The Magic of a Quality Massage – 04

To which she even seemed to smile as I made no effort in responding to that. Pleased by that perhaps. “How’d you like to cum, to squirt all over our cunts while we’re fucking one another? I bet you’d like that wouldn’t you?” She asked, actually looking at me as I stood there fisting my prick, jacking it now with wild abandon. “Tell him Susan, tell him. Tell him what you’d like to see him do,” Helen almost pleaded.

“Squirt for us baby,” she now asked, her eyes full of lust as she continued to grind and hump her own cunt against Helen’s. “Shoot your hot, stinky, nasty, messy sperm all over our pussies baby. Cream them for us. Make a nice, huge mess of us,” Susan asked me.

I was honestly surprised at the decadence of all this, the almost too vulgar looks on their faces, the sights and sounds of it all. I felt the first purge of white hot semen suddenly leap from the tip of my cock, and as though perfectly planned for and choreographed, I likewise watched it shoot across the short distance between where I stood. The first two streamers of spunk landing perfectly, the fur bulls-eye sitting there, now displayed with globs of cum, clinging to it.

Something that seemed to spur Helen, and then Susan on even more than before. My final spending, falling far short now of course, mostly on the edge of the table, or even the floor. It mattered not. For at that moment, I now saw and witnessed something I had never seen before. And up until now, I had only heard of it. Helen’s cunt seemed to liquefy.

To my astonishment, I watched as several, almost clear liquid spurts of fluid shot from her cunt, literally drenching the two of them. Helen’s climax was both loud and long, as well as wet. I couldn’t believe the amount of fluid that could be shot from inside a woman’s pussy. It was hot, wild and weird all at the same time. Helen had in fact collapsed, moving just enough that it became uncomfortable for Susan to continue to lay there as well. She moved off, now standing off to one side, her face still flushed with arousal and desire. I knew without even asking, she herself hadn’t cum yet.

Helen seemed to know it too as she finally sat up, once more moving back over towards the chair. Though she stood behind it, patting at it. “Come here Susan, sit down,” her tone of voice is more like an order as opposed to a suggestion. And that’s when she looked at me. “Come here David. Come over here, kneel down and lick her pussy.”

Susan looked at me. “You don’t have to David. That wasn’t part of this, it’s not something that you have to do, especially since Helen…”

I didn’t let her finish. I walked over instead, smiling up at Helen, and then kneeling. “I’m actually quite looking forward to this,” and then I ran my tongue and lips up Susan’s sweet tasting pussy, eventually capturing her precious clit between my lips until she was screaming out in pure, unadulterated pleasure.


Helen had left not too long after that, leaving Susan and I alone together, discussing everything that had just happened.

“Well, admittedly, that was wild. And a bit unexpected. It certainly wasn’t like anything I was expecting either.”

“So…you’re ok with that? With what happened? What did we did?”

“Of course I am. I didn’t see anything that really freaked me out. Surprised me maybe, but nothing there that I haven’t a hundred times fantasized about. Though the breast-fucking thing was a new one for me, something I hadn’t really thought about before until now.” Susan laughed at that.

“Hell David, it’s pretty much all new to me. Like I told you earlier, this is a first for me in more ways than one. But as long as you’re ok, that’s what’s the most important to me, after all, I’m not sure how long things will continue between Helen and I, but until it’s just time for it to end, or when things fizzle out for whatever reason, you need to be aware that I still want to continue with it.”

“And us too?” I asked.

“Us too,” she smiled. “Now how about we go and take a shower, and then fuck like mad.”

“Actually, I think we should fuck like mad, and then take a shower, and then fuck like mad again. How’s that sound?”

“Even better,” Susan grinned, leading me down the hall towards the bedroom…by the cock I might add.


Once again several days later, I had come over to actually sit down for dinner with Susan. Things were taking a new and interesting turn between us, and I didn’t mind it at all.

“See Helen recently?” I asked.

“No, not since the last,” she answered. “Though we did speak on the phone yesterday,” she said with a hint of mystery in her tone of voice.


“Well, obviously we talked about stuff. You know. I think she also wanted to make sure that she and I were still ok, all of that. She did say that if things between you and I got serious, and if she needed to bow out of things, that she hoped we’d let her know.”

Hearing that surprised me, though in a strange way, I was pleased to hear that.

“What else?” I knew even before asking that, there was more.

“She also asked me something. Asked me to ask you about it, see what you had to say about it.”

“About it? I knew Susan was dragging this out for some reason, though I didn’t know why yet.

“Well, she was wondering if…well, if…you’d be willing to let her watch us.”

“You’re shitting me!” I exclaimed. “Really? She wants to watch us fuck?”

“Yeah, she does. I was even surprised by that. But she also said, it was only fair, whatever rules you had for her, she’d abide to as well. She just asked that we’d think about it, and then let her know, either way.”

“My rules right?”

“Our rules,” Susan corrected.

“Yeah, I meant that. Our rules. I guess we’d need to decide what then huh?”

“Yeah I guess so.”

“What if they were sort of, kind of different rules though. Would she agree to that?”

“I guess that depends. Where are you going with this anyway? What exactly do you have in mind?”

Which is when I more or less laid it out for her. Though I agreed to more than one suggestion or change that she had in mind too.

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