She is my time

“Yeah, almost done…just a minute,” I called out, lowering my gown again, turning on the faucet to wash my hands before opening the door. I was greeted with a furrowed brow. “I’m fine,” I assured nurse Jackie. “I’m feeling better by the minute in fact.” Even so she helped me walk back over to the bed, though I managed to do so, far more comfortable in this body now than I had been, obviously getting used to it. “So how long do I have to be here?” I now asked.

“At least tonight, for observation,” she informed me. “We’ll see after that come tomorrow.”

“Any news about my cousin?”

“Not yet, he’s still in recovery. We’ll let you know the moment he wakes up however.”

She left soon after that. Once again leaving me with more questions and curiosities than I had answers for. And worse…now I really did have to pee.


It was far more difficult just laying there in bed than one could possibly think. Though the TV was on in my room, I wasn’t watching it. My mind is currently awash with other feelings and concerns. Maria at the top of that list. I had heard only that she (me) was out of recovery, but still hadn’t woken up yet. Concerned, I’d naturally inquired, asking the doctor, who had simply told me that everything appeared perfectly normal, though it was very possible that other problems existed, and that the appearance of what they now felt to be a possible coma, was something they were looking into.

It sounded ominous to me, but I was again assured that they had every expectation “Howard” would come out of it before too much longer.

It didn’t make me feel any better laying here. Maybe Maria had freaked out in some way. I couldn’t say that I wouldn’t blame her if she had. After all I had in a way too. Though I was also distracted by being inside the body I was at the moment. I had waited until the nurse had left after taking my last vitals, wanting to ensure I wouldn’t be interrupted for a bit. The moment she had gone, I had immediately reached down beneath the sheets, once again cupping my breasts. I was still enthralled with actually touching them, not to mention the additional sensations I now began to discover in doing so.

“This isn’t fair!” I actually thought to myself. I had started out simply exploring of course, now fondling and purposely caressing my hard erect nipples. I was amazed, surprised…and to be honest, stunned by the exquisite sensation and pleasure I was giving myself. I had very often lain there in bed at night, just teasing the head of my cock with a fingertip, enjoying the stimulation, tease and arousal. I was feeling that, just playing with Maria’s nipples! It was as though she had some sort of a direct link with those, all the way down her body, and then connected between her legs. This tiny electrical surge of pleasure traveling as I did that.

I felt Maria’s clit throb, or what I thought was her clit anyway. I still hadn’t gotten much of a good look at it, determined to do so the moment I could sit up without straining my back, or the moment I could get my hands on a hand-held mirror. I wondered then if she had anything like that in her purse. I quickly discarded that for the moment however, not yet ready to go snooping around in Maria’s purse for one thing.

I’d prefer actually looking when I was certain no one would come walking in on me and wondered what the hell I was actually doing. I could just see it, me trying to look at Maria’s pussy…and caught doing so. A bit hard to explain under the circumstances.

But. I could certainly explore it with my hands and fingers, which I’d already decided to do once the lights were off and things had peacefully settled down for the evening. In a way, it was like waiting for a hot date. I was anxious and aroused, nervous as hell. The pleasures I had already given myself just from fondling Maria’s tits had been a form of foreplay that I’d been giving myself for the better part of an hour now. Needless to say, I was horny as hell. Though I still felt a bit sheepish, doing this to her, to myself. Which again, was another confusing struggle as I fought with the “she is me” thing constantly.

Even after all the lights were out, and the hallway was quiet outside the room. I waited for another thirty minutes before even daring to slip my hands down between Maria’s outstretched legs. Still nervous, apprehensive, I spread them, slightly bent at the knee now for easier access with my eyes locked onto the closed door of my room. I certainly wasn’t expecting anyone, but the last thing I wanted was to be caught pleasuring myself either. Realizing there was probably no right or wrong way of doing this, I simply began to touch. What felt good, I pursued, what felt irritating as opposed to pleasurable, I refrained from repeating.

Once I had gotten a pretty good feel for things however, I worried less about the door opening, and more about this amazing tingling sensation going on down between my legs. I then added the previous enjoyment I’d discovered, once more caressing my nipples, finding that I could now tolerate a sort of pleasure/pain as I pulled and pinched them. Caressing Maria’s clit, the intensity of my arousal escalated, now rolling my nipples firmly between my fingers, heightening even that.

