too much–“

“Not at all. I think it’s hot.”

I fully blushed and looked around to see if anyone had heard her comment. “Oh really?”

“Yeah. Just like, you know what you’re talking about, and most of it’s going over my head. I kind of either like wine or I don’t. But you know why you do or don’t, and that guy bringing us our Isabelples is clearly impressed.”

“You think?”

“Yep. But then again, it might not be your wine knowledge so much as the caliber of your date.”

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