Appealing to the eyes – 2

Mike and I were sitting on the couch in the living room when Maria got home. Obviously pleased and aware Mike was coming over, so she knew he’d be there, she was a little surprised when she walked in, removing her business suit coat as she did. She tossed it over the back of the chair, saw what we were intently watching, and sat down, picking up a piece of pizza.

“What’s this?” She asked seemingly taking an interest, acting as though nothing was going on outside of the norm, though in some ways…it was.

“One of our favorite movies,” I responded quite unnecessarily. Maria knew damn good and well which one was playing. We’d seen it enough times already. But I also knew just by the look in her eyes as she turned towards me, winking…she was quite aroused by all this, and obviously curious as to what the two of us might have planned.

“Oh yeah…it’s the one about threesomes isn’t it?” She replied, finishing her pizza, sipping a bit of beer, and then standing up again. “Well, if we’re going to be doing this…I’m sure as hell going to go upstairs and get out of these clothes and then into something a hell of a lot more comfortable!”

Mike looked at me, I looked back grinning at him. “Have another beer,” I said, clinking my glass against his. “I think the evenings are about to get very interesting!”

A few minutes later Maria returned wearing a lightweight throw over robe. It was one she very often wore in the evenings when she wanted to be “very” comfortable. Before…she’d not worn anything beneath it, and I hoped earnestly, she wasn’t wearing anything now. Though she had it pulled close enough, tied up and secured, there was no real way of telling at the moment. I did have a pretty good idea she wasn’t wearing a bra however,

her breasts looked too full, too free when she came down taking her seat. When she leaned over taking another slice of pizza, that suspicion was confirmed. Her robe optioned partially, just enough to hint at the swell of her magnificent breasts.

“Oh yeah…I like this one,” she said, standing up and moving over, suddenly sitting down between us as though wanting to get a better seat. With her now sandwiched between us, I felt the electricity in the air suddenly increase. “This one always did get me hot,” she announced.

And it did too. As it did me. I was already sitting there with a full-blown erection. And if I was…hopefully Mike was as well.

On screen, though she was a busty looking blonde, her tits looked very similar to the way Maria’s did, something we had actually commented on before. So I decided to use that.

“I like that girl’s tits,” I stated. “They look a lot like yours do.”

“I don’t think so,” Maria challenged. “I think they’re a little bigger than mine are, and her nipples are a lot larger and thicker too.”

Mike glanced over looking at her as she spoke.

“I think we need an unbiased opinion here,” I stated. “Because I think they do…though you might be correct about her nipples, just a little. Though I also think yours stand out a bit more than hers do.”

Maria then glanced over at Mike, turning in her seat just a little, as she did…opening her robe revealing herself to him. “Well? What do you think?”

It was the first time Mike had ever seen Maria’s tits. His mouth was open, his eyes glued to her chest. And what he said was…”Holy shit! You’ve got gorgeous tits Maria!”

Maybe it’s because it had been a while since he’d even seen any…real live ones anyway, up close and personal like this. Regardless of that fact, Maria laughed, easing the sudden tension just a little.

“Thank you…but do they?” she asked again, actually holding them in her hands now. “Mine aren’t quite as firm as hers seem to be,” she then added, still holding them up, and then letting them go again where they jiggled, and then rested against her ribcage.

“Go ahead Mike, feel one…see what you think. I think they’re plenty firm and full.”

He first looked at me, and then at Maria, and then reached out, cupping her breast. Maria sighed when he did that, even letting her head fall back a bit as I reached around cupping the other one in my hand, giving it a bit of a playful jiggle.

“They’re…plenty firm,” he slightly stammered, a bit embarrassed now and unsure, pulling his hand away. “But yeah…have to agree with Thomas there on one count, they do look similar, though I also do like your nipples a lot better,” he added siding with us both.

He quickly picked up his beer, sipping from it, and then held it down close to his lap. I knew then he was doing the best he could to hide his obvious erection. Thankfully Maria picked up on that one too.

“That guy’s dick,” she began as we all sat watching the blonde as she now held each in her hands stroking them simultaneously, rubbing them against her breasts as she did so. “Looks a little like Thomas’s too,” she added. “About the same size I think, though the other guy certainly has a really big one.”

He did…that much was obvious, and I wondered where she was going with all this, now anxious to find out.

“I wouldn’t mind doing that myself,” she then stated. “Bet it would feel nice against my tits.”

I knew Maria was really horny. It was about the only time I ever heard her refer to her own breasts as “tits”. She had obviously done so, hoping perhaps to get a rise out of the two of us…she already had one out of me. And I felt like all Mike needed was some additional coaxing, though sitting there with his beer still in his lap, hinted at his own obvious arousal.

“So…you’d enjoy having two cocks rubbing against your tits honey?” I asked.

Maria grinned. “I would, yes, I’d like to see what that feels like. How about it Mike? Willing to help out an old friend discover what that might actually feel and look like?” She asked him.

I wasn’t about to let the opportunity slip away, nervous or not. I then stood, unbuckling my belt, unzipping my pants. Surprised at my own sudden baldness, though I have to say, I now think I owed it to Stella for part of that. In seconds I was standing there in front of my wife and my very best friend, my cock hard…even leaking a little.

“I’m game…if you are,” I told them both.

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