She is my time

I quickly told her about everything that had happened, which of course now explained why I was standing here.

“Good god! Is he going to be ok?” She asked.

“I certainly hope so,” I said honestly. “But now you can sort of see the fix I’m in. I need to figure out a way to get my luggage back for one thing, I’ve been wearing these same clothes ever since I got off the plane on Friday.”

“Well, I think I can actually help you out with that, you seem to be about the same size I am, two yes?”

I had no idea what she had meant by that, but I decided to play along. Either two or three yes.”

She looked at me. I realized maybe it was best not to elaborate more than what was absolutely necessary.

“Listen, can I get you something to drink? This time I just nodded my head yes. “Soda? Or would you prefer something a little stronger? I know it’s early yet…but you look like you could use it.”

“Yes, thank you,” I said. Once again she didn’t bother with closing her robe as she stood up to take a couple of glasses down out of the cupboard, soon after sitting one down in front of me, pouring a finger or two of bourbon into my glass. My eyes of course glued to her bare breast as she exposed herself to me.

“Oh sorry!” She immediately said, pulling her robe together again upon realizing she had done that. “I was just about to go in and take a shower when you knocked. Maybe I should go in and put something on.”

“No! Don’t!” I said almost a little too loudly. “I mean it’s fine…you’re fine, (you’re very fine,) I thought. I don’t mean to take up all of your time here,” though I wasn’t in any real hurry to finish my drink just yet either. I mean after all…for as long as I’d been living next to my good, but lesbian neighbors, I’d certainly never been afforded an opportunity like this one before either.

Thankfully, she sat down again, sipping on her drink, asking a few more questions about Howard, and what the doctor’s were saying. I answered them all of course, as best I could, sneaking peeks at her whenever I could get away with it, drawing out the time with her without making it too terribly noticeable. Eventually however, I had finished my drink. “Well I guess I really should let you go in and take that shower, and I need to see what I can do about getting some additional clothes to wear.”

“Oh…that’s right. I said I think I can help you with that. Come on…follow me, let’s see what we’ve got that I can let you borrow until you get your own clothing back.”

I followed Thomas back into her bedroom. “Ok, let’s see what we’ve got here,” she said, rummaging through her closet. To be honest, I was dying to get into a pair of jeans, but I knew damn good and well, nothing I had would fit Maria’s hips.

“I don’t suppose you’ve got an old pair of jeans I could borrow, do you?”

“That I do have, and lots of them. Try out that dresser drawer over there while I keep looking through here,” she told me. I walked over, pulling out the top drawer, it was full of her underwear. Her’s or Mila’s perhaps. Tons of lacy bras and panties. I immediately closed it, trying another one, which was at least full of jeans.

“Here, try this on,” she said, handing me a pull over blouse. “That should fit you well enough, and looks good with those jeans you’re holding too,” she added to that. I reached down, pulling the sweater I had on up and over my head. “Hey…wait!” she suddenly called out. I froze, worried I had done something wrong. “There’s a little bit of blood on your sweater, and your bra!” She informed me.

I did have a small bandage over a minor cut I’d received from the seat-belt actually cutting into me, but hadn’t noticed the small blood stain on the inside of my sweater, nor the small brownish spot on the side of my right cup either.

“Take it off, we need to wash that and get the stain out,” she informed me. The sweater had been easy. The bra…not so much. I actually had to think about the mechanics of doing this for a moment. Thankfully, Thomas came to my rescue. “You need help with that?” She asked.

“Actually, I do. You see, in addition to sort of throwing my back out, I’m also having a little trouble bending my arms back far enough,” I stated, hoping that made sense to her. At least it seemed to as she came over behind me, and in two seconds, had undone the catch on my bra. I quickly shimmied out of it, now standing there as topless as she was, and feeling a bit shy and embarrassed as I did.

“You’ve got nice boobs,” she told me while actually looking at them, which of course gave me equal time and opportunity to look over at hers.

“So do you,” I replied in kind. They were roughly the same size by the look of it, though she had much larger areolas than Maria did, and slightly thicker looking nipples too, light pink in color, almost disappearing into the surrounding tissue of her breast.

“Yeah, I think one of my bras will fit you well enough,” she said, still looking at me. “But let’s see how these pants fit on you first,” she then stated. It was time to remove the skirt I had on, which I almost automatically reached in front in order to remove it. The zipper was on the side. “You need some help with that too?” She asked, actually smiling at me.

“If you don’t mind,” I said quickly, giving in. “I guess I’m a bit more stiff and sore than I realized,” I said, laying it on thick.

“Yeah, sometimes that happens. You don’t really realize it until a day or two afterwards, and then suddenly it’s almost impossible to even move.” She chuckled.


