She Made Me my hidden Desire

I had a clear and totally unobstructed view into the room. Oh boy did I. Even better than I could have hoped for, or even imagined. As expected Mila, along with her friends, (four of them) were dressed rather skimpily I might add. Only one of which was actually wearing pajamas though it was evident even then, that Amber wasn’t wearing a bra, and that she had perhaps the largest set of tits amongst all the girls, with Sophia a close second.

Sophia in fact wears a somewhat sheer (more of a hint at what lay beneath) than actually seeing…but enough to certainly make things interesting, kind of a nightgown on. Then there was my own sister of course, wearing what she usually did, nothing more than a pair of panties and one of my old “wife-beater” tee-shirts, though why she did…never ceased to amaze me for some odd reason.

I recognized one of the other girls, Barbra, though everyone called her “Babs” for some reason. She too was pretty, and tall…and she was also nearly flat chested. I think I actually had more “man-boob” than she had “women boob”, though by the looks of things, she had really large nipples, which I could easily see pressed against the tight fitting tee shirt she was wearing. The last girl I had only seen and met once. And to be honest, I didn’t really know what to think or make of her.

Though obviously athletic, she was more of a plain-Jane. I might have called her attractive even though she wore little or no makeup at all. She also wore her hair really, really short. Which hinted to me at least something else. But…she was obviously friends with all the other girls either way, so I didn’t really think too much more about it. As I recalled, though even then not too sure…I think Mila had introduced her to me a while back as “Bobby.”

The girls were just then forming a circle there on the floor. Off to one side there was a gallon bottle of tequila, a bowl filled with fresh limes cut in slices, along with a saltshaker and several shot glasses, one of which sat in front of each girl, and was currently filled.

“Ok, so what’s this again we’re doing?” Bab’s asked my sister.

“We’re playing a game called, naughty, nasty, naked,” she giggled. I noticed then that Mila had one of those big fuzzy, furry dice. The kind I used to see hanging from the mirrors in people’s cars maybe. Though only one. Black with white spots on it. “Here’s the rules,” she stated. “Everyone has a number, and we all take turns rolling the dice. Whosoever number comes up on the dice, then they have to first tell a naughty story. If their number comes up again, then they have to tell a really nasty story, or shared experience. The third time…they have to get naked!”

And though there was some nervous laughter initially, it seemed as though everyone was up for playing the game.

“Hey…what happens if we roll a six?” Amber asked. Obviously there were only five of them.

Mila held up her shot glass. “Roll a six, everyone takes a drink!”

“Well, this could get interesting in a hurry,” I thought, repositioning myself slightly so as to settle in for a bit. This was apt to turn out even better than I’d thought.

Mila rolled first. Sure enough, a six. Great way to start. Everyone takes a drink, passing the limes and salt in turn. I knew my own sister. If they kept this up all night, she’d be blotto in no time.

Amber rolled next, getting a two, which meant that Sophia had to tell a naughty story or so it seemed.

“And it has to be a real one, a real story…not just something made up,” Mila admonished her. She sat thinking for a moment, until Amber prodded her along.

“Tell me about what you told me,” she teased wickedly. Even from here I could see color come into Sophia’s cheeks. She even glanced over towards my sister.

“Spill it,” Mila challenged. “No way you’re getting out of it now!” She demanded.

“Ok, ok.” Sophia began, still blushing, but willing to go along. “There’s no use denying that I’ve sort of had the hots for Jack.”

“Oh really? What a surprise,” my sister deadpanned. “Do tell.”

Series NavigationShe made me my hidden desire – Part 2 >>

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