“Oh god this is good!” I actually moaned aloud, reminding myself to remain quiet lest someone walking by my room out in the hallway should hear me. I was too far gone to stop now however, the mystery of a woman’s orgasm quickly approaching. Would it compare to my own as a man? How might it differ? What would the overall sensations be like? Strange question I know to be asking myself, but I was nevertheless.

I began to feel almost faint, lightheaded and dizzy in a very unique way. Already the internal spasms and signals alert me that I was on the verge of experiencing something very intense here. But it was a deeper feeling too, almost more encompassing than what I had ever felt as a man. When it began, I was caught almost unaware of it. It was like a slow rolling ripple of ecstasy, very gradual at first like an approaching tidal wave.

The real power just below the surface, awareness yes…but nothing like that tickling surge of release I felt upon ejaculation. This was entirely different from that. I felt it in my fingertips, toes, even my face to some degree, not to mention within the very tips of my breasts as it washed over and through me. And suddenly I was consumed.

The waves broke, the sea of pleasure like a wall of indescribable sensation. Internally I felt the contractions, the spasmodic, involuntary clenching of my pussy…of Maria’s pussy rather, as it did its thing. The rapture I now experienced was astounding, overwhelming, incomprehensible.

I was almost having another out of body experience, and for a moment, actually thought I was. It was as though I could again see myself, or Maria rather, laying there on the bed, convulsing, shaking, quivering inside and out. The stars I saw inside my head rather than outside. But there was no mistaking the impact of having an orgasm, and what it did to me. And even better, a few moments later…I was having another one.


Although I was half expecting it, I was still a bit surprised when yet again another Doctor came in to examine me one last time before releasing me. I again asked about Howard’s condition, receiving almost the same response from him that I had heard before already. I was…still comatose, though brain wave activity, vital signs etc., all appeared to be normal. They would continue to monitor (me) for any improvements, still expecting (me) Howard to awaken at any point, bearing something that simply wasn’t showing up on any of their monitors. I had as well been given permission to go down to his room once I had gotten dressed and signed out.

Something I was now very anxious to get done. I had quite a list of “things to do” now that I was being released, the first of which was somehow retrieving the luggage that I’d been informed was still with my totaled car, being held at the compound yard. And even more importantly, I also needed to get the spare key to my apartment, though hopefully the neighbors who lived directly across from me would be home, and willing to give it to Maria though they had never met her of course.

I had to smile at that one. It would prove to be an interesting situation, once more given the circumstances. But first things were first. I needed to get dressed.

Even then, I had to pause as I looked at the clothes, which had been hung in the closet. The same clothes Maria had been wearing when I had met and picked her up at the airport. Now I really did feel strange, even more so than I’d been feeling. At least in the hospital gown I had felt somewhat normal, somewhat like myself. But here I was now, about to get dressed, into women’s clothing no less! Even as I slipped on Maria’s somewhat skimpy bikini panties, I had this almost giddy silliness when doing it.

Not only did it feel weird doing that, it felt a bit nasty and erotic too. Not feelings I should normally be having I know. And yet, I was. It only got worse however as I actually picked up her bra, now fumbling with that as I put it on. Remembering times past, watching my ex-girlfriend as she’d secured the clasp in front first, only then spinning it around, lifting it up and over her breasts once she had done so.

It wasn’t as easy as it looked. If anything, it felt confining, and not at all comfortable either. I was almost half tempted to leave it off, and perhaps would have, had I had more than just the very tight, almost too thin sweater been any other option. As hard as my nipples were, though why I don’t know, I wasn’t about to display myself so prominently either…strange as that sounded when thinking about it.

And then came the skirt. “Holy fucking shit!” I once more thought to myself. The freedom of not being so confined as I was used to almost felt obscene…decadent. Realizing that there was really nothing between me except for the sheer panties I was wearing, and thin air. Even walking seemed to sensitize those same sensations. And I felt myself getting uncontrollably wet.

“This really isn’t going so well,” I told myself, though with no other options, I then gathered up the rest of my things and waited for one of the nurses to wheel me down to the admissions area where I would then be checked out. Once I was, I would make a trip back in…back up to Howard’s room, my room…Maria’s room. Maybe…maybe simply touching her would bring some sort of connection, some sort of realization and wakefulness back to her, and then hopefully back to me.

As interesting as this all had been, as exciting as it had honestly been, it was also still…too weird for words. And I’d have gratefully exchanged Maria’s body back with my own again in a heartbeat.

