Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 2

I tilted my head, pursed my lips, and conveyed with body language that she was most certainly not spanking me on camera for a bunch of horny people watching.

“Haha, no sillies,” Isabel said. “She’d get to spank me, obviously.” She flounced around in her seat to present her ass to the camera. “My butt’s a pretty good present, isn’t it?”

Isabel wasn’t naked yet. She still had her bra and panties on, as those took higher tip numbers to remove than her outer garments. Even so, the sight of her shaking her booty in deliberate enticement made me squeeze my thighs together and suppress a small moan.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” I said.

“I wouldn’t kid,” Isabel assured me. “But I don’t know if it’ll happen, ’cause someone would need to hit this really high goal for you to get to spank me.”

“… really high?”

“Yep. Really, really… oh, they did it! Good job guys!”

“Isabel, was the goal like a dollar?”

“More like ten times that, at least.”


“Now c’mere. You have a goal to fulfill.”

I set my crossword down. “I don’t know what makes you think I’m part of this stream.”

“Oh you’re part of it. It’s too late to– ah!”

I grinned ferociously as I managed to catch Isabel off-guard and slap her butt when she wasn’t ready.

“Like that?” I asked innocently.

“Hang on, let me get the angle right.”

Isabel turned so her butt was toward her camera, but not dead on. She was easily able to face her audiences at the Isabele time as they got a killer view of her tushy. She didn’t actually present her face right away, and only I got to see that it was because she had to compose herself again.

“Ok, you got nine more spanks,” Isabel said, her voice only quavering a tiny little bit. “Make ’em count.”

“Are you sure you can handle nine more?” I asked.

“Please, I’m a professional.”

I didn’t argue with her. My question might have sounded like it was in regard to the physical blows, but it wasn’t. It was about her state of arousal.

As my hand landed on her butt several more times in succession, giving satisfying cracks of flesh on flesh, I caught the look in her eye that I’d kind of expected. One that had nothing at all to do with performing for her fans.

“Ten,” I said aloud, dropping down to perch on the end of Isabel’s lounge. I was a part of the show now, after all. No need to retreat right away. I didn’t want to leave her side just at the moment.

“I knew you’d like your present,” she said, regaining her spirit and shaking her ass for the camera. “What do you think guys, did she leave red marks all over?”

“Not enough,” I answered. “I think for a real present, you probably should let me spank you with your panties off.”

Isabel made such a falsely genuine expression of shock that I nearly burst out laughing. Play-acting, of course.

“Oh great! I knew she was just a big ol’ perv like all of you,” Isabel complained. She turned to me. “You’re quickly making a lot of friends here, hope you’re happy.”

“I am, thanks,” I said sweetly. “Let me know when I get to spank you some more. I have a feeling you’re gonna get lots.”

“Yeah, well, they’re not all gonna be so cheap. I’m not letting you smack my butt all day ’til I’m all red and sore.”

Isabel grumpily typed away at her laptop for a moment, setting up more goals, presumably involving more spanks somewhere along the way. When she had the chance to pop out of frame for a second, she dropped her facade of having been out-maneuvered and flashed me a big smile and a thumb’s up. “Good work,” she mouthed silently.

I rolled my eyes at her implication that we were working together. I sure hadn’t known we were until quite recently. Nevertheless, I blew her another kiss and quietly delighted in watching her squirm.

I took off my sunglasses and relaxed for a bit until I was called for again. There was even more thrill now watching Isabel’s few, skimpy remaining clothes come off. Not just for the up close view of her getting naked, but the knowledge that follows shortly behind that I’d get to spank her some more. Possibly quite a lot more.

The anticipation was getting me all wet and warmly electric inside. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted to do more of it until I got to sit down and think about it. Just to touch her more, even. It didn’t have to be spanking. But it would be, and it was… it was such a dangerous area right between playful and sexual. An area the two of us were spending more and more time in.

What would she do, I wondered, if I sneaked more of a feel than that? More than slapping my hand across her butt cheeks over and over. I wouldn’t dare try right now, not on stream certainly, but oh god was my mind ever there.

Isabel wiggled around, showing herself off more as her panties came off. She even did a bit of a slow, seductive dance in front of her laptop, which had the side-effect of grabbing my full attention as well.

The sounds of tips coming in became more frequent, if anything, once Isabel was naked.

“Oh V, you’re in trouble,” Isabel called to me.

“Why’s that then?” I asked, fully staring at her and not bothering to pretend like I wasn’t.

“There are… a lot of spanks incoming. Like a lot.”

I smirked. “Sounds like you’re the one in trouble then.”

“That’s only ’cause you haven’t realized how badly I’m gonna have to get you back for this.”

