The blue moon made me pleasure

Once again I was forced to look up into the rearview mirror as she stood there. Obviously she had no problem with me looking at her breasts as she stood there holding up the small hand towel. As I’d surmised in the beginning, they were neither too large, nor too small either. A nice good-sized handful, though I now did notice of course, her rather large dark-tan areolas, twin nipples that stood proudly up and off each, two hard little rocks capping each breast.

“Yep! That’s them,” I responded looking back at the road as she leaned over opening the fridge, taking out a bottle of water. Once again I stole another glance, enjoying the way they hung there for a moment swinging about as I hit a couple of rough spots in the road. She had to reach out, steadying herself and then stood up again.

“If you want to watch, I’d rather you pull over to do so,” she informed me. “I’d rather not end up down in a ditch,” she added though she was again smiling.

“Sorry…wasn’t me, it really was the road,” I said feeling a bit sheepish, though I did inform her I’d just then spotted a road sign indicating there was a rest-stop up ahead. “I’ll stop there, I need to pee anyway.”

“Go right ahead, already did just before you showed up, so I’m good for a bit,” she said, making me realize she must have simply squatted somewhere off the side of the road just before I had come by.

And even as I took the exit leading up to the rest area, sony continued to stand there washing herself up, dampening the towel and then running it over and around her firm breasts. At least the place was nearly empty, though I pulled into a spot well away from where anyone else was currently parked. She was still washing herself up as I opened the door before stepping out.

“Be right back,” I told her. “You ah…need anything?”

“Not unless they have any clean panties in a vending machine,” she stated. “These were my last pair…guess I’ll be going commando until we reach Max Hole.” She stood sliding those down her shapely legs as I sat there. I took another long second looking at her, and then stepped out, closing the door. I looked down, already sensing as well as seeing what was a very obvious and unwanted erection.

“Get a grip Antony,” I told myself. “She’s half your age!”

The one thing I had immediately noticed of course was the small light brown patch of hair covering her mound. Something I hadn’t expected to actually see either as the style or trend these days seemed to be a bare pussy, or very little hair at all. And though it certainly didn’t look unruly, as she obviously kept it well trimmed, it was odd seeing so much hair between a woman’s legs again…especially for such a young woman as sony obviously was.

It took a while for me to be able to finally pee, standing there at the urinal waiting for my erection to go down just enough so that I could. By the time I made it back to the Van, sony was again sitting in the front seat. Naked.

“Feel better?” she asked.

“Ah yeah…you?” I glanced over towards her somewhat nervously. And though I knew no one could currently see her, anyone passing us by in a vehicle taller than we certainly could.

“Much…thank you,” she said grinning. “I really needed that.”

“Obviously, you need some clothes too,” I offered. “I’m sure I’ve got something you could wear if you’d like.” I couldn’t believe I’d just heard myself say that, a sexy sweet young…naked young woman sitting there next to me, but I had.

“Only if my sitting here like this makes you uncomfortable,” she informed me. “I’d actually like to sort of “air out” for a bit if you don’t mind. I do have one more change of clothes I can put on after I do it for a bit. Unless you’d rather I don’t.”

“Doesn’t bother me, but you might want to keep an eye out for any big rigs, or cops…” I said pausing. Once again she laughed. “Yeah, guess I’d better do that since I’m sure you’ll be looking elsewhere,” she continued to giggle.

We soon after pulled back out onto the road, and I was careful to pretty much keep my eye on the road, as well as the traffic. But as sony eventually drifted off to sleep hugging the door, it was hard not stealing glances her way for the next two hours. Just outside of Max Hole I stopped, waking her up.

“We’re almost there. You might want to think about putting something on now.”

I’d pulled over at a spot in the road that afforded us a little privacy around a small stand of trees. Seeing where we were, sony smiled, opening her door, stepping out. “Cool, as now I do need to pee,” she informed me, and walked over a few feet next to the trees though I could still see her from where I was sitting.

She hunched down balancing herself, and then peed. I looked away, wondering if she’d look over, but then looked back. Sure enough, she was…and waved, but continued to pee anyway. And now…I had to pee. I got out, walked around the opposite side of the tree stand and began doing so. As I did, I then heard footsteps as she came up to stand beside me, watching me as I did.

“Almost makes me wish I had one of those,” she said looking down as I nearly pissed all over my foot. “Almost…” she giggled as she saw me do a quick two-step before I did.

I zipped up, followed her back to the van and then stood there watching her dress.

“My last semi-clean outfit,” she informed me, throwing on what was a pair of very short cut-off Levi jeans and an almost too tight light blue tank top.

“We’ll stop for the night at a KOA, a lot of those have laundry facilities, perhaps you can wash your clothes up there.”

“That would be great,” she told me, though she looked somewhat worried and hesitated. “One other thing.”

“What’s that?”

“I don’t exactly have unlimited funds, so would it be ok with you if we may be stopped and just got a Big Mac or something for dinner?”

“Don’t worry about that,” I assured her. “We’ll do better than McDonalds, though nothing too fancy either. Neither one of us will be dressed for that. But it’s on me.”



“Just because you’re offering to buy me dinner, and giving me a ride at all? It doesn’t mean I’m willing to fuck you for doing it.” I opened my mouth in an attempt to assure her I hadn’t even remotely thought of that…though for the briefest of moments, I actually had yeah. “Breakfast maybe…” she then added before I could respond.

“Better make that one a nicer café’ then,” I said grinning at her as we headed on into Max Hole.


After we had in fact gotten ourselves something to eat, we pulled into a KOA, one with laundry facilities. After checking in and getting our spot, sony headed over towards the showers and laundry area. I was in need of a shower myself, and followed her over.

It was late, and no one else was inside as she dumped everything she owned into one of the washers. “Getting this girl to wear clothes is becoming nearly impossible!” I thought. “Here, maybe you should at least wrap yourself up in this,” I said, handing her a large towel. “And besides, you can probably use it to shower,” I added, informing her I was about to do the same. “Your clothes should be ready by the time we get done doing that, then you can throw them into a dryer. We can come back for them later before hitting the sack.”

I started to head into the men’s side shower area, and noticed her following. “Ah…the ladies are on that side.”

“Yeah, I know. But I’ve also learned, even places like this aren’t all that safe, especially late at night. So if you don’t mind…think I’ll stay with you,” she informed me. “And besides Antony…not like you haven’t already seen it.”

Series NavigationThe blue moon made me pleasure – 3 >>

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