She Made Me my hidden Desire

“No…I’ll wait,” she grinned back, continuing to stand there as though expecting me to continue jerking off with her watching.

“Then wait in your own room,” I said somewhat sternly. Obviously, she had me at a disadvantage here, as I tried to reassert some measure of control.

“Why? Looked to me like you were almost there. Will it really take that long?”

“It will as long as you’re standing there,” I responded back now, placing the magazine over my still hard prick, letting it form a make-shift tent of sorts, all the while taking my hands away. The one thing I had learned about Mila long ago, the only way to win with her, or best her…was to wait her out. Seeing that I wasn’t about to do anything but sit there with a porn magazine resting on my cock, she finally turned, pulling the door behind her, though speaking to me even as she did.

“Make sure you double flush,” she half spat. “I don’t want to see any of your cum curdles floating around in the toilet!”

Needless to say, she wouldn’t have to worry about that. I soon after slipped back into my shorts and headed downstairs, passing her bedroom along the way. She was sitting on the edge of her bed waiting for me. And damn her…she was sitting there wearing only her panties when I did. She did have her arms crossing her bare breasts however, so it wasn’t like I could really see anything. But…she was making a point when doing that. Once again, one of her sisterly little teases, though nothing ever had, or ever would come from that.

I guess I really should describe my own sister for you, so that you can understand why being around her was very often so tough. Sister or not, she truly was a knockout, and she knew it. I think her only real drawback was her height. She was truly short. But as such, in High School, it had worked to her advantage as a cheerleader. She was only five foot two or three, if that. Mila had long blonde hair that fell well past her ass. And though she wasn’t blue-eyed (more hazel) she still had striking eyes anyway.

Proportionally well built, she didn’t have what one might consider enormous boobs, though for her frame, they certainly looked like it. A tight little cheerleader’s ass, shapely legs…and well, you get the picture. I think she had gone through more boyfriends than I could count on both hands ever since she’d been allowed to start dating in High School, which very often made me wonder…”when did sis lose her virginity anyway?”

Obviously by now I knew that she had, just not with whom, or when. I’d overheard more than one conversation she’d had with her friends. One other advantage I’d never told anyone about. The heating vent in my bedroom ceiling had a direct link to the one in Mila’s room. If things were just right, and quiet enough…and if I was feeling in a bit of a pervert kind of spying mood, I could stand on a small step stool and listen in on them.

I had tried not to do it too often. But whenever she had her friends over, especially Sophia…I very often couldn’t help myself. I might not be willing to admit it, having a girlfriend and all, but had it not been for that…I might have been tempted to actually try and date her. Though I also knew in doing so, I’d somehow, in some way, come to regret it.

Things really came to a head one day when mom was scheduled to be out of town over a long three-day weekend. Mila had already been given permission to have her friends over for a so-called “pajama party”, much to my chagrin. Not that I wouldn’t mind seeing a bunch of hot-body girls running around in skimpy pajamas (if that), but I’d already been warned, told…to stay out of the way and not bug them. Once by Mila, and twice by mom.

Having my own entrance, and exit into the downstairs area I now called “My apartment”, I really had no reason to disturb, or bother them either. As such, I had made plans to spend the evening with Camila anyway, and thus not only stay out of the way, but likewise, stay away from any temptations either.

Camila lived about thirty minutes away, and I was halfway there when the phone rang. I quickly pulled over in order to answer her call, seeing by the ID who it was.

“Oh Jack! I’m so sorry baby, but they’ve called me into work to cover a shift tonight. One of the girls called in sick, and Stan can’t find anyone else to replace her on such short notice. He’s even offered to pay me double, if I’m willing to come in tonight.”

I knew there was no point in trying to change her mind, or even in showing my obvious disappointment. Camila, like everyone else, had to scrape together whatever money she could to supplement the partial scholarship she was on. Double pay was just way too much money to turn down.

“I understand,” I said, trying to sound just like that. “Maybe tomorrow?”

“Sorry honey…I work tomorrow too. Maybe sometime next week?” And with that, we said our good-byes as I turned the car around, heading for home.

Little did I know what awaited me when I did.


One more annoyance. There were two cars parked in the driveway, and another out front. Meaning that I had to park almost two houses away myself. I walked up the drive and then down the short flight of steps into my room entering through the old basement doorway, which only I now had a key to. Already I could hear the sound of music, and laughter coming from upstairs in the front-room kitchen area.

It was going to be a long, long night ahead. I was already feeling a little pissy as it was with my own plans for the evening being canceled and all.Giving thought perhaps to turning on my own music, just loud enough to be in competition with Mila’s until realizing that, that was apt to have the neighbor’s calling to complain.

Something that mom wouldn’t have been too happy about hearing about…so I tossed that idea. The next one seemed more appealing however, especially as I said…I was feeling a bit put out, and needed something to compensate for it. I figured perhaps catching a glimpse of my sister’s friends wearing “whatever” might save the evening for me after all.

Turning out all the lights downstairs, I stealthily made my way upstairs towards the kitchen area. Mom had taught Mila and I both long ago, to turn out the lights in whatever room we’d been in, once leaving it. It had been a rule we’d simply adhered to ever since. And as such, I could see through the opening in the door leading up from downstairs into the kitchen area that the lights there were off. Though a faint light did show from beyond there. I knew then that the girls most likely were in the main living or family room, which was large enough to accommodate all of them, especially if they were indeed, “having a party”.

Once again, the sound of music, laughter and conversation told me that it was highly doubtful anyone would hear me entering from the basement area. And I had one other advantage as well. There was a short hallway that led from the kitchen living room area, next to the stairs leading upstairs towards the bedroom areas. Long ago, this hall led to dad’s private office, now moms. So no one except for her, had any reason whatsoever for being there. If I could make it into the hallway, behind the alcove and the stairs, I’d be home free basically.

Once into mom’s office, I could easily crack open the other door, which led into the front room area where Mila and her friends were. With luck, no one would notice, and even if they did…I had a back way of escape…(hopefully) though the odds were with me, especially sitting there in the dark. Which I soon was.

Series NavigationShe made me my hidden desire – Part 2 >>

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