“Don’t laugh,” she said, grinning when she did. “A couple of years ago, Mila and I were trying out one of those fancy sex swings, ever seen those?” I had, so I nodded my head. The thing is, it was the same one they still had, which they’d shown me just about that time. “Anyway, we were getting pretty frisky and wild with it, you know…really getting into things, except that Mila hadn’t secured the bar in the middle that you hold onto while you’re swinging securely enough.

Not enough to hold both of our weights in it anyway. So there we are…she’s on top, me on the bottom, and we start to bounce and swing a little when down she comes! Next thing I know, I’m crashing into the floor on my shoulders and back with Mila landing on top of me. It was sort of funny at the time, but not so funny a day or two later. I could hardly move because of it. So I have a pretty good idea what you’re going through.”

“Yeah, it’s…sort of surprising just how stiff and sore one can be after something like that.” I’d no sooner said the words than another thought came to me. One that I was surprised to find myself actually contemplating. Though I spoke the thought anyway. “And while we’re sort of on that subject. I don’t suppose you have a hand held mirror I could borrow for a moment do you?”


I actually blushed, which she at least perceived as actual shyness and reluctance on my part to tell her this.

“Go on, don’t be shy…what do you need it for? What can I help you with?”

“Well…it’s like this. Because I can’t really bend over too well, you know…my back sort of being out. Well…I’ve sort of got this itch, not sure if it’s a pinch, or an injury, or what. But I haven’t been able to check it out either…you know.”

“You cut elsewhere?” She then asked worriedly. “Something they missed?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. Didn’t dare ask, or say anything. Couldn’t be that big a deal anyway, but I can’t actually see it myself at the moment. Thought maybe with the mirror.”

“So where is it exactly?”

Now I was blushing. “You know…down there.”

“Here, let’s have a look,” she said simply now motioning for me to sit down, and then lay down on her bed. “Lay back,” she added to that, already pulling down on my panties as I lifted my ass up, so she could finish pulling them the rest of the way down my legs. Once again she giggled.


“Oh…nothing really. “I’m just wondering what Mila will say when I tell her that you and I were playing Doctor this afternoon.”

“She won’t get mad will she?” I suddenly asked in a semi-panic.

“Mila? Oh hell no. Not her. If anything, and I hope you don’t mind my saying this, I mean obviously you’ve either already guessed by now, or perhaps Howard said something to you. But we’re gay…you know, lesbians. And the thing is, we’re kind of not so much committed, though we’re that too…as open minded and more liberal with one another. Mila would be more inclined to ask me if I tried seducing you as opposed to anything else. And then upon seeing you, and meeting you, be more inclined to try seducing you herself if I hadn’t managed it.”

“Oh…” I grinned blushing even more. As well as I thought I actually knew my two neighbors, I was learning more intimate details about them in the last ten minutes than I’d learned about them in the last year living next door.

“Here, try spreading your legs just a little, bend your knees some,” she told me, now crawling onto the bed to have a closer look at me herself. I did as she asked, feeling two things almost immediately. Arousal, and a surge of moisture that felt somewhat familiar now, but alerted me to the fact she’d be seeing it soon herself too. “Well it certainly doesn’t look like you’ve hurt yourself. But where does it hurt anyway?”

“I ah…well I guess, sort of…well, inside maybe, not far, just a little.”

“I see. Mind if I look a bit closer then? I promise…I won’t bite. I might be tempted to lick some…but I don’t bite, unless of course you’re into that,” she laughed trying to put me at ease. I lay there looking up at the ceiling in her room, unable, and unwilling to look down at her directly. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening for one thing. That I…was actually laying on my neighbor’s bed, naked…even if it wasn’t my own body that was naked. But it was hers, which nearly was.

But even more importantly, I could now feel the touch of her delicate fingers as she gently pried my lips open. “Ah…looks like you somehow scratched yourself maybe. Don’t know how you did, or with what, but there does look to be like a tiny little spot that’s a bit inflamed. I think I can get you something for that. In the meantime, here’s a mirror, have a look at it yourself.”

I now had a mirror in my hand, sitting up slightly, holding it between my legs where I now got the first real good look at Maria’s pussy, up close and personal. Thomas came walking back into the room then, her robe though still on, completely open. I could now see her more clearly than I had before.

A small tuft of hair over her pubic bone. Neatly trimmed yes, into what I’d heard it being called as a “landing strip”, or some such. I was still holding the mirror, my pussy…or rather Maria’s pussy clearly revealed. Thomas was standing in front of me, looking on as well, when we both heard the sound of Mila’s voice coming from the doorway. Neither one of us had heard her come in.

“Well…well, what have we got here?” She asked. And then asked. “And can I play too?”


To be continued…

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