The balanced stay was life changing – 04

That aspect of my sexuality didn’t come about until much, much later. And then when it did, it was almost by accident that the truth finally came out. At that time, I was just turned eighteen, still living at home, helping out and going to school. Which is when mom, at the ripe old age of thirty-seven, discovered she was pregnant again. Something they obviously hadn’t expected, or planned on.

Mom wasn’t supposed to be able to get pregnant again, but here she was. And…it was very hard on her for most of her pregnancy, and towards the end of which, was very often confined to bed. During this time, dad was away a lot, his business just then really taking off, expanding. So he spent a lot of time away from us unfortunately. I had come home from school and found mom in a real funk.

She was an emotional mess at that time, hormones going crazy most likely, but either way, she just needed some comfort and affection, and with dad away, she wasn’t getting it. I walked in on her only to find her masturbating. To my surprise, she didn’t even stop. She didn’t even try to explain herself, or express any guilt in doing so right there in front of me. If anything, she was even more frustrated, explaining she’d been trying to have an orgasm for the past half hour, and was no closer to having one then, any more than she’d been in the beginning.”

Riley and I sat back, listening, though watching as Christine somehow amazingly continued to slow-stroke her brother’s cock without missing a beat, still telling her story. When I felt Riley’s hand reach over and surround my own, I was all for it. I think Christine and Roger both smiled when she did that, though neither one said anything as she continued.

“Anyway, the short and long of it was, I had her lay back, relax, and told her I would do it for her. Which I did. It became almost a daily ritual for us. And it went a long way in helping mom emotionally, as well as for me. Though also in the beginning, usually after getting her off, I’d leave and head upstairs to my room where I’d then furiously finger myself off. I think mom was well aware of what I was doing after I had pleasured her, as one day I had…like always, excused myself to head upstairs.

But this time, she stopped me. I remember her patting the bed as she scooted over, telling me to lie down next to her, which I did. I thought at first she just needed a bit of extra cuddling or something, until she actually reached down, and began unzipping the shorts I had on. I knew then what she was about to do, and obviously, I let her. It had been something I had been dreaming and thinking about for years. After that, things just seemed to escalate between us. Soon we were going down on one another on a daily basis, amongst other things. And maybe that would have been ok, if it hadn’t been for dad.

I actually did feel a little guilty about what we were doing, and so did mom. And that’s when she told me, she had already decided to tell him about us. Sure…I was scared to death, afraid of what he might do or say once he knew. But that’s when mom confessed to me another little secret she’d been holding onto. As you’re probably well aware by now, they’re quite active, and quite open sexually.

Always have been. She told me how very often their ‘pillow-talk’ could get pretty nasty, pretty kinky at times. A no-holds barred kind of thing that they had both agreed to early on. They could say anything, express anything without fear of repercussions in having done so. Mom had even broken the taboo barrier herself in the beginning, mentioning to dad how well I’d developed, and then confessing to him that even she’d been fantasizing about playing with my boobs and so on. And so it began.

In time, they’d very often imagine me being with them, which mom said had led to some of the best sex they’d ever had together. Now mind you, dad had never once approached me about anything, or made any attempt to spy on me. Not once. So knowing that he actually did have these thoughts about me, sent a torrent of these secret thrilling shivers up and down my spine. Like I said, I’d been harboring my own forbidden thoughts for years! So that’s when mom came up with the plan that would change my life. Change all our lives, forever!”

I wasn’t sure I was going to last much longer myself here. Story or no story. Even having to tell Riley to slow things down a bit. It seemed like the more excited she became listening to Christine’s tale, the faster her hand went up and down on me…which wasn’t helping me out a whole hell of a lot. Roger on the other hand seemed to be pacing it just perfectly, though so was Christine by my measure.

“I love hearing this part,” he briefly interrupted. “Never fails to arouse me.” Which at the moment, was an understatement.

“What happened then?” Riley asked, though thankfully she had slowed in stroking my cock.

