A pool boy with extra perks of benefits – 05

“Why, because you’re about to screw my brains out?” she asked snidely.

“No. Today we start on the path to finding your purpose, and fulfilling it.”

“Sure. Why not? Might as well declare world peace while we’re at it.”

I gave her a little shake. “I’m serious. You’ll see. It’s not at hard as you want to believe it is.” I stood up and wrapped her robe around her, even tying the belt in a nice little bow. “I’d love to spend the day taking advantage of you, as wonderful as it would be, but it’s time to start the change.”

“You are weird, you know that?”

“I am. Somewhat obsessive, and stupidly goal oriented. And absolutely crazy about a woman I’m only now getting to know as something other than a teenage fantasy.” I gave her a brief kiss on the lips. “I’m going to go get some things, and I’ll be back in a bit. Why don’t you put on a nice bathing suit for me, and make us some brunch.”

I left her, surprised that I could walk away from sex with my fantasy woman, in favor of helping her find meaning in her life.

I think a lot of people would think I’m an idiot. Part of me agreed.

* * *

She had cleaned up, no evidence of crying, sliced fruit and cold-cuts on the table, a sexy little gold bikini with black edging adorning her amazing body, a sheer black wrap finishing her ensemble.

It had taken me almost thirty minutes to pull together what I needed.

I walked over and gave her the briefest of kisses. “You look incredible.”

She smiled. “Thanks. Hope you’re hungry.”

“I can snack while we work.” I opened up my backpack, and pulled out a notebook. “20 pages of quotes about life here. Beautiful words from brilliant minds. Read them all through once, then go back and mark a few of the ones that really resonate with you. No more than half-a-dozen.”

She looked shocked. “Homework? At this hour? Isn’t there something you’d rather be doing our last full day together?”

I shook my head. “Nothing that would give me near as much happiness and satisfaction as helping you find your mission in life. Indulge me, while I do some more work on the pool. Let me know when you’re done.”

The salt in the pool had been mostly absorbed, allowing me to work on the bottom pool cleaner, finding the right suction settings, adjusting the movement screws, and getting the vacuum hose the right length.

It was harder adjusting all the inputs, the skimmers, the cleaner, the bottom drains, but once it was balanced, the pump cavitation stopped, the vacuum pressure peaked, and the cleaner started on its merry way, mapping the pool bottom. I had a Sharpie in hand, labeling the maze of PVC lines, when Railey showed up.

“I’m done. That was actually pretty interesting.”

I put away the marker. “Great, let me get a drink, and I’ll lotion you up, while you tell me what you found.”

She looked doubtful. “Not sure how well I’ll be able to talk about it, once you start with the lotion.”

“Trust me, Sun Goddess. This will be tame, I promise. I want to hear what you have to say. As beautiful as the package is, for the moment, I’m a lot more interested in the contents.”

Railey still appeared unsure, but she took off her wrap and laid on her belly, the notebook in front of her. I pulled the string on her bikini top, getting a quick accusatory glare. A couple of ounces of suntan lotion in my hand, and I was rubbing her back while she read through the list.

“No particular order,” she said, while my hands covered her back and arms.

“We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may be. May Sarton.”

I rubbed her sides and the middle of her back, combining coverage with a gentle massage. “What does that mean to you?”

“No more easy road. Take some chances, live life the way you want to, even if it bothers your family and friends. Even if it scares me.”

“Next?” I asked, moving lower on her back.

“Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living. Jonathan Safran Foer.”

“And?” My hands were easing her bikini bottoms down so I could rub her impeccable butt.

“I know this isn’t right for me, there are so many possible paths, but my current life isn’t one of them. And the knowledge that my life is wasting away, while all those other opportunities are out there, it’s crushing me.”

I was concentrating on that sweet ass of hers, but didn’t want to overdo it. I slid the bottoms back up and went to work on her legs. “I like that one. Another?”

“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best. Marilyn Monroe.”

I laughed, “Who knew? And yes, I already know I don’t deserve you at your best. What do you get out of that one?”

“It’s not about what I am now, it’s who I should be. I don’t take chances, and I stay in control, but it’s grating on me. I struggle to be a good and decent trophy wife, but I hate it. I want to let loose. Take those chances, be more impatient, make mistakes, lose control. And I need a person that understands that, and loves me anyway.”

I completed her legs, and urged her to turnover, sparing a moment to take in her mesmerizing tits. “Every time I see you, I have to pinch myself. Your beauty is breathtaking.”

She smiled. “I’m glad you think so.” She waved the notebook. “I have two more.”

“Shoot.” I sat beside her, applying the lotion from her shoulders out and then down across the tits of my dreams.

“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it’s yours. Ayn Rand.”

I had her breasts in my hands, massaging them to my heart’s content. “Atlas Shrugged.”

She nodded, squirming a little under my touch. I didn’t want to be that much of a distraction, and after one last tug on her hard little nipples, I moved down to her belly. “Why that one?” I asked.

“That phrase, ‘hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all’, it’s like she’s talking right to me about chances not taken, opportunities unfulfilled. The life I deserve. It exists and is possible, and mine if I’ll just go out and take it.”

Her legs were a glorious thing to touch. I was almost sad she was running out of quotes. “The last one?”

“We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers – but never blame yourself. It’s never your fault. But it’s always your fault, because if you want to change you’re the one who has got to change. Katharine Hepburn.”

“Wow,” I said softly. “What is it about her quote?”

“I have a lot of anger toward my family, and toward Dale, and some of my old friends, College professors, and others. I keep it clamped down inside of me. I hardly ever talk to my parents anymore except to exchange holiday greetings. But it’s not their fault. Not really. My life is my own, not theirs to mold and shape. I have to stand up for what I want and start living a life I can be proud of.”

I pulled her up in a seated position, and applied the suntan lotion carefully to her face. “Interesting selection. Not what I would have chosen for the most part. But that’s good. It’s intensely personal. As a whole, what does it say to you?”

She looked gorgeous concentrating on her answer. “Mostly that there’s a life that I should be living. A live out loud, boisterous, no-holds-barred, fight-to-the-end life that can make the world a better place. And if I’m ever going to know real happiness, I need to,” she grabbed the notebook and flipped back a few pages, “grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.”

“Maya Angelou,” I said with a grin.

“She’s right. Grab life by the balls.”

I laughed. “OK. Imagine my life. What are you going to do?”

She got a wicked teasing little smile on her face. “Simple enough. First of all, I face it head on, no blinders, nothing between me and life and the things I want to achieve.” She reached up and pulled my shorts down. “Strip away the extraneous, until it’s just me and life, mano-e-mano.” She pulled off her bikini bottoms, leaving us both deliciously naked.

“I decide what I want, and the best way to get it. Like, what if I wanted to sip the sweet nectar of life?” She reached out and took my semi-soft cock in her hands. “I know what I want. I know where it is. I know how to get it. Now it just takes the will and determination to go after it.”

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