Best friends but more than that – part 5

I went completely still as I opened the door to see my sister Carly standing on the front steps. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun and she was wearing baggy clothes, which was odd for her. I didn’t know she even owned clothes that baggy. I could see dark circles under her brown eyes and she looked anxious, wringing her hands in front of her.

Carly and I hadn’t spoken much since our parents had kicked me out. She was two years younger than me, and had kind of taken the most joy in my fall from grace in their eyes. I had never really understood why, but it meant we didn’t speak. I wasn’t sure how she even got my address. As far as I knew, she didn’t even know where the old apartment was, much less the new house.

“Dylan,” she said quietly, and before I could even say anything, she burst into tears.

I stood there in shock, not entirely sure what to do. I had a lot of anger for her, but seeing my sister breaking down like this was still hard. I hesitantly brought my hand forward to touch her shoulder, and she came forward to wrap me in a hug while she sobbed into my chest.

I waited until she had calmed down a little and then brought her into the house. Luis and Jamie were talking at the kitchen table and they both went silent when they saw Carly coming in with me, her face red and puffy from crying.

“Carly?” Luis said and got up, coming over to her to hug her.

We got her to sit down on the couch, and she got nervous again.

“How did you know where we lived?” I asked.

“I begged Mrs. Winters to tell me,” she admitted, wiping a tear away. “You live the closest, and…”

I shook my head at that. “No, mom and dad live closest to you.”

Carly cleared her throat. “I’m not…We aren’t speaking right now.”

That got my attention and I leaned forward in my seat next to Luis, waiting for her to tell me more. She grimaced at me.

“You’re enjoying that, aren’t you?” she asked me.

I shook my head. “No, I’m not. I don’t take joy in your pain, Carly. I don’t even take joy in theirs. I’m more curious as to what could have turned you against them. It would have to be bad because you adore our parents more than anyone else.”

Carly looked at me, trying to tell if I was being genuine, and then she took a deep breath and let it out. “I’m pregnant.”

We all stared at her in shock. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out whether she got married and I hadn’t been told about it by any of our siblings. It was the only explanation as to her being pregnant, because our parents had very specific rules around sex for us, and those would continue even into adulthood. Most of my siblings still struggled with sex because of it, though I had shed it a while ago once I knew no matter whether I waited until marriage, I would still be sinning to them. Might as well have all of the sex I could then, right?

“Congrats to you and your…husband?” I said to her, making it clear I was confused.

She shook her head. “No husband. And honestly, I barely remember the night where I conceived. I don’t remember drinking that much but…”

Her face crumpled again as she said that part, and it hit me like a lightning strike that whatever had caused her to be pregnant wasn’t consensual. I felt tears stinging my eyes as she started sobbing again, and I motioned for Luis to move so I could sit next to my sister. I wrapped my arms around her again, and she buried her head in my shoulder.

“I’m sorry that happened to you,” I said to her quietly. “Do you want me to hunt him down? Murder him? I have friends who will help me hide the body.”

That made her chuckle despite it all, and she moved away to look up at me and shook her head. “I appreciate that but no. What I need is…help. Mom and dad want me to either get married to one of their church friend’s sons and let him adopt the baby, or adopt the baby out and keep myself hidden until the baby is born.

I don’t want to be a mom, Dylan, but I also don’t want my baby to be sent off to some home where I don’t know if he or she will be safe. And it’s too late to abort. I haven’t even seen the doctor other than to figure out how far along I am. I’m over halfway through.”

“Halfway?” I said, shocked. “And you just found out?”

“I thought I was just not eating right,” she admitted. “I’ve been so depressed since it happened. I tried exercising, but I had been gaining weight and it never occurred to me.”

My heart broke for her, and despite the animosity she had for me when I got outed and kicked out, I didn’t want my sister to suffer. I looked at Luis, almost for permission, and he gave me a short nod that told me whatever I wanted to do was fine and it was my decision. So I told her that she should stay with us for a little bit while she figured it out. I was more than happy to help her find a doctor and figure out what she wanted to do.

“You’d help me despite how I’ve treated you?” she asked me, surprise evident on her face.

“Of course I would, Carly,” I replied. “The home we grew up in wasn’t one that fostered great relationships between each other. There was far too much competition and triangulation.” She made a face that made it clear she didn’t know what that was. “That means they would pit us against each other a lot. Make us think our siblings weren’t on our side and cause fights. I suspect that’s most of what caused our big fight after I got kicked out.”

Carly swallowed and looked away. “It might be, but mostly it was that I was jealous that you were their perfect son who could do no wrong, and when they found out you were gay, it was like you finally weren’t perfect. I took too much pride in the idea that you weren’t perfect and the golden child. I’ve been on the other side now, with everyone hating me for being the one who can do no wrong in their eyes, and I realize that it couldn’t have been easy for you.”

“I hid just about everything about myself and my personality just to stay on their good side,” I admitted. “The brother you saw in that house wasn’t me. It was just a shell of what they wanted me to be, and I was miserable. Getting kicked out was kind of a blessing, honestly.”

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly. “I’m sorry for being so cruel to you, and for enjoying what happened. And I’m sorry I didn’t try to fix it before all of this.”

“You’re here now,” I said and smiled at her. “It’s a step. We have a guest bedroom, and we can help however you need.”