“Dad was going to be home for an entire week. A rarity back then. Obviously, whenever he was home for any length of time, he and mom went at it almost night and day, or so it seemed anyway. So what she did was come up with a plan that she felt would be the best way to inform him about what we’d been doing all along, and do so in such a way that he’d be a bit more receptive to it, when hearing it.

Or so we both hoped. She had made sure dad was damn good and horny, really getting into one of their taboo pillow-talk games. I stood out in the hallway, having cracked open the door, waiting for my cue. They were already at the point where mom was teasing him with images of me, demanding in a sense that he tell her what he wanted more than anything at that very moment.

“Come on Aiden, tell me. Say it. Tell me how much you’d enjoy fucking our daughter!”

“I want to fuck our daughter!” He’d called out, though not nearly good enough according to mom.

“Louder!” She told him. “Say it louder, and this time say it like you mean it, like you want to have your prick inside your daughter’s cunt, even more than you want it in mine!”

He nearly screamed it, even then trying to keep himself under control, but when I heard him say…”I want to fuck her more than anything!” Which was when she called out to me essentially, giving me my cue to come in. “Then do it Aiden, do it. Fuck your daughter, she’s here for you.”

“Wow,” I moaned, actually seeing all this in my head. Suddenly visions of some of my own secret fantasies surfaced, many of which I hadn’t thought about for years coming to mind. And I almost lost it, because of it…actually having to stay in my wife’s hand for a moment.

“And?” Riley pressed as excited now as I was.

“Needless to say, daddy was a little surprised to see me standing there at the side of the bed, willing…and naked. And a little nervous too of course. It would be, after all, my very first time. Though mom and I didn’t tell him that until it was all over with. He was gentle though, almost as though he knew that I was as we began doing it.

Though I daresay it helped that mom was right there by my side, guiding me through it as dad finally penetrated me for the first time. After that, it was never a problem with the three of us, especially now that dad knew all about mom and I, which he’d gotten quite a kick out of upon hearing it.

And don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like it was always the three of us. Sometimes just dad and I, sometimes, just mom and I. And sometimes of course, just the two of them. But I also have to say, whenever it was the three of us, it seemed to be the best sex that any of us ever did have after that.”

“And then I came along,” Roger grinned. “And speaking of which…”

We all sat watching as Roger’s prick suddenly gushed, sending several copious streamers of fluid into the air. I wasn’t far behind myself after having seen that, especially as Christine sat licking her fingers off, and then swiping up the rest of his spilled seed prior to begin finger-fucking herself with it.


The Captain had turned the ship around heading back in. We’d had a nice little snack and refreshments, and then settled in to watch the sunset as we traveled back.

“So how did the thing with Roger come about?” Riley asked curiously. I knew she was going to even before she did, though admittedly, I was curious about it myself.

Christine smiled knowingly. “Early on, we’d discussed it, and had already decided that regardless of whether mom had a girl or a boy, that in time…he, or she, would need to be told about what the three of us were doing. None of us by then had any intention of stopping, though we also felt it was important to let him or her…”

“Meaning me,” Roger said grinning.

“To make up their own mind about it,” Christine finished. “Which is exactly what we did. When Roger was old enough, that’s when we told him about the three of us, and how long it had been that this had been going on. We left it up to him to decide if he could, at the very least, accept the three of us, regardless of whether he joined in or not. As it turned out…”

“And that as they say, is the rest of the story,” Roger again interrupted, though adding. “I think the one big difference between Christine and I is this. As you probably noticed last night, we’re pretty exclusive amongst ourselves. Sure, we know that mom and dad live more of a swingers life-style than we do.

Which is fine with us. Especially with your mom and dad, who we’ve come to love and appreciate their friendship as well. But even then, Roger and I only have sex with one another, and with them. No one else. We don’t mind looking, being watched, stuff like that. But we’ve never taken it beyond that so far, and don’t really have any plans in doing so either.”

Personally, I was good with that. Looking at Christine’s boobs was nice enough as it was. Beyond that, things were getting a bit more complicated than I had ever imagined, so it was sort of nice knowing that things weren’t going to get much wilder than they already were.

