The broken hearts

“No…seriously. But while I’m doing that, I realize I’ve got one of her boob’s in my hand…and she’s suddenly now got my cock in her hand…and damn it Sophia, I don’t mind telling you…it felt good feeling that, even if it was Barb who was the one holding it. I was almost too stunned for words as she stood there milking my dick.”

“Go on…” Sophia said, not really laughing quite so much anymore, now taking on a different look, as she sat there listening, looking at me, a bit flushed in the face perhaps. The fact I’d been speaking a bit vulgarly had obviously had some effect on her…as well as me. We’d spoken candidly before of course, but it had been years now since we’d actually sat here having a conversation like this.

“It really was…and had been my intent to push her away, get out of there. But shit sis, she had me, and was stroking me, and well…hell, you know…it had been so long.”

“Yeah, I know…who could blame you?” She said still interested in the story. “So then what happened?”

“You really don’t want to hear the gory details,” I said.

“Yes I do…go on finish, you started this, now…let me hear the rest of the story,” she said trying to mimic a well known radio personality, Paul Harvey.

I just shook my head snickering at her imitation, though continued on. “Just remember…I warned you sis.” She just winked, smiled and sat back again, waiting. “So…now it’s starting to feel good, or rather I am, even if it is Barb doing this. But now I am also nervous and worried that someone might come walking in on us standing there like that. So I managed to convince her to move into one of the stalls,

and damn lucky that I did too. No sooner had we done that, gone inside and closed the door, than sure enough…someone else comes walking in. But that’s also when Barb suddenly leans over, takes my dick in her mouth, and starts sucking it. All the while we’re both listening to whoever the hell it was, standing there taking a piss. I of course don’t dare say or do anything to further raise suspicion…”

“Of course not…” Sophia chortled.

“So he’s pissing…Barb’s sucking…and now that’s starting to feel damn fucking good.” I saw my sister’s eyebrows raise up over that one. I don’t think I’d ever used that particular word in front of her my entire life, though she said nothing and remained sitting as I continued on. “Finally the guy leaves, but that’s just as I’m starting to cum. But at least I can tell her I’m about to…figuring, well…you know. And then she just gobbles me up even more, now bobbing up and down on my cock even more fiercely than she had been. And then, well hell…you know what happened then.”

“She took it? She…she swallowed?”

“Yeah…she did. And let me tell you sis, there was a LOT of it too!”

Sophia was truly blushing now. I figured mostly from embarrassment perhaps at hearing me telling her all this, though I suspected that some of it might have been from arousal too. Just telling my sister the story, strange as it was, had aroused me a bit too, as I now sat there with a semi-erection, that I was subconsciously fighting down to keep from having it make a full-on appearance here.

“Anyway…to make a long story short. She stands up again, wipes off her face, puts her bra back on over her tits, buttons up and leaves. Eventually I came out as well. But oddly, Barb’s suddenly not acting or being quite as drunk as she had been. Suddenly, and considerably sober again, though she quickly proceeds to get stinking drunk, and eventually does end up passing out.

Dave even put her up in a cot in the back room of his bar to sleep it off. Following Monday… She comes into work, goes about her business, never looks or says a word to me about what happened, and never acts any differently around me either. So neither did I. Neither one of us ever spoke about it, or mentioned it again. It’s as though it never happened.”

“Maybe that’s the way she needed it to be Jacob. Wanted to do something she’s obviously always wanted to do, but then needed to step back, step away from it, and pretend it never happened. Being drunk gave her the reason and excuse to sort of do that.”

“So you think, she really did know?”

Sophia laughed. “Oh Jacob. Of course she did! For whatever reason. But, once she had, once she did…she was satisfied, and content for everything to go back the way that it had been. You’ve at least allowed her to do that, yes?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Then leave it at that. There’s always next year’s Christmas party,” Sophia chuckled again as I picked up one of her chair throw pillows, and actually threw it at her. I missed of course, on purpose, though she used that as an excuse to bolt up off the chair she was in, and charge at me.

I’d always been ticklish, and she knew that. Immediately jumping up and into my lap, almost knocking the two of us over in my chair in the process. I immediately grabbed her hands of course, holding them off, up and away from me as she struggled. But as she struggled, I felt my sister’s full firm breasts suddenly press against my face. Unaware perhaps that they were, or that I was breathing in my sister’s heavenly, personal scent. And then of course, involuntarily, I felt my cock beginning to grow, to stiffen considerably, and quickly. And with sis now sitting firmly in my lap…it didn’t take long before she could feel it too.

And suddenly we sat there silently looking at one another, though she did suddenly look down. My hard dick, unavoidably sticking up through the opening in my boxer shorts. As though branded by a hot iron, Sophia suddenly extricated herself from my lap and hurriedly crossed the room, sitting back down in her own chair. I crossed my legs, making an attempt to hide my now firm erection of course. There was no help for it however, trying to tuck it back down inside my boxer shorts was fruitless. All I could do was sit there trying my level best to at least keep it out of sight.

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