So help we did. I called work to explain what was going on. On the plus side, my job could be done remotely. I could work on my accounts and speak to clients from home, so that’s what I did. I made sure I planned things around so I could take Carly to the doctor, as well as help her find a counselor to work through her feelings. She found someone great and even invited me to a few sessions so we could talk about our relationship and how living with our parents’ abuse had damaged it.

It was actually really helpful for us. Being able to talk through what we went through, and how we had hurt each other was making us far closer than we had ever been. It was a good couple of months getting to know each other as adults as I helped her work through the hardest thing she had ever gone through.

It was mid March when she came into the living room a little before dinner and sat down, looking at us nervously. “I think I know what I want to do.”

“That’s good,” Luis said encouragingly. “So, what’s the plan?”

“I want to go with adoption,” she breathed out. “But I want to make sure the couple who adopts is good. I also want to be able to be in my child’s life, and they can know later who I am, but I need to do serious counseling to be able to do that without it making me panic, and I want to eventually get my tubes tied and just focus on my career. So, with that in mind, I want you two to be the ones who adopt the baby.”

“Us?” Luis cried. “Are you sure?”

Luis looked at me, and I could see both nervousness, surprise, and excitement in him. We had talked by now about what we wanted the future to look like. We’d had a few arguments but always talked them over, so as far as I was concerned, we should be looking at the future and what we wanted to do. We wanted to adopt or use a surrogate eventually, and wanted to get married, but we were waiting to see how things would go. This kind of pushed our time line up a little, but I wasn’t against it.

“I’m positive,” she said. “I’ve watched you two together a lot since I’ve been here, and all I see is love and respect. Even when you two bicker, you talk. And I know you. You would treat my child like your own, and it would work out well. And you would protect them from our parents.”

“Is it okay if we talk about it?” I asked her, and she nodded and let the topic drop for now.

It didn’t come up again until we were in the bedroom for the night. Luis pulled his clothes off until he was in only his boxer briefs while I got undressed and we climbed into the bed. We kissed for a while and it was when I was kissing down his neck that he brought it up.

“So, we could adopt the baby,” he said.

I pulled back so I could look at him. “It’s a lot for a new couple. We’ve only been together since, what, October?”

“It’s been six months,” he agreed. “It’s a short amount of time, but we’ve also been best friends forever, and we’ve been in love with each other for a while. Okay, yes, you are longer than me,” he added when I gave him a look. “But I was falling for you for a year before we actually got together. So while this might be going a bit fast, I’m not at all against it, especially if that baby ends up with eyes like yours.”

“I like your green eyes better,” I admitted.

“Okay, then the next baby we have, we’ll use Jamie’s egg and your sperm,” he said. “And we’ll see how the dice rolls on genes. Until then, though, this baby needs a family, love, and understanding.”

I let out a breath and kissed him. “Okay, we’ll do it.”

The beaming smile he gave me made me melt. He looked so happy, and then he leaned in and kissed me passionately, our tongues mingling with each other. He pushed me back onto the bed and got between my legs before moving down so he could take me in his mouth. He started with my balls, sucking on them and licking them before he went up my length, licking the slit at the top before he started slowly sucking on the tip.

I could feel my orgasm building, but before I could finish, he came off me and moved down as he pushed my legs up, grazing his tongue along my crack. I let out a sigh of pleasure when he did it again, and then moved closer until he was licking in earnest, his tongue gently probing against my hole.

“Luis, I need you,” I said to him.

He smiled and licked his fingers before putting one of them inside me, moving them in and out for a little before adding another, then another. I moaned and squirmed every time his fingers brushed my prostate. I was thrusting down against him, wanting him so badly. He chuckled at my need and then took his fingers out before grabbing the lube and slicking up his cock. I loved it when he got assertive about taking me like this. It was funny because I had never been that keen on bottoming before, but sex with him was amazing, and I yearned for him to be inside me as much as I wanted to be inside him.

He pushed into me, and I moaned as I felt him begin to fill me up. He fell forward so his hands were on either side of me, and kissed me. He didn’t stop once he bottomed out in me, immediately pulling back out again before pushing in. Neither of us wanted to slow down right then. My head fell back as he thrusted, moving my hips to meet him each time while he kissed and bit at my neck.

We still did quite a few sessions of BDSM because we both loved it, but I also loved these moments where we just made love. Sometimes it was slow and gentle, until both of us were so crazed with lust that we had to have release, and other times we went hard and fast, loving the raw passion we elicited from each other.

I grabbed the back of my legs so I could pull them further back, and he used my legs to anchor him as he knelt up again, sliding in and out and finally hitting me exactly where I needed him to. I started to stroke myself as I felt the orgasm building, and then Luis told me how much he loved me, and loved fucking me, and I went over the ledge, shooting off my cum all over my chest and neck.

“Oh fuck, Dylan,” he cried out as he came inside me. I loved to see his seed in me like this. It was hot and comforting, and everything I had always wanted.

He fell off to the side onto the bed, catching his breath before he came back up to lick every bit of cum off of my chest. It was one of his favorite things to do.

“You taste so good,” he told me as he finished up and then grabbed some wipes to finish helping me.

We laid together, all tangled around each other, as our heart rates went back to normal. I think it was sinking in for both of us that we were going to be parents, and despite how fast it was going, it felt right. I couldn’t imagine doing something like this with anyone else.

I was hoping that once we got into the chaos of this new excitement, the drama of it all would calm down, but of course, that could never happen. What is a love story without strife?


Also read our great gay stories in this link.

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