“Well, looks like we’re almost there. So I guess we really should be getting dressed,” she stated standing. “Don’t want to shock all the people on the docks now do we?” Riley and I stood up as well, as Christine led the way passing by. I felt her hand briefly surrounding my cock before letting go. She looked back over her shoulder towards me laughing as she did that. “Never say anything about not touching once in a while,” she winked. Just as Roger passed Riley, likewise allowing his hand to run across the back of her ass.

I just shook my head. “Yeah, right,” I said to myself more than anyone. And then headed down to the cabins to dress.


By the time we’d returned to mom and dad’s place, I was more than happy to just crash for a bit. Glad to hear that we’d actually be spending a bit of a quiet evening together, just the four of us.

As wild and as exciting as everything had been, I really did need a bit of a break from all that. A simple dinner with wine was perfect, along with a quiet evening out on the deck looking at the stars. Even when mom and Riley came walking out naked, I didn’t think too much about it.

They stood by the railing, sipping their wine together, looking out over the ocean, watching the waves come in. Dad was in fact half asleep, sometimes his head nodding as he sat there in his chair. I couldn’t see how he could do that, especially with two very attractive women standing there naked. I hoped I didn’t get as tired at his age. Though admittedly, I was.

“We’re going to walk down to the water. You’re more than welcome to join us,” mom said, though I waved the two of them away.

“Have fun,” I told them, though not sure what I even meant by that when I said it, especially by the look on their faces.

“Maybe we will, ” Riley shot back, and then hand in hand, led mom off into the moonlight towards the water’s edge.

I sat there watching for a bit. Saw them dive in and actually swim around for a while. I watched as they came out again too. And then watched as they stood there wiping one another down with towels. At this distance, with the moonlight and all, all I could really see was their silhouettes, but even that appeared quite provocative from my perspective.

Even the subtle differences in their bodies seemed to be somehow magnified for some reason, enhanced somehow in the backlight as they stood there. And then I saw Riley go down on her knees. Mom’s hands coming up to rest on the top of my wife’s head. Riley was eating her out! I almost stood up, then heard dad speaking to me.

“Leave them alone for a bit,” he chuckled. “You’re not missing out on anything.”

I sat back, in sudden agreement, as they after a time exchanged places. Mom now kneeling before Riley, no doubt licking and sucking her clit. Soon after they walked back towards us, once again hand in hand together as they did. To my surprise, dad had somehow managed to strip off his shorts, now sitting there naked, stroking his enormous fat cock unabashedly.

“Enjoy the show?” Riley asked, though mom answered.

“Sure looks as though your father did anyway,” Mom said pointing at him, and then frowning at me however. I continued to sit there with my trunks still on.

“What? You need a better look than that to get you horny?” Riley kidded, or attempted to anyway.

“No, it’s not that,” I answered. “I honestly WAS enjoying it…and didn’t want to interrupt anything, especially if the two of you sort of wanted to continue…”

Mom and Riley looked at one another appreciatively. “That’s exactly what we had in mind,” they both said almost in unison. “Only we thought…it might be a bit more comfortable, inside.”

I ran off to pee, arriving back inside mom and dad’s room just in time to see the two of them curled up together on the bed. Dad sitting on one side merely content to look on, though still stroking his now very hard cock. I quickly took up the other side of the bed, and was soon doing the same. Simply watching my wife and mother as they toyed with one another, teasing and pleasing one another with fingers, mouths, and everything else, was a dream come true for me, in so many ways.

I had always had this fascination with two women anyway, made even better with one of them being my own mother, and the other one my wife. It was for me, one of those very taboo luxuries, that I had only fantasized about in the privacy of my own mind…until now. But I have to tell you, it was when mom began “breast-bating” my wife’s pussy, for lack of a better term than that, that I almost lost it. Seeing her holding her own tit in hand, and then rubbing it up and down, back and forth against Riley’s cunt nearly drove me insane with desire. Though I soon noted, it had the exact same effect on dad too.

