She Made Me my hidden Desire

“Yeah, but it has to be a really nasty story,” Bab’s challenge. “And like you said, it has to be for real too!”

“You want nasty? I got nasty,” Mila said, continuing to slur her words a little. “I got off, watching mom get off once,” she began.

“No way! Really?” Amber asked, actually excited to be hearing this.

“Yeah…do tell!” Bobby said joining in for a change.

“How the hell did you do that?” Sophia pressed.

“Shut up and I’ll tell you,” she giggled.

My hand is flying up and down my cock at the moment. I was all ears.

“It was late, and I had to pee. So I got up out of bed and headed into the bathroom. Usually, I turn on the light, but since I was still half-asleep, I didn’t want the bright light blinding me. Anyway, as I entered the room, I noticed that the door leading into mom’s bedroom was open. I walked over to close it, not wanting to wake her, or have her laying there listening to me pee,” Mila looked over towards Bobby, but she didn’t say anything.

If anything, she looked like she was ready to start masturbating herself any moment now. Her nipples were rock hard little points as she reached up and began caressing one. Can’t say as I blamed her.

“I was just about to do that when I realized I could see fairly easily into the room. There just so happened to be a full moon that night, so I could clearly see mom laying there on the bed. And she sure as hell wasn’t sleeping either! That’s when I heard it, a faint buzzing sound, and then realized she was using a vibrator on herself. She was so into it, I could hear her moaning and groaning like crazy, totally oblivious to anything else. Well hell, I’m not ashamed to admit it, it was pretty fucking hot seeing her doing that, so I stood there, and began playing with myself too.”

“Oh fuck!” Bobby actually exclaimed, and though she was sitting sideways to me, the motion of her hand, down between her legs gave a hint at what she was actually doing to herself.

“Eeew!” Bab’s said, looking her way, though saying it sarcastically as she then smiled at her, nodding her head at her in agreement. “At least she’s brave enough to be doing what we’re all thinking,” she added to that with a nervous laugh, though unfortunately, no one else made any motion to do anything like that. Though there did appear to be a lot more fidgeting going on. No one said anything about what Bobby was obviously doing either, nor seemed to mind as Mila continued.

“I figured that even if she looked, she wouldn’t see me. The bathroom was totally dark, pitch black, so I stood there, fingering myself, watching mom get off, and boy…did she ever! And then I did!” Mila confessed. “So…how’s that for naughty?”

Bobby’s moan seemed to add an exclamation point to that.

“I don’t think she has to tell any more naughty stories,” Amber laughed. “She just did something naughty instead!”

“Here, here!” Everyone agreed, and then lifted their shot glasses in toast, without even rolling the dice.

Unfortunately, it had reached the point, even with the game being as exciting as it had been, that all the girls were either growing too tired to continue, or too drunk either way. Mila was definitely one of those in that category, though I was honestly disappointed that she wouldn’t be one of those getting naked there in front of me either.

“Come on girls, let’s take this upstairs and let the party-poopers get some sleep. The rest of us can do…other things.”

That sounded like Sophia, though I couldn’t tell for sure. But I was again sure as hell disappointed. There was no way I dared sneak up the stairs to listen in, but then I remembered…I had my own private little secret waiting for me downstairs. All I had to do now was be patient, sit and wait until all the girls had gone up, and then sneak back into my own little retreat.

When I was sure everyone was gone, I quickly and quietly slipped back down the hallway, around the alcove, and then a step, or two maybe into the kitchen where I would be home free. I don’t know what it was, but something caught my eye as I sort of froze mid-step, and then a voice as Sophia stood just above me on the stairs.

“We forgot the…”

“Fucking tequila,” I thought spotting the half empty gallon sitting on the floor where they’d left it.

The surprise in her eyes was an understatement, and for just half a second, I was sure she was going to call out, or worse…run upstairs to my sister.

“Please…” I said, mouthing the words to her. There was no point in saying anything else. Sophia took a step and then another towards me. Soon standing beside me there in the hallway.

“You owe me then,” she said, and actually reached down grabbing my crotch. It was still hard, and it was still very noticeable. She then walked over picking up the tequila turning to me, and as she did, lifting her almost see-through garment up and over her breasts. “Kiss them, each one,” she said simply. I did so, kissing, half sucking maybe…but still kissing each nipple.

Series NavigationShe made me my hidden desire – Part 2 >>

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