Weekend outing went out of normal with friends – 04

We saw Dylan was tending the grill, with tongs in his hand, and his substantial hard-on, just inches from the hot metal. “Careful, bud!” I called out to him from a few feet away, “Don’t burn that thing!”

He looked at me quizzically, and turned the tenderloin with the tongs. “It’s doing fine,” he said.

“That’s not the meat you should be worried about.” Nora warned him.

He looked down and saw his dick was waving in the air only about an inch away from the rounded kettle. He turned his hips toward us, “Whoops! Thanks for the warning. But if y’all weren’t looking so incredibly hot, I wouldn’t have this problem, you know.”

“Thanks,” I blurted, “it’s nice to know you care.”

“Not you, asshole,” he laughed. “The other two.”

We were standing just a couple of feet away, and I reached out and squeezed the nearest tit on each woman. “Don’t you mean the other four?”

Nora slapped my hand away, but Aria pushed herself against me. “Don’t worry; I’ll take good care of that bad boy after dinner,” she told Dylan. I rubbed her nipple just a bit, feeling it responding, then pulled my hand away and gave her rear a loud smack, eliciting a yelp.

Nora and I entered the cabin, to find Elias and Carter locked in a passionate embrace. “Get a room for you two!” I teased.

“We’ve got one,” Elias said with a smile, and then he peeled himself away and finished setting the table, while Nora and Carter whispered between themselves.

Dinner was a remarkably calm affair, with a wonderful meal, and a gallon of Cabernet to wash it down. As the meal ended, I could feel the tension in the room building. I was certain we all knew where this would soon be heading. The girls once more volunteered for cleanup duty, and Elias started up our fireplace again.

It was still warm in the cabin, but with the sun down, and the breeze cutting through the room, it was rapidly cooling off. Elias went to work starting up the fire, and I indulged in one of my worst habits, retiring to the front porch, and lighting up a big old Fuente Double Corona. My little travel wallet held four oversized cigars, and I offered one to Dylan, an excellent Ashton, who happily accepted and joined me, looking out over the water.

We just rocked in the chairs, inhaling the strong smoke.

“Best fucking day in years,” he finally sighed.

“I’ll second that,” I told him, and we taped our cigars against each other, as if toasting.

“I got a confession,” he said softly. “I might have gone a little farther with Nora then she or I planned.” He hesitated before continuing, “I don’t mean nothing by it, I hope you know, but damn, she’s a sexy woman.”

I reached out and gave him a playful slug on the shoulder. “It was their game. We’re only fucking men, right? Slaves to our hormones, which they so skillfully put into play.” I took a deep draw, lazily letting the smoke slowly escape my lips. “I figure I’m just as guilty as you, with Aria. You might find some beard rash on her chest, if you were to look closely. I should have shaved this morning.”

He giggled. “Ditto.”

“In the end, we know who we’re going home with, right?” I reminded him.

“Fuck yeah. What happens in the cabin stays in the cabin,” he quipped.

“Then you’re forgiven. For whatever happened today, and for anything else that may happen tonight or tomorrow. As long as we hit the road tomorrow, we’re back to status quo.”

“Aces,” he sighed, leaning back and drawing on his cigar, blowing big lazy smoke rings up into the night.

I sat back, picturing Aria on that path, her mouth a chamber of pleasure, while I used her. I looked over at Dylan, who was similarly relaxed; at least most of him was. His hand was at work slowly stroking himself.

“Are you reliving an especially nice memory?” I asked quietly.

“Mmmhmm. You?”

“Oh, yeah. You, sir, are a lucky man.”

“I think we all are, this weekend,” he said softly.

Elias showed up a minute later, taking one of the two remaining seats. “Damn. Don’t do that!”

“Do what?” I asked.

“Don’t leave me in there with all three of them, they’re out of control!”

We laughed and I passed him a stogie as well. This was life. Country life, full belly, a good cigar, and a room of naked ladies getting worked up behind us.