“Fuck!” He stood suddenly shouting. And maybe he hadn’t wanted to, or maybe he had…mattered not, he stood there spilling his spunk, shooting it across the way, much of which was now landing in strips across mom’s back. “Sorry…couldn’t help myself,” he said almost sheepishly.

“No worries honey,” mom said with good humor. “I’m sure after you’ve had a chance to recuperate for a bit, you’ll be more than up for it again,” she teased, emphasizing the word ‘up’ when she said that. “In the meantime, what would you like to see or do?” Mom asked.

I knew then just exactly what it was that I wanted.

“Would you mind wrapping those tits of yours around my cock?” I asked, to which Riley burst out laughing. “What?”

“I wish I’d made the bet with your mother earlier. I told her, “That was one of the things that turned you on the most, and that unfortunately, with my much smaller breasts, I couldn’t really do a good job of it for you whenever we did it.”

“That’s not true!” I began, though Riley shut me up.

“Yes it is, and you know it, and that’s fine. Truth is, I’m actually looking forward to watching your mother titty-fuck you.”

“As am I,” dad said grinning from ear to ear. And maybe he still had a limp cock, but I had a pretty good idea, it wouldn’t remain so for very long.


Mom sat on the edge of the bed as I walked up to stand in front of her. I felt goose-bumps running up and down my spine, realizing that within moments, I’d be feeling my mother’s soft, pliant breasts wrapping themselves around my hard, swollen cock.

“Here, let’s make that tit-tunnel nice and slippery!” Riley suggested, grabbing a nearby bottle of baby oil. She held it over mom’s breasts, along with my cock, and poured a generous helping of it over the two of us. “There, that should make it easier, and make it sound even nastier!” She beamed happily.

The feel of mom’s tits as they surrounded my prick was even better than I imagined. So soft, warm and comforting as I stood there in front of her, sliding my cock up and then down between those twin mountains of tit-flesh. “Oh fuck that’s good!” I moaned audibly.

“It is, isn’t it?” Dad confirmed, now fondling his prick once again while watching this.

Riley continued to stand there beside us, now leaning over behind mom, taking her breasts in hand, helping with the duty of keeping them together as I continued the slippery, pleasurable journey through that heavenly slick passage they’d formed. At one point, Riley stepped around, now waiting for the upsurge of my prick, peeking through mom’s twin mounds. When it did, she met it with her mouth briefly, giving the head a nice quick little suck or lick before it disappeared once more to travel back down through that hot wet titty-fuck tunnel again.

Already my knees were starting to buckle a little. Though I normally had pretty good control, this sensation was almost too exquisite for me to continue much longer without spilling my seed. “Fuck, I’m not sure I can last much longer!” I announced, hoping for a reprieve, and yet…dreading it. It just felt too fucking good.

“Then don’t!” Mom said looking up into my eyes. “Don’t hold back honey. Do it. Cum all over my tits for me,” she urged seductively. “I want to see that hot warm cream covering mommy’s titties, don’t you?”

Before I could even answer her, I felt the first splurge of my spunk leap from the tip of my prick just as I began the downward stroke between mom’s breasts. She smiled in delight, no doubt feeling it as I did, as my cock came upwards again, still spurting. This time as the head of my dick appeared at the small opening she’d created with her hands and tits, another rope of semen exploded. This one caught her chin and neck in the process.

“Thar…she blows!” Dad quipped looking on in a poor rendition of some sailor chasing whales. I paid no real attention to that, my eyes and mind still focused on the heavenly pleasure I was feeling. When I was spent, I staggered back to the bed, sitting down on the edge next to mom. Both she and my wife are now examining her cream-covered tits. Copious amounts of my semen splattered against them, small little rivers of cum drool now starting to run down between towards her navel.

“Oh, we can’t waste that!” Riley exclaimed, pushing mom down on the bed now, quickly maneuvering herself as she began to feast on mom’s tits, devouring every trace of my spending with her tongue and lips. I don’t think I’d ever seen mom’s nipples quite so hard and stiff before.

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