I smiled sweetly and batted my eyes. “I thought you wanted to give me a good birthday present.”

“I did,” she insisted. “But you got the pervs all riled up now.” She jabbed a finger at the screen. “Yeah, I mean you guys. Don’t act all innocent. You’re still tipping for V to spank me.” She flipped around and pointed at her butt. “You think it’s funny how sore my poor bum’s gonna be after, huh?”

I donned my lazy disguise of sunglasses and patterned over to sneak a peek at Isabel’s computer screen. Once I located the count for the number of spanks tipped for, I let out a low whistle.

“Oh damn, you are in trouble.”

“That’s what I’m saying!” Isabel said with an exaggerated pout. “They never get this excited about me spanking myself.”

“It’s probably better when I do it.”

“I bet they think so. You’re merciless. Look, my ass is still pink from those first ten!”

I did look. It was still pink. And so close and inviting, and totally uncovered even by the flimsy panties she’d had on previously.

Without thinking, perhaps as a way to distract myself from thought, I swung my arm and delivered a sharp crack to Isabel’s backside.

“Ah! I wasn’t ready!”

“Oops,” I said insincerely.

Isabel rubbed her butt where I’d struck, a fascinating display all on its own. “Well that’s one. Mods, I expect you to keep a good count for me. I probably won’t be able to.”

A couple ones appeared in the chat. More than a few people were excited for the counting, apparently.

I spanked Isabel a few more times, less sharply than the first one. She squealed at every one of my blows to her booty, no doubt part of the playacting for the viewers. Some of her reactions were quite real, though, and I made a game of seeking them out.

It was much harder to catch her off-guard again, though I managed it a few times. Most of the rest of the time was spent experimenting on how I could deliver gentler spanks while still making them look good. Not because I wanted to spare Isabel all her punishment, but because I craved that look she gave me when I gave her a few extra sharp spanks after lulling her into thinking I was going to take it easy on her.

I got a few looks of betrayal from Isabel when I was particularly harsh on her poor pink bottom, but she wasn’t fooling anyone. She kept spreading her legs wider and sticking her bum out for me. I had the distinct feeling she wouldn’t mind if I casually rubbed her pussy for a bit in between spanks.

More alluring than that, at least to me, were the heavy-lidded looks of pleasure and submission she gave me. She spent a lot of time facing the camera, and her expressions were clearly exaggerating for her audience’s benefit, but every now and then she’d look just at me, and it was totally different.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I whispered, trusting the stream not to pick up my soft tone.

“Like what?” Isabel asked.

I absently rubbed her butt instead of smacking it some more. I didn’t even realize what I was doing at first, but indeed there were no complaints from Isabel.

“Like… like you’re enjoying this way too much,” I said.

“You’re a fine one to talk to.”

“… are you enjoying this?” I asked.

“Of course.”

“Even if I smack you so red you can’t sit down after?”

Isabel’s eyes could have seduced the straightest woman in the world to bed. “You think you can do that to me?” she asked breathlessly.

“Oh god.”

I started spanking her again. Bizarrely, it seemed the safest thing to do. I was putting a serious dent into the amount of spanks owed, though more tips kept coming in all the time. I wasn’t sure how sustainable it all was, really. My hand was getting tired, it just wasn’t used to suffering this kind of abuse. Never mind what Isabel must be feeling. Though I honestly couldn’t tell whether I was anywhere near a breakpoint for her or not.

She was playing a lot less than before. She seemed almost in a trance. Her moans and yelps were subtler and more genuine. I’d known she was enjoying it, but maybe I hadn’t realized to what extent.

I gave in first. “Ok, my hand needs a break,” I said, standing up and swinging my wrist a little.

Isabel snapped out of her reverie. “Well jeez finally,” she said. She turned her full puppy eyes and pouted her lips on the camera. “My bum’s been brutalized,” she whined, rubbing her red tushy. “That must have been enough though, right?”

I stepped out of shot and just shook my head at how effortlessly Isabel got back into character. She expressed quite a remarkable disbelief that we weren’t done yet, as well as how people continued to tip for more spanks.

“That’s it!” she declared. “I’m taking a quick break, and when I get back I’m just gonna have to temporarily increase the price of spanks, or you lot aren’t gonna stop.”

So saying, she flounced off screen as well. The sound of more tips pouring in behind her wasn’t lost on either of us.

“Did you just deliberately–“

“Make them tip more now while they think they’re getting away with something?” Isabel asked for me. “Sure did. You don’t have to whisper by the way, my mic is muted.”


Series Navigation<< Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 1Business woman and cam girl on special vacation – part 3 >>

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