Carter opened the screen door beside us. “Get your asses in here before the bugs eat you alive. You can bring those stinky smoke sticks in if you want; I figure the smoke from the fireplace can use the competition. At least as long as you don’t try to go ‘Clinton’ on me with one of those.”

I got up and listened to Dylan moan. “Damn it! Why’d she have to go and plant that image in my mind?”

We laughed, and squeezed through the front door. Forty eight hours earlier, if he’d brushed against me naked, I probably would have bolted; but now it was natural, and right.

Aria called out to me, “What have you got on tap for us tonight, Liam?”

I went to the cabinet shelf I’d commandeered, and brought down three bottles. “I’ve got an excellent sipping rum, Cruzan Single Barrel, for those who would like to try that, and if you’ll give me a minute,” I displayed the bottle of Bailey’s Irish Cream, and the 1/2 bottle of Tequila left from the previous night.

I poured half the Bailey’s slowly into the Tequila bottle. “We’ve got a concoction that goes by a few different names, including the ‘Naked Orgasm’.”

“Real subtle, asshole,” my wife commented.

“Hey! I didn’t name it, and if y’all had just finished the tequila last night we’d be having Ecstasy shots instead.” I told her, carrying the bottles over and placing them on the coffee table.

“What’s in that?” Dylan asked.

“Bailey’s and Vodka,” I explained.

“Cool, we can keep that in reserve,” Aria suggested.

“Not me. I’m dying to see if the difference between good rum and what I’ve been swilling is anything like the difference in tequilas,” Carter laughed.

Everyone but Elias and I had assumed the same seating as the night before. It made me think of school and sitting in someone else’s seat. Elias had slipped out to return with some more wood to stack beside the fire.

I tapped the ash off of my cigar, into an empty mug, before relighting it. My mistake. Elias moved over and plopped down between Carter and Nora, leaving me the seat next to Aria. Looking across, I could see that Carter already was working on the rum. The little tease licked the entire end of the bottle after her sip, her tongue looking especially sensual.

I took the only open spot, listening in as Dylan told a story about early love that ended in an impossibly embarrassing situation. The night was nothing like the previous one.

Everyone was in a great mood to start, the weather was ideal, and the conversation ebbed and flowed naturally, with two and even three discussions going on at the same time, without any difficulties. There was a lot of excitement and agitation in some of the discussions, and I just loved watching the girls waving their arms around while talking, and watching the resultant counterpoint activity in the jiggling of their tits.

Damn the person who invented bras!

The liquor smoothly transitioned around the table with Dylan, Carter and I savoring the rum, while our partners polished off the ‘Orgasms’. Carter made it clear she enjoyed the rum, and it was much improved, but nothing like the difference between good and bad tequila.

“Next time we come up here, I think you should double the stock of tequila,” she said thoughtfully.

Easy enough for her to say, at over $50 a bottle. Then again, a couple of hundred bucks was a small price to pay to get her to open up like she had.

Talk eventually got around to our less-than-routine activities of the day. I immediately felt myself responding to the direction of the conversation, looking across at Carter who was being lightly fondled by her husband.

Aria took the bull by the horns. “It sounds to me like everyone had a good time with all the teasing and playing around going on,” she stated, looking around for any dissent. She would have had to wait a long time.

She leaned forward over the coffee table, took a quick sip from the ‘Naked Orgasm’ bottle, and said softly. “Would anybody else like to play a little more?”

I don’t know if it was taken for granted that the guys were up for anything. It was a fact that all three of us were ‘up’ for something. But we seemed to be waiting for agreement from all the girls.

Nora leaned in, and took the bottle from in front of Aria, and took a long drink, then set the bottle down. “I’m in.”

They both turned to look at Carter.

“Are you kidding? Do you even have to ask?” She laughed out loud, a full bodied, tit shaking laugh. “I just don’t know how to start!”

And that, really, was the crux of the matter.

“I have a suggestion,” Elias said, pausing.

“Fine, then spit it out already!” Aria told him.

Series Navigation<< Weekend outing went out of normal with friends – 03Weekend outing went out of normal with friends – 05 >>

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