The broken hearts

Looking across the room at my sister, her face was as flushed as mine was. Partially from the silly, playful exertion of course. But I couldn’t help wondering if she was flushed to some extent from the unexpected arousal too. I knew I felt it, though I fought it, wondering if she was.

“Well, anyway…like I was trying to tell you in the beginning, Jacob. This is your home too. So if you are seeing anyone, have any lady friends you’d like to have over…to…well, you know. You have every right to do so, just wanted you to know that. Whatever goes on inside your bedroom is your business.”

“Lady friends?” I laughed. “Not hard…at least not at the moment anyway,” I said, seeing an almost look of relief in her eyes upon hearing that. “What about you?” I then asked. “Are you trying to warn me about the possibility of coming home one evening and finding some guy-friend here?” I asked, still trying to keep things light between us. Her face softened with a slight smile.

“Already told you Jacob…the only thing I’m dating is Mr. Ever-ready. And speaking of which…” she blushed further. “It’s way past my bed-time. Goodnight.”

Sophia stood, walked over towards me again, kissing me on the forehead, and then turned heading up the stairs towards her bedroom. I sat there, watching her go, finding that my eyes had been firmly focused on my sister’s ass. Finally as she disappeared, I looked down at myself, saw my hard stiff cock clearly poking up through the opening in my boxer shorts, and knew then and there, she had to have seen it again when she came over to give me a kiss goodnight. I smiled inwardly, a little confused by what I was feeling, but then sat back and slowly proceeded to jerk myself off.


Things settled back into some semblance of normalcy over the next few days. I still wasn’t quite ready to come home, strip off and sit around in my boxers, though I had managed to remove my shirt and shoes, lounging around after dinner in jeans or a pair of working slacks.

Sophia didn’t press the issue with me either, though I noticed she started wearing a bra less and less often around me during the evenings, even though she too hadn’t gone back to wearing just a tee shirt and panties around me either. I think we were both slowly trying to get comfortable with one another again, especially after the incident in the den when she obviously saw my hard aroused cock.

It was a Friday night, and I was already very much looking forward to the weekend. Sophia had already informed me two days before that she was going out to have dinner with a friend…a female friend, and then afterwards perhaps even take in a movie. I didn’t mind so much, especially when I came home and found she had already ordered a pizza for me. All I had to do was warm it up, if I wanted. I smiled appreciatively. Even if she wasn’t there to see it. Sis was always looking out for me.

For the first time since the “incident” as I now referred to it, I stripped off all my clothes down to my boxers. I then took a cold beer from the fridge, the pizza, and headed off down to the den to watch some TV. One of the other nice things about living here was the fact that Sophia had cable. With an enormous list of movies to choose from, I sat back eating my pizza in one hand, the remote in the other as I scrolled through all the various and available titles.

And then suddenly I found myself looking at some rather interesting titles…adult movies. Whether she was even aware of it or not, paying the premium she did gave her access to those as well. I scrolled back up, looking for something else to watch. But my prick had already made up its own mind, lengthening even as I sat there. I scrolled back down again, intrigued perhaps by a title I had read, curious and interested as I clicked on it for more information.

“My naughty hot sister,” the title stated as I then read a brief synopsis of the story line. Not much, something about a brother secretly observing his sister while she masturbated, and then getting involved from there. I checked my watch, it was way early yet…Sophia no doubt is still having dinner with her friend.

I was too sorely tempted, especially sitting there comfortably in my boxers, with my dick sticking straight up out of them. I clicked on the program, settled back, and soon began watching the story as it began to unfold. It took me back in time just a little as I sat watching it, back to a time long ago when I had in fact caught my own sister playing with herself.

The only time I ever had, though I also hadn’t watched her too long doing it either. Too afraid of getting caught perhaps for one thing. But for another, finding myself actually getting aroused watching her, realizing it…had shook some sense back into me, so I promptly retreated, though the image of her doing that remained with me for a very, very long time afterwards.

The fact that the girl in the movie looked a little like the way Sophia did when she was younger more or less fueled the fantasy again some too. Thirty minutes into the movie, the girl was laying on her bed, using what appeared to be a rather complicated looking vibrator on herself, simultaneously fingering and toying with her breasts while her brother stood just inside her closet, video-recording her as she masturbated. And of course…stroking himself off while he did.

I was soon doing the same. Sitting there in my own personal comfy chair, which I had now reclined back, cock in hand, slow-stroking it to my heart’s content, watching…and yet imagining, remembering, substituting the girl in the movie for my own…back then, younger sister.

“Well…well, what are we watching?” Sophia suddenly said from behind me, causing me to jump, reaching for the remote, which I simply knocked away from myself instead sending it flying across the room, skidding across the floor. Hands still on my cock, though I was now trying to cover it as opposed to fondling it as I had been.

“Jesus sis!” I only then managed to stammer looking up and over at her as she stood there in the doorway behind me. “What are you doing at home anyway?” I asked, still bewildered, not quite able to act or decide what I should attempt to do first. The movie was still playing of course.

The sounds of the young woman on the bed, panting and breathing heavily as she just then started to climax. The subtle sound of her buzzing vibrator, the camera pan back to the boy in the closet as he stood there fisting his cock, jerking himself off, and now coming as well as several ropes of semen suddenly began to discharge from the end of his prick.

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