Appealing to the eyes – 2

I stood there jerking off with her panties, finally spurting into them. She did nothing but watch me, informing me that she had already promised her husband she would be calling him on the way home, wearing my cum, masturbating for him over the phone, hence saving it, not playing with herself until then.

Once again I stood there watching her go. And decided on the spot, Maria and I were going to have another interesting conversation this evening. I was curious, and wondering what she’d think when I told her about this. Didn’t plan on telling her about the afternoon session…not yet at least. But jerking off into Stella’s panties might be a good place to start, see how she reacted.

But certainly not until I had her good and horny again first.


Before Stella left, we had stood talking about dinner Friday night, what time, where they lived, things like that. We also discussed possible scenarios, Stella informing me the easiest way to sort of settle into the evening, being the hot tub they had around back. Secluded, private something that had very often worked in settling any insecurities.

And one more thing she had mentioned, though they weren’t swingers…and didn’t actually swap with other couples, on some few occasions, they did allow touching! We then discussed that. Again, it was entirely dependent on the other couple, how they felt about doing that in front of one another. There was nothing else involved or expected, but the eroticism of several hands and fingers, adding to the ongoing mutual pleasure everyone was experiencing, very often intensified the moment.

I could easily see that. On more than one occasion, Maria had mentioned the fact she’d always wondered what it would be like to have both of her breasts fondled, sucked and played with simultaneously. Just large enough to press the two of them together, I had of course licked them at the same time, even sucking them a little that way. But it hadn’t been easy, and I hadn’t done it for as long as I knew she would have liked. This then provided the potential for her to experience that…that, and a lot more if she were indeed open to it.

The thought of having two pairs of hands stroking my cock sent a river of shivers racing up and down my spine. I drove home, both excited, yet apprehensive again. I’d already played “doing the dinner for her card,” doing so again wouldn’t have the same result as it had the last time. Especially if I was going to actually divulge this to her. No…this time I needed to open the door for her in another way, see how she responded to that, what she thought…more importantly, how she reacted!

I called Mike.

Mike and I had been best friends for years. His family was from Sweden, so he had the look. Tall, blonde haired, fair skinned, and in reasonably good shape, especially since he’d lost quite a bit of weight most recently. For a time, Maria and I had even gone out with Mike and his wife Stacy every couple of weeks or so. Unfortunately, Stacy and Maria never really got along. She had always been suspicious, jealous of our friendship with

Mike, always accusing him later of having flirted too much, or spent too much time chatting with my wife. She was an attention hound, which should have been a suspecting clue about her own life outside their marriage. In time…Mike caught her fooling around. He was devastated of course, and eventually shrunk into himself having very little to do with anyone, including us. He had come out to the house a couple of times since then,

and seemed to be slowly getting back to his old self, which Maria and I were both glad to see. The last time he’d been over, Maria had offhandedly mentioned that if we ever were serious about having a threesome at some point…Mike would be her preferred candidate.

I wasn’t sure I was really ready to go there yet…especially with Mike, my own insecurities still just below the surface perhaps, especially with Maria obviously having a bit of a crush on him. But I did wonder…and now was the perfect time to find out, could I handle some simple mutual masturbation, touching perhaps? I figured that at first, Maria would indeed be surprised, shocked to some extent, but after her comment, and the few times I had seen her flirting and teasing him, I knew she would quickly warm up to it.

It was Mike who then balked at the idea, not that he wasn’t interested, because he was. It’s just that we’d been good close friends for a very, very long time. And he didn’t want Maria or I doing anything we might regret doing later, and thus fuck up our friendship.

“We won’t,” I assured him. “In the first place, we’re going to keep this simple and easy. All anyone’s going to do is touch, fondle…things like that. No intercourse will be involved. That will keep it from getting too weird or complicated for any of us. And…we’ll go slowly, see how Maria reacts to even the smallest thing, see where it goes from there. How’s that sound?”

“Ok…I guess, just so long as we do take it slowly, and at the first hesitation by anyone…especially Maria, we stop!”

I agreed with that too. It was a good idea. And I also knew the best way to slide into this as well. Something Mike and I hadn’t done for quite some time, though we’d enjoyed doing so in the past on a few occasions.

“I don’t know Thomas, you sure? What if she’s not too keen on the idea when she comes home and finds us…well, you know.”

I laughed. “Don’t worry Mike, it’s not like we’ll be sitting there jerking off the moment she walks in the door. We’ll just have the movie on, watching it…just like we sometimes used to do. We’ll let Maria decide at that point if she’s ok with it, or even into doing the same thing herself. It’s the best way to start…see where it leads.

I’ll call her now, let her know you’re coming over for the evening, that I’ve ordered some pizza, and let her start to wrap her mind around that. She likes you buddy…always has, but you know that. So let’s just let some of that flirtatious teasing the two of you have shared, run its course here, and see where it leads to.”


I had purposely chosen the particular DVD we’d put in for obvious reasons. The x-rated movie was all about several varieties and combinations of threesomes. Maria and I had watched part of it before, and I knew she’d gotten quite aroused and excited when doing so. Having already gotten the pizza and beer to go along with it,

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