I stepped into the elevator, along with a couple of male orderlies. As I did, I felt a pinch on my left breast, realizing I hadn’t actually gotten it situated as comfortably inside my bra as I should have. The pinch was both uncomfortable as well as annoying. Without even thinking about it perhaps, I lifted up my sweater, basically exposing myself as I made the necessary adjustment, tucking my tit into the bra a lot better than it was. I looked up, only then realizing and seeing the slightly stunned, somewhat embarrassed expression on the two men’s faces.

“Oh sorry…” I chuckled somewhat to myself. “Wardrobe malfunction.” They merely smiled, even grinning a little now as we rode up to the third floor together where I hurriedly got off. It was a reminder that even though I wasn’t a woman…I’d better damn well start acting the part or I was apt to find myself in even worse situations than that one had been.

Certainly closing my legs whenever I sat down, especially if I continued to wear a dress, would be one of them. I stopped at the nurse’s station, told them who I was, and gave instructions on how to contact me. I then headed off towards the room that I was in. I took a deep breath just before doing so. I knew damn good and well, this was going to be even stranger than what I had so far experienced.

I walked into the room. There I was…looking asleep if anything. Once more, I found myself having an out of body experience, though in another body…Maria’s. And she (hopefully) was in there somewhere. In me. I walked up, putting her hand on my arm, leaning over…whispering in my ear. “Maria? Can you hear me? It’s Howard. I hope you can hear me Maria. Please don’t be afraid. I don’t know what happened, I can’t exactly explain it myself. But I’m in YOUR body. And you’re in my body. Can you hear me Maria? Please honey…squeeze my hand if you can hear me. Do something Maria. Anything.”

I waited, but there was no response. All the monitors in the room seemed to be acting normally. Good pulse rate, heart beat. Breathing normal, brain activity normal (or at least I hoped so anyway). Nothing to indicate why she (we) were in this coma. Which was a little disturbing. That was MY body laying there, looking asleep at the moment, somehow functioning, though only because she was inside, or at least I hoped so anyway.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine trying to live out the rest of my life…as her. This had been interesting, initially. But now it was starting to become worrisome. I even kissed myself on the cheek, hoping that would do something…anything. But there was still no response. Just then another nurse came into the room, immediately checking all the monitors, noting everything in a log.

“His wife?” She asked curiously.

“No…ah, cousin. I am staying with him for a visit. Or was it anyway, until this happened.”

“Is there a number where you can be reached in case we need to?” She then asked.

“Yeah, I’ve already given it to the nurse’s station out front. So please let me know if there is any change, any change at all.”

After assuring me they would, I soon after left. Grabbing a cab, and now heading back to my apartment. I for sure needed a change of clothing for one thing, and a shower again too. And once more, with a bit more privacy at my disposal upon getting there, I had every intention of having an even more detailed look at myself…well, at Maria anyway, as long as I still had the chance. And then after that, I needed to see about getting the rest of Maria’s clothing out of the car, along with my house keys, which were no doubt still with the car keys from what I’d been given to understand.

After being dropped off by the cab, I walked up the short flight of stairs to the second floor where my neighbor’s apartment stood across from mine. Hopefully Thomas would be home, as I knew her “significant other” Mila, would still be at work and not expected to be home for a while yet.

And this would take a bit of explaining too, though I was glad I had mentioned to them both that my cousin Maria was coming, and would be staying with me for a couple of weeks. This wasn’t exactly the way I had planned on introducing her to them however. But at least they wouldn’t be too surprised when I showed up at the door, and explained everything that had happened to them.

I knocked. And then moments later knew that Thomas was no doubt peering out at me through the security hole in the door. I then heard her unlocking the door, though as it opened, the chain remained attached to it. “Yes?” She asked. “Can I help you?”

“Hi. I’m ah…Howard’s cousin Maria. I uh…have something I should probably tell you, and then after that, I’m going to need the extra key to his place that he’s left with you so that I can get in.”

She hesitated only for a moment, and then closed the door briefly, undoing the security latch and chain. “Come on in,” she said curiously enough. And then asked…”Where’s Howard?”

I honestly thought about telling her. And then she stepped from behind the door where she’d been partially concealed. All she had on was a bathrobe, which she’d been holding closed with her hands. Seeing it was me, and someone she’d heard about perhaps, she actually let it fall open to some extent as she led me further on into the house. When she did, as she did…the devil inside suddenly got a whole new idea inside his head.


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