A Strange But Happy Friendship – A Memoir by Mike – Part 1

This Story is part of A Strange But Happy Friendship Series

A Strange But Happy Friendship – Let me start by introducing myself, my name is Mike and I am a 38-year-old happily single gay male. Yes, I’m single, and it’s more a choice than a circumstance. I’ve had several long-term relationships in the past, however, the people I’ve dated have always been jealous of my relationship with my best friend Heather.

I’ve known Heather for almost 15 years, she and I went to the same university, majored in the same major, and we seemed to make a fortune right away. Soon we talked about the boys on the course that we both liked, and we got drunk at the student union most weekends. If I ever date a guy, she always kicks them out, and similarly, if she dates, they have to take the GBF (gay best friend) test.

Years pass, boyfriends come and go, our friendship grows stronger, and life is good.
When I was in college, we rented a house together and went on a couple of dates. But Heather still seemed restless with her boyfriend who seemed to have a new one every few months and it only lasted a few weeks.

It’s time we parted. After graduating, I found a high-paying job. I moved south, near the coast, and my friend Heather moved to York. We still kept in touch and met at a few reunion anniversaries, but I missed having him around, getting his advice, and just talking. bullshit about how we’re going to fix the world.
Two years have passed, and all of a sudden, I received a card in the mail…
Dear Mike,

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton would like to invite you to the wedding of their daughter Heather Carlton to Mr. Joseph Brandon.
I stopped reading and just grabbed my phone and called Heather.

As she answered, she shouted into the phone…

“AHHHHH ….. I know, I know but Mike, I met him, I met Mr. Right, I met Mr. Perfect, I met my Joe” I’m sorry I didn’t tell nothing before, but it was just such a whirlwind, you always told me love would hit me in the face like a frying pan, and BANG it hit me, listen I want you meeting, I need you meeting him, obviously the GBF test will be useless because I am married to him, what do you say??? Can we come and stay with me for the next few days, I really want my best friend and future husband to get along ……… Excuse me !!!!!!!!!!

I was a bloodsucker for her begging, she used this trick on me all the time to make her do her homework when she was late, or if she wanted snacks at midnight from the local takeout when she had too much to drink, so I gave in and agreed. Partly because I wanted to see her again, but mostly meeting this Joe to find out what was wrong with him that kept my best friend from agreeing to marry him.

A Strange But Happy Friendship continues on the next page

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